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Another Burstification!: The Secretary Of War In The Field!

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Hon. J. C. Spencer, Socretary of War, has come out with a letterseven columns n Iength to the Tyler Committce in Rochester. ft seems to be an elabórate dcfènce of Mr. Tvler. and the Cilizen saya the conclusión provea clearly that he vvill bc found with Mr. Webster and Gen. Scott in opposition, to the election of Mr. Clay. That paper speaks of it fhtis: "The poliiical world hereabouts is thrown into considerable cxciiement by the :;last card" plajecl by one of the prominent politicians oí :lre clny. The demonstrado n made by Mr. Webster nnd Cushinfr is resolntely sustained by a thunderinj broadside from the Secreiary of War! I this volumineus and important document, the Sec-retary of War marches boldly with seven mortal columns of type for the rescuc of President Tyler - Webs:ering even theyreat D;miel himself in support of the present national adniinistraiion. So ihat, so far from backing out from abe President, the warlikc Secietury has virttially levelled the thunders of lus artillery .-igainst the Whigs who callad upon hitn to abandun his post in the Tyler Cabinct. Tliis, as may well be supposod. is considered rathcr n "cut direct" - by (hose vchii, as Antimasons andWhigs. huve been in a.'liance willi Mr. Spencer for the ten or a dozen years, sinco his abandonment of thé Jnckson party - to which lalter event Mr. Spencer himself alludes in the course of bis Address. - Tbc tone of the Rochcster [whig] Democrat may probably be tqken ns an evidence of the eeliiítí created here among the polilicinns with whpm that journal 3 in allinnce - ''This letier of Mr. Spencer will take niany by surprise." sayg the Editor - ''but it will excite no astonishment in the mind8 ofthose who are particularly acquainied with the vascilJating character of ibe man. He has been alternateiy a Jnckson mani Anti-Mason, a Clay man. an Adarns man, and a Whig. He is now a Tyler man - a deep to which there is no lower depth."The Detroit Advertiser says: "Tlie secictary of wnr hns written a letter of 7 columns, in wliich lie soes the 'entire animal' for John Tyler. and against Mr. Cliiy. Il ;[- pears in the Rochester Advertiser. a thoroughcoing loco foco pnper. It is useless tó waste many words about it at least with tliose wbo know any thing of Mr. Spencor'e charactor. H is aKin of high talent, great indusiry, implacable urnper and unbouided umbiiion."O"The Philanthropist not having come to ïand, we are unable to give an account of tho' ibcrty vote in Ohto. It is stated in the Whig ipers at 4,000. Imt we apprehend t will coniderably cxcced tliat number.


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