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The Balance Of Power

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This phrase U frequ-wly used by politici] wrifcrs and spenkors ofnll pnrlies. Lot u ondeavor to iiscertain precisely what it mnns Any nuniber of mpji, wlio, by bestowm their votes foi nny pnrliculnr pnrty, can secnr fhe popsession of the offices ofgovernment t thnt party, may be Said to hohl the bnlanc of power bet ween contending partiee: :bat ie Ihey cao Foctire the succe?s of any onc party tliey please by bestowinrr their suffrages and political inflitence in iís favor. The imtuber requisite to accompüsh thie, vvüJ of conree always depend on how near to nn eqtiilibrinm the two preat opposin porties stand. The election of the officers of government, and consequcnlly thetant national mensures, oflen vaty as a few votes are given or vvithheld. If we look ni llie actual condition of parties in the several Stmos, it wil] bo fonncl tliat one tenth part of the voters, by lioldinpr tbem?elves as a corps of reserve, cm control al! the elections ín tint State. In mnny caseflj a much smtller purtion can do t. Thc instance in Massaclmsetts, whero Governor Alorlon was elected by one mojoriry in a Iiundred thousand votes given, is familiar to every one. Wheii abolitionists found it necesearv toact poütically, they altempted to mak. their influence feit in the clecüons by discrim ïri.-itinnr beureen the candeales who favnred llieic views, nad those vvho nppnsed Üu-m .- Bat this nieihud was but partially sticoWuJ, and could not be írenernlly doueiuM ummConcern rating their votes on candidotea of their own is found to be a more certa'wi, speedy and effectiml method of obtuining the balance of power between the Whig ntul Democratie parties. In those States whorc a majority of all the votes po) led is required to secure the clection, the po-.vpr of minontiea is still more increased. In these Stats it is found that the larger paftfes nre greatly hamppre by tho Liberty pnr?y, small aa it ís. ín Vennonr, Massachusettf, and Aiaine, many senatorial and representa tive districts are Mt unrepresentpcí. beca .se the Liberty party will not fall in with oither of the others. The Legislature of Massachnsetts was said to have bper M)inner last winter than it iias been in mnny yoar?, chiefly on this ncconnt. In a prfiatntimbor oftowns in Mnine, at the late! electiion, fhere was no choice of representativet, notwitJiatimdingr the overwlielmin Democratic mijorjty i„ ,)e State. It is furtheri obvio?, that ns theLiberfyaartyprores, the difficulty of eflècting a ohoice will be ' augmonted, and consequenüy ils power , eren sed.Kut n tbose Stnres whnre the candiste havinif he greatest iMimbr of votes is Hccted, R8 n Michigan, ibr nsinces, it boen snid Ibat the possossin,, ofil.o balance of power is ofnouse tot'.e L berly party b-cause thcy w.ll not f. One of their iea.ünr principes ir, No Compromise: hnv, tben, it is rfafc êdittn theyaöèct t),e éieciions, wh.lo they willnot vore for the candantes ofU.eother nji rt toa rm ...:ii ir., nu, win mese parías in their turn support :ieirs. We ansvver, that the olee 'ir.ns mav be decided, not only by adding to he voté of ehher p-irly, but also by iutorad ing froto t. The whiga insi-t ibnt the mi mjority of Liberty votes cwfee frotn thpr nks, and ronsi-qnently the existence of the Liberty pr.y Is a dani8gB fü v mny be fa m Böme. extern, nlthongh the nr. .'ortion Of Lib,rtyvote1Svvho have come ion H.e u-hI?f) I8 JeM fI)an s ?eneraIy 8(i .d: ll.e whiirpnrty at prrsenf, however, 6i.ii;.rS quite aS fnm the moral i fluej)ce of the Jiborty party, in conseqtience of their own p o-slavery position, as they do from t.e votes Nvliich tjjpy ose.Juat so I0r,however,as U,e Liberty party ibincti from one pnr.y more than che other justeo much fl ifie {Wrof the party ,hüs loSIngbedHninisl1,d.I„thi8Wayweca„hol(J tlle balance power. Tbe Wbia confend lb u ühio thjs is the case already.. Ti.ov sao bat thouffh the J.ibcrty volé was so emú!! ye bey lost the entire State in consequenre of it thís to be so, and that future elec' ;ns wil! resultin a m,w inanner, the ca,e v.Ustnnd tbué. The Democratie party wiiJ e in power; the whigs and the Liberty parywillboth bemiheminority, and will mn,n so nntil olher d.anges t.,kn place ihis result i very mortiyin. ,o the whi and, fprthe present, favorable to ths Dcrn i.tírate. liut we are not to blnme for it. tí the whigd pref er llie votes of elaveholdëra to those ofnorthern freemen they c;in hr.vp them: but they ovght not togrumhle becnuse tíiey cunnot obuin both at once. They might have had eit her: they hnvo marie their electifui, nnd muat abidethe consrquencesi On account of Üm result, wliich is no Faalt of ourf, many of the vvhi8 insinúate or openy assert, that the nnly or principie obj'd of the leaders of the Liberty party is to help the oco focos. Tiïij ig a false, ungenerous m pntotion nnsupporicd by nny proof whatever. That Xhercault, témpora rily, may opérale to their advaiitage, may be true: bnt wliere have Iheliberty pariy mnnifested t!;e least diepofition to nphold the doliiiuaiiou of the Demt'cratic party? IIave we stipiorted their canJidutes? Have we upheld flleir naiional plicy? Have we lailed to rebuke their eervilily? Have wc courted any olliaiice wilh them?- Our entire course has been opposed to theifs; md we repel the nccueation as utterly fal.-e.Un .! wholf, tlie, we c me to t!ie conclusión tliat there is sucli a thing ns tlie balance of power; that it ran be acquired, pre servet?, and most efieclually used by a emull porlinu of i he legal voters of the country.- We Iciiow that some of the Whige íeel indignatit that a lew thousanda like those n Ohio, hhould tp vote as lo ccleat t!ie wihbea oí a hundred tljousand; that thernigb.y eiif!rrP;J (,1 " Rieat party ehould be jtaraiveed by n puliti cüI vigm of the emale.-t yroyvth. Bat a líttle :ouideraiion wi.l coáviñce ihem that we have the smuc right to our course that tliey have to theirö. We are not subject to tliem, n r liave we enlerei into any aireement to eupport tbem. ir they or the Demócrata thmk it ia a bad state of things tu liave ihree partie?, why they can take any course they please to rcmedy tne evil. But Ihey juay redt aesured that the Liberty party will holu O. ITd CüüRSB!


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