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Foreign News: Three Days Later From England--arrival Of The ...

Foreign News: Three Days Later From England--arrival Of The ... image
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The Great Western arrived in this harbor yesterday nfternoon at 6 o'clock, baving been telegraphed at 4 p. m. at tlie Narrows. She brought upwards of 100 passengere, araongf tlietn M. Moxey our late charge at Bru?spls, iMr. P;i?eot French mini-ter at Washington, Mr. DeBnlzen, vice consul of N. Y., M. Sim-, payo, attached to the legttttoñ of the United State at Paris, and professor Longfellow. We have received our files from London up to the day of sailinp, (22d inst.) Rutijication of the Treaty. - The Great Western brings Mr. Derrick, the special messenger of the government, wilh official confirmation of the ratification of the treaty between tbc United Siatcs and Euglund, on the part of the Bntih Government. From Franck - The Moniteur publislies a roynl ordinance opening a snpplementnry credil of 350,000 fraacs, in the deparimcnt of foreigu affjirs, lor "extraordinary tmssions and unforeseen expense1;." The Moniteur Parisién states that commercial negotiationá are now pending between Great Biit.iin, Belgium, Surdiniu, und the Germán Cnstom Union and Frunce. Holland. - The sessions of the Stntes General opened on the 17ili of October, with a long, wcllexpressed and sensible speech from the King; presenting Doilrïng of interest on this side of the water, however, exceptthe announcement that all ihe matters in dispute with Belgium were on the eve of amicabie adj'istment. Gkrmant. - The Frankfort Journal of the ITth, states that a shock of an parthquake, acconipanied with much noise, was feit on the evenincr of the IStli, ar Coblentz. The shock extended to the neighborhood of Niciiwied. Türkbt. - The Augsburg Gazette state?, that on the 28th ultimo, the lepresentativet of the five pnwers had a conference at Coustantinoplc. and at which the affairs of Servia and I Syria were JiBcutsed, {Lƒ The price of wheat ín Ann Arbor is frotn 44 to 47 cents. Pnce of Flour,3 per barrel. The Tables Turned .-The lost number o the Bnffnlo Adverliser ssye that during the six dnys previous, the quant ity of cheese passing easiward, via the canal at that place, was 333,698 pounds, almost 56,000 a day. Three yearB ajo, this art iele was exported in large quantities to Michijjin, from BuSalo .


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