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The Election

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This election, like the preceeding, has resulted in a large Democratie majority - perhops krger than that of lasi year. The folowing returns are rcportcd, and of course not certainly accurate. Whig. Loco Oakland, 826 Washtenaw, 37L Jackson, 150 Munroe, 760 Calhoun, 230 Livingston, oo Branch, 295 Lena wee, 153 Hiiisdale, 150 Genessee, ÏUO Macornb, 300 St. Clair, 100 The House, thus far siands 3 Whigs, 38 Democrats; Senate, all Democratie. One of the Wbig members elect is from Kalam.izoo, and one from Sluawassee and CHotou. The Advertiser of to-day 6ays: The result of the election in this state is, substantialiy the saine os that of last year.- The Senate, we presume, is enlirely loco foco, althouph the fifth or western district, hns not been fully lieard from. One half were carried by the loco focos last year, and the other half tlns year, leaviug Uj now without a single whigr senator. In th last Housethe whisrs had fivc memHers, and will probalily have about the same number in the next.The whole power of rhe state then, is :n the hands of the loco foco party, without substantial opposition. We have no returns of the Liberty voteexcept thé following: In seven towna in tbis conntywere 205 liberty votes; n Lima were ten where there were none last year; in Saline were 22 whcre there were six last year. In Detroit were 43; in Plymoath, 42; in Lyon, 38; in Milford 36. In Commerce our Senator stands one ahead of the whig candidato. The small vote of Detroit wdl surprise no. one. Cines are always backward in every moral reform. Beside, Detroit is the residence of a host of political office holdere and aspirante for office who control to ft large -


Signal of Liberty
Old News