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General Intelligence: Washtenaw Agricultural And Horticultur...

General Intelligence: Washtenaw Agricultural And Horticultur... image
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Pursnant to noiice, ihe animal meeling of this society was held Oct. 5lh, 1842, and tho duty now devolves on the executive committee of presenting to the public, the reports of the Fub-committec?, appointed to nwnrd premiums. Before thcy do this, they would mnke a few remavks. It is now bettcr than tlirce years since the society went into operation. Thai so;ne good lias resul led from the enterprise, is abundantly proved by fncls tliat havo come lo theirknoivledge, and which were it neC3ssary, or did they deern it justifiable to occupy po mtch of the columns of the paper, they would here detail. A cenorous cmulation to exceT,(not ench other,) but in the different branches of farming to which they are devoting thcmselves, very generally prevails among our yeomanry. The encouraircmeiU, limited throúgh it be, which Ihe society bas been nble to afibrd in the way of premiums has not been without He eíTects ns stimulating some of our citizens to ircreased exertionsnot only to mnke their huebandry teil well, but ap■pear well: attention is paid to clean and snusr, as well as heavy and extensive farming. It is fonnd that it is as clieap, and much more, profitablc, to raise stock of a good breed, ns of a poor or common kind. The committee believe thcre is no county in the state in which the farms are manajred wiih more skill, neatness and general effect, than in? Washtenaw County. And in stock ofvarious kinds, they are saiisfied this county can succesKfully coriVnefe with anè other.It was gratifying to the commitfpe to witness on tho occasion of the late Pair. snch an unusually large nutnber of their fellow citizens. convened from different parfs of the' counly. Evidence was thus afforded, they trust, of an increased interest in the society. They could have wisbed there had been a g'reater variety nnd a larper number of artic.lea for exhibition. This remnrk applies more particularly to domestic manufactures. The number of sheep lntely introduced into the county will. it is presnmed.somewhat avai) to prevent a repetition of this remark another ycar. And apart from wooien fabrics, tiie committee respectfully request their fellow citizens, botH male and female, to remember, that almost evory article exhibited for premium, if afterwards offersd for sale, may readily be disposed of,at an advanced price,nndjalso esteblish the repulation of the maker, as excellinor in the manufacture of that particular article. The committee hope to be able to present, beforetho t'ine of another annual Fnir, addilional incitements, to their fellow citizens ' to co-operafR with them in thcir efTorts thus to encourage HOME industry and nativè c-knivs. To be able however to dothis, they depend upon receivintj a large accessjon to the number of subscribers to the Socety, and the prompt payment by each one of the amount for which he may be liable. They must also here state that the Secretarjr who is also Treasurer of the society, is already much in advance of the funds he has receiVed, and that many of the premiums awarded still remain unpaid, a fact the mere mention of which) thej trust will not be withr out its diie efiect upon all concerned; The Executive Gommtttee would now present the reports of the sub-comniittees: The undersigned, bein a committee on Horses and worlcing Cattle have awarded to the town of Pittsficld, the best team of ten yoke of cattle, $10 00" For the 2d best, town of Lodi, 0 00liest yoke or working cattJe, Harnson W. Goodrich, .'} 00 2d best; Sani'l McCormick, 2 00 Best yoke of fat oxen, Sain'l McCormic (no competition.) 3 00 Best mnro and colt, Joh. WyckofiJ 3 00 2d best, Rufus Kaight, 2 i)0' Best 3 year old ctTlt, Wm. McCormick, 3 00 2d best, Ira Spaulding, 2 00Your committee would further report, tliat they have examined several 3 year old colts, which were very fine, and also several 2 year old, and were happy to see sucli a number of animáis presented by the farmers of Washtenaw County, which they think proyes they are industrious and entcrprising, and will yel bc rich.


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