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WOOL. VVhcat, Flour, Grass SeeJ, Butter Cheeso, Pork, &c. wanted; a Iso. Black Salts ar,d Ashes. F. DEN1SON. Sopt. 04, 1842. tl 23 DR. BANISTER'S CELEBRATED FfJVER AGÜE PILLS.- Purdy VtgetaÜk, A safe, speedy. and sure ïcinedy lor fever and ague, duin aue, chili fever. andthe bilious diseases peculiar to new countnes. These pills are designed 'or ihe filcuons of the i i ver and otlier interual orgaiis which fittend the diseases of the new and rniasmatic portions of our country. Tho propTietor having irierl thcm in a grcct variety of cases confidently believes that ihey are superior to any remedy that has ever been ofleic:l to the public for the ibov'c disenses. It iopurely Vegetable and pc. fcctly harmlcss. and can be taken by any person, male or female wil h perfect safety. 'J'he pills are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompanied wiih full directions. A great number of certificates might be procured in favor of ibis medicine, but the proprieter hns thóngbt fitnotto insert them, in as much as he depends upon the mcrits of the s.ime for its rej)utatiun. Tlie above pill is kept constintly on hnnd by the proprietpr and can bohnd at wholesnle nnd rotfiil at the store of BeclUey & Co. Orders fro:n the country prompily attended to. Ann Arbcr. (lower town) May29ih T8i%2. 9 L, BECKLEY. SALARATUS - A prime article in boxes or barrels, for sale at the lowest priees by F. DENISON Scpt. 24, 1842. tt'23 GRASS LAKE ACADEMY & TEACHERS' SEMINARY.- The Winter term of this insliiution wül commence on the first Mond-iy of November, un)er the instruciin of Mr. Barris, A. GodcI board can bc had, with use of rooi and washing, lor onc dollar per week. TuiTto.v - from 3 to $5. Note. - Mr. Barría is an e.rperienced teacher, and will, doubtlcss, jrive peneral sajisfaciion. ALONZO BREWER, Chuirman of Trustees. F. Tücker, Clerh. 27- 3wCLIN TON S LM I N A Jl Y. rriHE fifth icrm of this institution wíl] comX monee on Monday. Nov. J4, and continue 12 weeks. Havingprociirei! the nssistance of two expericnceclnnd sucecssful Teachers, the principal is ij'Uter prepared than herctofore.tomeet the won's oi the cömmohiiy by giving a tliorough English and Clnssical edunation. Tuition, for studies pursuedby smnll children, in the l'rimary Department. 2,00- for common Lnglish branches .S'JJ.dO- (br the highcr English hrnuclics. as Algebm. Gcometry. Astronomy. Book-Kecping. Chcmistry, Mor.i'l anu IntellectUMlPhilosophy. Logic, Rhetoric &c. $-1,00, Latn. and Greek, $5,Ü0, French, and Hebrew, $0.000.öiuuenta win be chnrged tintion in ndvnncc, trom the time they enter till the close "i the term, bul it will hc refundcd 10 any who may ba detainfd by protrncted sicknesa. Board may be had in good families at n very leasonnble price. A lew may obtain board witii :he teachers. A short lesson in tlie theory and practice of vocal iMusic wili continue to fortn a part of thedaily c.vciciscs. Nopains will be spared to preserve the youtli, who may be intrusted to our care, fnmi immora! infliiences. and to render them wiser and beller. Other information will bc cheerfully given to uch as address us by letter Cor that pu'rpose. We would express our gratitmlc to tho6e Edo who liave fayctably nottced ua. Thoan who willinsert ihisadvertisement shall be entitlcd to umon to the amount of'their bil}, GEO. W. BANCROFT, Principal. JAS. S. &EDLY, Teacher of French and HcbretO, Miss HARRIET DU BOÍS, AatiataMl Clinton, Oct. 4, 18 2. 2ó tfFASHlüNABLE IIAIR DRKSSING.- T. Frcoman rottirns his sincere th.inks to tho cmacns of Ann Arbor mul its vicinity íor ihe liberal patronage thry hnve extended to hiin, aml jarrretly solicits further continunnee of the sime. He also wishes to parchase n qunniiiy of i'alse hair. for which he will pay a liberal prioc, or the purpose of inanufactiiring ringlete. Mr. F reciñan nopes not to"give ofibnce to his oíd cusioiner?, when he informa tliem, th?t horenfter hia shop will bc closed during the Snbbath I day. He wíH be very anxious and hnppy to accommod.-ite them, by workingá Hale later and more industriously on Saturd:(y evenines. T. FREEMAN. October 3, 1842. tf. 'New 8tore! DICKINSOÑ & COGSWELL HAVE now on hand nn extensivo and wol] selected íasortment of Staplc and Füncy tíoods, ndapted to the fall and winter trade. anJ ireconstantly receiving fresh su'pplics, which enable them to ofier great irídrtceménts to all who wish to purcliase. Broad Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Sntincttd. FuIlM Clotlis, Moleskins, Velvets, Flannels. Mireno. Alpaca Lus:rc3, Saxonc3, Muslin De Laine! Brovn Shectinga and Sbirting?. Cotton Yain and Bntts &c. &c, ín great varíety, at prices lower thnii ever ofiered be ore in Michigan; JNcighboring Merchíinta are pnrticulirly invited to cali .-lid examine their stock and prices, boih of which cannot faif to piense. Ann Arbcrr, (Upper Town) Exchange Buildings, Sept. 20, 1842. 24jprtjr Söeettttff and Shirtihgs, for sale low at the Ann Arbor Store, in the Exchange Building by D1CKINSON & COGSWELL. Ann Arbor, (Upper Tow'n) Sept. 20, 1SÍ2 24 ( pOTTON Yarn & BattT - Jaconett and 8arsenet' Cam bries and Prints, in great variety, for sale low at the Ann Arbor Store, exchange building, by DICKh8ON fc COGSWELL. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) Sept 20 1842. T.MOT.'JY SEED. rgHE highest price paid " for Timothy seed at the Ann Arbor Store, by OICKINSON & CüGSWELL. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) Hept. í0h, 1842.jlüL LD CJoth and sáfc-■ inetts, forsale hy the yaid or pieceat great barLains,at the Ann Arbor store Exchnne building by DICKINfrON & COGSWECth Ann Arbor f Upper TOvn) Sept. 2) Ü42.


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