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Anti-slavery In Ohio

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Somc-onc has sent us the fóHówing extract froni a lei ler f rom ancsteemed friend in Oliio: "Atthis OaklanJ Convention, I vaiif.y wishod thou' weit by uiy side to liave listcncd to the eloquencc of Yanlsy, a colorcd orator, J. A. Colüns, and (overal otliers who held an nudiouce of 1500 persons in animut.ed nttention. Our "Lil)erty Ilnll" was a vast roof supported by the bodies of large trees convetted into poste and pillars, on the borders of a wöo '. And wben rain poüred down, and beat in too at the open side, wc were dofenried by eovor!.:on-covers, and largo slabs. so orronged as to shield U8 cotuplctcly; and witli lije !ieat froni five largo biovcs, b'roughi in ly liia netghborïng farmers, tögèlhér v.ith lóada óf excellent refireshments, we were as cómfortable as we nèed wish. Pure dcniocracy reigned for tiiree dayd. - Judgea and doctors, lawyers aad priests, higliin.J low, rich apd poor, blnck and wlute-al! 1 wcra on nn cqunü.y, "d tl, without distinction, I pnrticipntcd in the cxercises. At the ( lions ladina gve thcir rings' worfcfeágs, silver penci!s,and in one mstance, n gold locket mul j sli.iin. One gentleman gave his wntch. Théii ; ihere Ware bnskets full of useful nrticloa from n romaio soci-ty. togothcr wilh a numbor of líelos. Loada of onts and corn were proffered, aa wal ns pilea of brushes, Sec a!l o! which were eold on the stand to tlic bighest bidder, forci?li. Two íírmers'ongaeedsoddre-horscs to iècturera iroo óf elr.rge. liesolutions wqtrc passed amngtng o sfñcs of lectores for the ominrr yenr. nn-1 Gnrrison. the "infrióos" Abby Keifj?. '' a nnIci' colored nonn were to be ifcciriJy invitcf. All Oliio ia to bc roused to the nuc?tion üfiiegro rigfita nnd hefö rríiivíancési r.nd t!c cnusí is to lo plended in tho !'irc of tho Cnion. Order nnd harmriiy led during the ecssion, nnd I was glad to ye tliero."


Signal of Liberty
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