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R WALKER respectfully informs hls . friends and the public in general, that hc recently commenced business, in the tailorlinc:,one door east of Bower's dry goodsstote, re be is prep.ired 10 execute orders in tha t.'st and most fashionable Btyle. Jarmente will be made to order, in strict connity with the present prevailingr fashton and e of the day, and warranted to fit or no rge. jadíes' Riding Habita made in the latest ftew rk or Philadephia fashions. Viends. or Quakers' garments will bd made the neatest and plainest style. Dútting done at shortest notice. All kinds of Military Uniform and undresa ats and pantnloons, made agrecable to the prest military or regimental order. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25th. 1842. nl4- Zm'. UMBER constamly on hand and for sale by F. DENISON. June 10, 1842. tf PARSON'S SH E ARING MACHINES." -Theo. H. Eaton & Co. 138. Jeffern avenue, arethe sole agents of these very celrated machines. 12-8w 1ATTINETT WARPS ON BEAMS.- 5 Thko. H. Eaton & Co., 138, Jeflernon venue. offer for salo a large stock of Sattinett faipe, from the New York mille. These Varps are considered superior to any other in ie country, and will be sold, for cash, at n small [Ivance. ï2-8w Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing. rllE Subscriber8 respectiuily announce fo tri citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity, that the re piepared to card wool and diess cloih fo; cus Diners, in the best style, and at the shortest noice. Hoving good mnchinery, experienced workiien, and long prnctice in the business, tbey hav he utmost conlidence that they shall give comilete satisfaction. J. BECKLET & CO. Ann Arbor. April, 25. 1M2. "33 e ïaj? oi ttfnftfnfl tïfne fortol." JACKSCN TEMPERANCE HOUSJ?, BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Gold Batbs Dv.J, T WIL SOI, East end of Main L?trect. Jtukson, Mir.k. Hiver Raisin tl N S T ITT U T E . THIS Instiiution is l'ocatftd in the town o Raisin, near the norti: bank of the bcautiful river whose name it bears, one milc east of the direct from Tecuniseh to Adrion. Tliis clijriblesi'e been selected for its quiet seclusion. tlie fertility and elevation of its soil. ks pure and hnalthfulatmosphere, and pleaa a rit scenTj'. Rooms. - There are now on the p.-emises suitble rooms lor the accommodation of forty stu'lents; which are dedigned t. b occupied for pxivate BÍuxfy Snd lodging Other nececsary build ing areprovidcd Tor recitations and boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition per Term of eleven weeks. $4,&d Board " with 4 hours work each week, 77 Room Rent, Incidental, 5 Total, 12.95 There wifl be an additional charge of one dollar for thoae pursinp the liigher branches as Plulosophy, Algcbraf Geoinetry, Astrunomy, &c. For. CÍicniÍ8tvy Laíín, or Gieck an addition of two dollnrs will bc made. Scholars are expected to provide themselvcs with what furniture they will need in their rooms, olst?, with lights. fncl, and washing - none will hereafter board them sel ves. Bills to be stcttlcd in núvance. The school is open to a!l applicanis o suitnófe age nnd morul character irrespective of complexion or condition. [ETTIir. scrond term of (kis stimmer will Walm s'laij Julij 2(ith. It is very desirable that all who design to at tend the school, should be on the ground - have their bilis settlct], nnd their rooms prepared, bcfore the fii st day of the Term. Any (urther in formation can bc obtained at the Institu.tion. of by addressincr. post paitl. .1. S. Dixon, Principal, Rüisin. Lcnawee Co Mich. Rqisin, May 19ih. 1842. n5- 2mNEW TJIJLM (MJY WIJVTER EKODS !! N.Y. CH1LAP STORE. THE subscriber hns just returned from NnW York vvith the larpest and best selocted aa-ormcnt of DRY GOODS. GROCERIEb, CROCKERY, BOOTS r SHOES. AND YANKEE NO'hONS, ever brouglit into this markei. purchased previous to the tarifTwhicb wiil enable liim to sell tor cnsh, as cheap asan establishment west of Duffalo. As we du business on the Rkadt Pay System we wül not be undersold by any one in this market, which willbe for the interest of the purchaser and denier. We would say to the farmers we sell goods in proportion to the price of whcat - a liusln-1 of wheüt will purchasc as inany goods at the present !ow prices ns it did laet fa!l. Now s the time i'or people to buy goods if they wont w buy them cheap. The nsaortment consiat inf art of the following nrticles: BRuADCLOTHS, PÍLOT no. BEAVERcí SATLNET and CASSIMERE, KENTUCKY JEANS, FULL'D CLOTHSf FLANNELL. (ol all kinds,) SHEEP'S GREYS, UMBRELLAS, S1LKS. MUSLÏN DE LANES. ALAPINES. MERINO TAGUONET, CASSJMERE SHAWLS. VICTORIA do, VICTORIA do. CARLISEdo. ROB ROY and BROCIIEA. doBRASS CLOCK. SHEETINGS. TIOSE, SHIRTINGS, TÍCKINGS, CRAVATS, TWILLED JEANS, COTTON YARÍÍ, CANTÓN FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, COTTON BATTING, HDKF'S, j DIAPER nnd Table Cloths. MITTM, CALICÓES, (of all kinds,) LADIES DRESS HD'KFS, GLOVES. (of nll kinds,) LOOKING GLASSES, &c. fee. A choice nssortment ol Groceries. fluch at1 Teas, Sugars, M lnsses. &c. fec, nll of which w ill be sold at wholesale or retail. Pedlars enn be supplied at this establishment so Idvv as to astonish them. The subscriber dcenis it uselese to go into fur her detail, but asks ihein to cali and examinx or themselves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 20, 1842. 3m75 NEW GOODS ï! FDENISON, isnow receivingas usiiallya well selected nssortment of fall and winter GOODS, which will bo sold cheap ior cab or barter. Is'. B. As cbeap as any in tow. Septmbr!M, 104%


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