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Michigan Baptist Convention

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The last nuciiber of the Michigan umum Heraíd ontains the minutos of the scventh Anr.iqorsary of this body, held at Joncsvilb, Qctober 5th anti Gth. The report ot the board va3 ín most respects favorable. There have been 704 Bap tïsms withn the bonndsof the convention ; andthe numbor of members of churches of that denomination in the State, is nlmost 7,000. The general objects of benevolencc have iecèivfed increaetng support ; nrrd nn cficctiial sysreni of Home Missions has been proseciüed.The TIerald has reccived such a liberal support uims ihe year, that tho coinnuttee havepublishd a prospectus for. the secoiul volume, to be isued semi-monthly. at onc dollar a year. It is to :onta;n. hesides religious intclügence. the generil nows of the day We think the Cominiltce íavc hitherto managed tlicir paper judit-iously, by jublishing a cheap periodieal fir?t and enlmging t as circumstanccs mny authoiize. This is the jnly waj to píace n paper on a pcraiancnt foundation. A.nong tíie resolntions. we íind the following emphaiic condeninntion of the great sys'em of robBeiry (ind manstoMlng whióh is sanctioned and iheld by ihe Southern portion of the Baptist enominntion. as well ns by the ötliers : líIÍesoltedl Thnt in ihe opinión of tl'is body, 10 pnrticipaiion or' christi.-ms in the pystcmoi Amêrirnn siavery. !■' buyiiur. selliñg, or bolding mnian bciiu's ns prnpony. ir nny wny approvins ic snme, is r deplorable dcri'ociion fioni those ncrod principies whïcli vcf;r,iro men 'o cloül justy, lovctncrry. and w::Ik hmnbly wjth Cm] ; nurl ve horeby nnnonnco to thrm nnd tho world. ihat vc have 'nn fcllr.wsliip for iho. hur.ianity debasing nd God-dishonoring syijtem."ttTWc lcarn from the Advcrtiser that Col. 3rooks, collector at Detroit, has removed one of he inspectors. Mr. C-onding. for tho crime of olinir a Vv'liii: ticket at the Inet elección. In 8-10, Brooks and Gooding vcre botli Vbg tOgelher : in '41, they wem put into oiïice top:othcr aè a rewnril for whis services ; in '42 the Tyer "Whic; turnnd out t!p C.'lny Whig for nnt vóñng to snit him. It"is; prori;ii;ly not imchnritübl'ë to s:ippose that ii circumatances had boon jcvcrse.'l, thé Clay man would have tmned out tí5á hrotlier TylSr man : for all three parties hold tojhc principie of excluding political opponents from ofnee By the way; were not (he people p-omised 'hat aftcr J3!0, fliere ehojald be no intcrfercHcc of office holdcrs witli e'ections 1 Was not this an intorfsrence of the worst kind?


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