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Anti-slavery Publications

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The Buhscribei informs thers membeof Anti-Sluvcry Socictie-, nnd all perSor, wfeo cte ire to read the Slavery puWicatlons that Imve issued from the Anierieu" pres, thut he a pmchosed II the tío pnmphlei tncis, nrin's etc, lately bèlöngrog to iho American An"r-ölvcry Society, rt.nSüntiiig to about eigfat thö ïnd dollars, at oíd pnces, Mofa he offers f r snle bv liis apent in any ouantity, at low ÍXtiASSh SM'les wil! be kopt at hS office, corner of Hanovèr anü Excoance Étreets, and orders vvill be proratly attended to. A catalogue of the principal publications isannexed, and the prices put against them are the present (reduced) relail prices. By the hundred or larjrer qunntity, thpy will be sold lowei -say for bovnd volumes 2f ner cent. discount : on pamvhlett, tracts and pictures, 50 per cent. diKouiit. With respect to most of tliem tliis s below the actual cost to me in cash. 1 hey were not purchased with a view to sell at o porÜt but toBubserve the Anti-Slavery canse. Su-h an opportunity has not previously occur5ïto obtfih Anti-Slavery publications al these reduced prices, and probably will not aga.n. irEdiiorsofnewspopera are requested to Wthis üdvertispment at longth for three SShs.and their b.lls will be pad in books, etc. ïïïse send a copy of the wg co J.,nins the advertisement, LEWIS lAUAlN. New ork, March lst, 1842. BOUND VOLUMES, American Slavery as it is, muslin 50 Anti-Slavery Manual Alton Riots, by Pres. Beecher, of III. Coll. 12mo. . 5 ntsKery Record vols.,,2 and 3 set Awpeol, by Mrs. Child ó' ?g ffl-Slavery Kxaminer, bound vols. 50 Beauties of Philanthropy l Boume's Picture of Slavery Btiston on the Slave trade öü Cobinetof Freedom (Clarkson's h.story of the dave trade,) vol. 1,2 and S set 1,00 ChloeSpear or Channmg o Slavery L KrinwtY.byThome.ndKimbal. Do81'" by do 'Ú boards with maP 25 Enemies of Constiliori diecovered 50 Pountain, plain binding, o4mo. Gustavi'.s Vassa 710 Grimke's Lettere to Beecher 37 1 . Jav'sInqUiry37l-2: Jay's View 50 LightandTruth f Lite of Granville Sharp Mott'fi Biocrraphical Sketches 37 1 ■- Memoir of Rev . Lemuel Hanes 7S Do ofLovejoy "- North Star, glt edges ? ÖSSU H&k: Rankin's Lettere. 18mo. 100 pp. 0 Right and wrong in Boston -w Star of Freedom, n.ushn ea„ ci„... - nnntnininer Declaration oftimentsand Consiitutipn of the Amer. A. S. Society : Wesley's Tpouts on Slaverv : Does the Biblo Ranchón „ verv? Address to the Synod of ,, kv, Natative of Amos Dresser, and Whv work for the Slave? bound in one e . J 25 si SlavOe;sFrieml,B2mo.volall2and3 t 50 ü Sones of the Free . . ö3 l ö Thompsons lleception in Great Bntain, g a WheoilvPbiUwMeinoirof -J ' West Indies, by Professor Hotfey 50 fi West ïndies. by Harvey nnd Sturgre 75 t VVeEley's Thoughts on Slavery. in muslin, t withportrait 12 12 3 PAMPHLETS. Sets A. S. Atomnaa, from 18S6 to 1841 inclusive ' , :S - 'n , t t Address to the Free People of Color I ( Ancient Landmarks , Anoioiry for AboHtiomsts . ö t AÍUicon Slaverv as Itls-the Test.mony E ofThousand Witnesses Address on Right of Petición Address to Senators and Representa Uves of the free States , Address on Slavery (Germnn) AddresB of Congrega! lonal Union of Scot1 1 Add"ps8 of Convention (Germán) 1 Ann. aep. of N. Y. OommitUeof Vigilance 25 Do of Mass. A . S. Society 12 1 -2 Appeal to Women in the nominally free Statea . " . 