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The subscribo, informa Uiers membeol A , ti-Öitivory SocJctic-, and jfl.WWPna . gc:rc to rcad the SJavty tfrat Inve-issued Trom the A.nerican pres that .e lias ptircliased ïl the tfpote, pwnplitelj t.acls, prints etc. kiely b'eionging to the Amoncnn tbousa.ul dollars, ut oíd pnces, whirh ho oflfere f„r sale bvi.i pent in ny nucnuty, vrice fo: cash only. Samplen wil! be kopt at L oifice, corner óf Hanóycr and Exchange treets, Qd orders will be promlly tlemled to. A catalogue of the principa) publicatioiis isannexed, and the prices pul agninat thcin are the present (reduced) retflü pricee. By the houdret! or largrer quaiitity, tiiey wil! be sold own -say for bouni volumes L5 per cenf. discount: on vamphlds, iracis and pirtvres, 50 per cent. discount. With respect to most of them Uns ia bclow the actual coat tii me in cast, They ere not purchascd wïtli a view to sHl t a norfit butto subservo the Anti-S'avcry etose. Snih an opportunity has not prcvionsly orcurrm] to oblain AnÜ-Slavery piiblicfttkms at these reduced brices, and probably víiJl not ghiú. ffT-Editoraofnewspapers are rwjiestei to eopvlhis advcrtinnnent al Jncth f threc months.ond thoir bill,rvi!l be paid in bookP,ctc. Picase send a copy of the , pjpor gft he Ctdvertiscment, ucylt) iAr:?New Vork, March Ut, 1345, BOUND VOLUMES. American Slavery ar. il iö, ra Anti-Slovery Manual t -;-' Aitón Riots, by Pres. Tïcccuór, c til. h. 12mo. Alton Trials . .J Slavery Record, reis. !, teirf-a.. gtM Appenl, by Mrs. Child S' L Kiïti-Slavery Bxuininer, bound vols. 5 Beautie of Philanlbjvpy 33 1-S Bourne's Picture of Shivory W Buxton ontheSkve t.-re jJ Cabinetof Freedom (CbrkconVhistÓr of the slave trade,) vola. 1, 2 and 3 act 1,00 Chloe Spear L Channing on Slavery ■ -J Duncor. on Slavery _ s Eman. in the W. 1.% Xhcme and .omball rórtBÜn ... o? Do by do i'1 boards with map üj Enpmies of Contition discovered 50 Fountain, plain binding, t4mo. 12 r Gustaviis Vaasa J0 Grimke's letters to Miss lieecher 3 i - Jay's Inquiry 57 t-2: Jay'ö View Ligfct and Truth Life of Gronvilla Sharp ! Mott's Bioffraphical Skolchca 5? 1;2 Memoir of Rev. Lemuel íínuca JA-Ï Do ofLOTejoy JJ-J-J North Star, Lf!t eJfrcs I. Pennsylvansa flall . ' Quarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine, S70. 1,00 Rankin's Letters. 18mo. 100 pp. Right and wronL in Boston -ü Star of Freedom, ini!in líi J-Slnvery contHtnin? Declaraüon of Sentiments and Coriitution of the Amer. A. S. Socioty: Weley's Thonghta ion Slavevy : Doc3 the Bibie sanction Sia■very? Address to the Synod of Kentnckv, JNarative of Amos Dresser, and Why work for the Slave? bound in one vol. 25 Slave's Friend, 32mo. vols. 1 , L and 3 eet 50 Songs of the F ree 33 1-3 Thompsons Reception in Great, 12mo. Testimony of God agflipst Slavery, lSiuo. 20 Wheatly, Philiis Memoir of Westïndies, by Professor Hovoy 50 West Indies, by Itarvey and Sturge 7 o Wesley's Thoughts on Slavery. in muslm, with portrait 12 J'2 PAMPIILETS. Sets A. S. Almanacs, from 1C36 to 1841 inclusive , tu ' Address to the Free People oí Color Ancient Landmarks S Apoloy for Abolitionists 3 American Slavery os It Is- the Testimony of a Thoiisand WitncF.-cs 25 Address on Right of Petinon 2 Address to Senators and Repredentatives of the free Statoa Address on Slavery (Gerimn) 1 Addresa of Congregational Union o. ScotAddress of National Convention (Gnrmaü) 1 Ann. Rep. of N. Y. Committfeof Vigilunce 2f Do. of Mass. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Women in the nbtainally free States . 