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I. - - - - - ■ - - -. CLINTON SEMINA 11 Y. THE fifth tcrm of this ínstiuuiun will com meneo on Monday, Nuv. J J, and continu io 12 weeka. )c Having procure! iho aoristanco of two experi ie cncedand succcesful Teachers, the principal ii ■- better prepared i!im heretoí meot ihe wínu 0 oí the comniuniíy by givjñg a ihorough En-'lisij d and Cfcuftical odlaeatidn. TjtítioiV, Tor sodios parauediiBmaH childrcn, m (he rm.ary Deparumnit. &,W- lor cownou fchgíwh braochea ñ:;,uü- r,r tto hjgber Enslish branches, as Algebra, Gcomotry, t JiOök-Kecping, Chemisíry, Moral and IntellectüalFnilosophy, Logic, botone &o..&4;0O. Lat6 00 k' 1?:)lU0' Frenc:h' UI)"d ""orew, ü Siüdcnts will be charged tuition n advBnce, . froru tho nne they o:Uer till the efese _ oi the term, but it will be rclunded to ;iny who mny bo detojned by protracted sickncss. Uoardmny be had in gpod iamüiw at a v.ery 1 reosonaWe price, A íew m.ny obfhia board, witíi ] the teacher. A short leson ín the thcory and _ practico of vocal Muaic will continuo to íorm a I'nnoí tnedaily exercisca. 1 Nopains will l,o aparea to preservo tho vomli. y vho may be intrusicd to our carc, frrtm ioimtíraJ . iniluences. and to rendot thém wiser and beller. Uther iníornniion will be cbeerfully given to sueh as addresá us by letter for that purpoee. " V e would e.tpress our gralitude to thosc Ed1 ítors who have favorably noticcd us. ThoscVho , willinsert tlusadvertisoincnt shall be entiUed to (umon to the unount of their hill GEO. VV. BANCRÓFT, Principal. JAb. S. SMEDLIJV, Toacherof French „.. and iicbnw. . Clinton, Oct. 4, 1842. 2j t( L NOT1CE.- As somc youna; 1-idics regöriJ it as amatterof conseqiience to nticnd school where one ot the teachers is a ferrtále, wc wish to say Uiat %yc have very uncxpectedly becn deptived o'f (he tabora of our female teacher, and know not { that her place can be penuanontly filled bcíbro tho commcncuineitt ot the spring term. ,,.. CT G. W. B. Clinton Sonunary, Nov. 1;". I Si!. IASÍIIONABLE ÍIA1R DltEKSING- T. Frccninn returns his sincere thanfvs fo the ciíizerré of Aun ArBor and ita vicinity for t!ie libernj patronage they have extended to liim, an.l oa;n?Rtly solicits furtliercontinuance öfhe enme. Ue also wi?hes to pinchase a quantity ot falae luir, for which he will páy liberal piiue, for ilie purpose of tnanufactuiing rünfgtetá. Mr. Freeman nopes not to give ofFepco to bis oíd euatomen, when he informa thom, that hereotter his shop will be closed dufing tho Sntibalh day. Jlo wiü be very anxious und hnjipy v ;.ccommodate them. by workrhg á littlc luterand tnore'industríously on Satuidny evenin"s. T. FPJÍEMAN. OctoberR, IS42. ü YPS1LÁNTI ACADEMir AND Teachers Scminary. THE tenth term of tiiis Institution will conirrience on Mondny, Nov. 23, and continue 11 weeks. Having procurcd the asaistance of two cornpoteiit and succcssful Teachers, t!ie principal ia pra pafëd to give a ihorough English and ClasákaJ , educatiori. lío will devote hiswholc at'tentian to e EnHoh departmentas hen-tolbrc. Frotó 20 o ó.! minutes i daily oceupied by dio principal nte"lu.')& witli the aid of the apparatua and aineíí,, oxToemíeiái. Appamtv.:- IIíelriEir.iuionisfurnislicd wtth Cljcmical, lMiüoJot'10"1' and Astronouncal npparatus, Surveying }nb"run}% y-0"' lds, &c. to the amou,:t ?l PfM' a!E0' a Sod }uhinet ol Minerala wortn &' ' . n _,, Tuiiipnïp the English branches Irom ?3,0to ;5,00 per term ; Latin and Gi.'U, $3 .VJ; French. $:M); Euglish and . 6tea iui!'.l, !jsii,ü() only; Mezzotinto nnd il'iiin "ie or rheorem painting, $3,00 each for 1 iíasos, aught by Mrs. (riffin. , The tuition is to be pnid nt the tniddlo o', tlitr orni. No deducá n for absence will be in:;!", except for proiracted sicikness, and no one will e received for less than live and a half woeUs. Board, including room and w'ashing, for .l. 50 )er week. Forfurther particularsenquire oi the rincipal. H. H, GR1FFIN, Principar. CFIAS. WOODRUFF, Teacher of Latin. Gieck and French. Miss CAROLINE A HAMMOND, Assi8iunt. Ypsilaati, Nov. 10, 1842.New Stare! DICKINSON & COGSWELL HAVR iiowon hand nn extensivo and wtill selecied assortment of Stiiple and Fancy Gouds, adaptcd to the lall and winter trade. nnri re constnntly receiving fresh eupplies, wbictj cnblc tlicm to oiYcr gruat induceitients lo 3Ü who visli to purctiase. Droad Cloihs, Cassimcrcs. SatinoKs. Full'd Clo'tha, Molcskins, Velveis, Flannelti.. Mircno, Alpaca Lustres, Siixunics, Musün De Lains, iïown Slioeiings and Shirtings. Cotton Yara and ïatts Sec. &oli i great yariöty, at pricc,i lower han' ever ofl'ered be "ore in ftjichigan. JNcigli)ariiiL' Marchante are pnrticulirly invited to cali and examine their stock and priqes, both bfwjiich cannot fail to piense. Aun Avbor, (Upper Town) Exc'iange BbiTd-' ngs, Sept. 20, 184ÍÍ. 21


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