6 ] 'Z Authentic Anecdoies on A menean Slavery 2 Addrew to the Chnrch of Jesüs Chnst, by the Evangelical Union A. S. Society, AntiSlavery Catechism, by Mrs. Child 6 1-4 Adnma', J. Q. Letters to his Constitnenls 4 Adams', J. Q. Speech on the lexas Anm"al Reporta of Am. A. S. Society, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6.h , 12 l"2 Annual Reports of N . Y. city Ladies A. Ap'eaf to the Christain Women of the South 3 Bible agakst Slavery CollecUon of Valuable Documents 6 1-4 Birney's Letters to the Churches Birney on Colonwation Chattel Principie- a Summary of the New Testament argument on Slavery, by Beriah Green Chipman's Discourse J Channing's Letters to Clay J Condition of Free People of CoIoï Crandall, Reuben, Trial of J Dissertation on Servitude i - Dckinson's Sermn Does the Bible sanction Slavery? I Dec. of Sent. and Constitution of the Am. A. S. Society T Discussion between Thompson and Breckinridge s Dresser's Narrative Extinguisher Exlinguished ; .. g Ehnore Correspondence 6; do in sheets 4to. 2 Emancipation in West Indies Thome and Kimball . 12 ll Emancipation in West ines in 18S8 Freedom's Defense Goiriöon's Address at Broadway Tabernacle O Guardian Genius of the Federal Union Genei ons Planter Gillett's Review of Buahnell's Discourse o Immediate, not Gradual Abolnion 12-2 Jay's Thonghts on the Duty of the Episcopal Chnrch 3 Liberty, 8vo. 2S; do; 12mo 15 Morris's Speech in answer to Clay S Mahan's Rev. John & Trial in KenHjcky 12 1-2 Blartyr Age in Amerioa, by H&rnet Martineau Modern Expediency Considered . b Power of Congress over the District of LoPleÏÏ)r'athe Slave, Nos. T, 2 and 3 s Pr-K:eedin?s of 'he Meetintr to form Bioadwav Tabernacle Anti-Slavery Socieli Pro -Slavery - Eral Code of HaitíIloper, Moses Warrutive of a Fugitive '3 s Slave 12-2 ■ Rights of Colored Men 12 1 L ; Rujípifrt'e? Antidote 6 Riphinnd Wrong in Boston 121-2 [J Slavery Rhvnics 6 ., Stade's Speoch in Congress in 1838 s ÍSinirh's Gerritt Letter to Jas. Smylie 6 Do. Letter to IJenry Clay 6 . Slaveholding InvariabJy Sinful, "malum in pc,'' 6 Southard's Manual 1 Star of Frcedom 4 Schmucker and Smith's Letters 6 Slaveholder's Pniyer 1 Slaveholding Weighed 3 " Slavery in America (London); do. (Germany) S lt The Alurtyr, by Reriah Green , Tliings for Nor.hern Men to do Views of Colonization, by Rev . J. Nonrse 1 Views of Slavery and Eniancipation, by Miss Martineau 6 Wesleyan Slavery Review 2.') ' Wor in Texas, by Benjamin Lundy 6 Why work for the Slave 1 Wilson's Address on West India Emancipation 4 . TRACTS. ! No. I. St. Uomingo, No. 2,Caste, No. 3, Colonization, No. 4, Mora! Condiíion of the Slave, No. 5, VVhat is Abolition? No. 6,The Ten Commandments, No.7 Danger and Safety, JNo. 8, Pro -Slavery Bible, No. 9, Prejiuliee againsl Color, No. 10, Northern Dealers in Slaves, No. 11, Slavery and Mis?ions No. 12, Dr. Nelson's Lecture on Slavery. Tbe aboveTriictp are sold at 1 centeach. PRINTS, etc. Illustratinns of the AntirSlavery Almanac for 1840 S The Einnncipated Family 25 Slave Markct of America Correspondence between O'Connel and Stevensoiï Do. do. Clay and Calhaon 12 1-2 Printer's Picture Gallery 2 Letter paper, staniped with print of Lovejoy . sheet 13 Do. with Kneeüng Slave sheet 1 Payer for Slaves, with Mnsic, on cards 1-2 Potrait of Gerrit Smith 'oOb ín adfiition, are the followin?, the proceed of vvhich wil! po uno the Mendian fund. Argument of Hou. J. Q,. Adams in the case of the Amistad Africans 25 Argument of Roger S. Balwin, Esq. do do 12 1-2 Trial of the Captives of the Amistad O Congressional Document relating to do. (? Portrait of Clinqucz 1,00 MarchSd, 1842.


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