6 1-4 Aulhentic Anecdotes on American blavery 2 Address to the Church of Jeeus Cbrist, by the Evungelical Union A. S. Society, New YorU city. A Anti-Slavery Catechism, byMrs. Child 6 1-4 Adarns', Q. Letters to bis Constitucnts 4 Adams', J. Q. Speech on the Texas Question l" J Annual Reports of Am. A. S. Society, Sd, 4th, 5th and 6th 12 1-2 Annual Reports of N. Y. city Ladies' A. S. Society 3 Appeal to the Christain Womcn of the Soulh 3 Bible against Slavery 6 Collection of Valuable Documents C 1-1 Birney's Letters to the Churches 2 Birney on Colonitation 2 Chattel Principie- a Summary of the New Testament argument on Slavery, by Beriah Green 6 Chipman's Discourse 3 Char.ning's Letters to Clay 6 Condition of Free People of Color 3 Crandall, Reuben, Trial of 6 Di8sertation on Smvitude , 12 1-2 Dckinson's Sermn 3 Does the Bible sanction Slavery? 1 Dec. of Sent. and Constitution of the Am. A. S. Society 1 Discussion between Thompson and Breek inridge " Dresser's Narrativo 5 Extinguisher Extinguished 3 Elmore Correspondence G; do in sheets Ato. 2 Emanciparon in West Indies Th ome and Kimball 12 1-2 Emancipation in West Indies in 1 338 3 Freedom's Defense G Garriaon's Address at Broadway Tabernacle 6 Guardian Genius of the Federal Union 6 Genei oua Planter 3 Gillett's Review of Bushnell's Discourse 6 Immediate, not Gradual Abohtion 12-2 Jay's Thoughts on the Duty of the Episcopal Church 9 Liberty, 8vo. 25; do; 12mo 15 Morris's Speech in answer to Clay 3 Mahan's Rev. John 6. Trial in Kenfucky 121-2 Martyr Age in America, by Harriet Martineau ' Modern Expediency Considered G Power of Congresá over the District of Columbia Q l Plea for the Slave, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 3 Proceedings of the Meeting to forfn Bioadway Tabernacle Anti-Slavery Society Pro-Slavery JjknX Codeof ILiiHHoiier, Moses Narrativo of a Fujjiti ve ' - Stere 12" Riehts pffjöiorcd 12 l lUghi. luid Wrong in Boston i 1siaory Rhyraea .Slniln' Speech n Oongreea in 1GS8 3 Stnith's Gcrriit Letter 10 Jr.a. ïjmy.'ie Do. 7.i:tl?r fo llcnry Ciay 6 Slavcholding IiAiiabJy Sinful, "inalam Southnrd 3 Manaal ] Star of Fièr.'icm '' Schtnuckcr ppd Sinitb'a Letters Slovchol'li'r':; Pmyer 1 Slavebpldilïg Wcighed ;' Slavory i.i America (Lor.don); do. (GcrThn Martyr, by Tïcriah Green rhinsfor No-::cr:i "iJen to do Viewrf of Cölonizaiion, by Rey'. J. Noiiree of Bíavery ana I]itiunci,aíion, by Miss Mcrir.-f.-.n R Wes!eyan Anti-3iavory Rcvtr'.v . L V'.ir in Texas, by Benjawin Lundy 6 Wby vvork fnr the íílavu 1 Wilson's Aciüress on VVel li;ciia Emnncipulion 4 TR'iCTS. No. 1. St. Domingo, No. 2, Cñsie, No. í?, Co!oni2ntion, No. 4, Slornl GondiMon of thc Qlave, No. f;, Wat is Aboütion? No. 6,The Ten Gommanáments, No. 7 Danger and Safety, No. 8, Pro-Sluvery BiWe, No. 0, Projtulíce apninst Color, No. 10, Northern DeaYéa 'n Slaves, No. 11, .Slavory nnd Mis?ions Ko. 12, Dr. Nelson's Lecture on Slavcry. T'jO above Ttacls err so!d at 1 conteach. PRINTS, KTC. [JUlQtnttíons oi'tht An;-Siavci'y Almantó The Emancipated Family ' SLr.v MaVkeí of Arenca Correspondence belween O'Conncl and Stevfiíison ñ Do. do. Cloy and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printer's Picture Guüery 2 Letter paper, stansped wiíh print ofLovejoy .'hoot 1S Do. with Khes'insr Slave sheet 1 Pavor for Slnves, tvitb Mn:c, on cards 1-2 Putrait ofGerntSmith 50b ín addition, are the foliowing, the procoed óf whicli will go mío the MénÓian fond. Argument ofilon. J. Q. Adanjs o tíxe case of tiie Amiftad Africnns á ■rrnuncnl of Rogerü. Balwin, Esq. do do 12 1-2 Trial of the Cnptives of the Amistad C Con?ree.--ional Document reluting to do. Pcrtrnit of Clinqocz 1,0 Márcíi 8d, 1842.


Signal of Liberty
Old News