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Threshing Machins

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' j "(IE lUKlcipiynt'ii tvouím in tor m public thnt i, they continue to rttBóVfecijire I'ckï. l'ovvR'snrvi 'JViKi hig .Mac;iim;.'i, two und ;i h.iit mil es frum the vülnge of An Arbor, on the rail load. The Morse fowcr isa late invenikni by S. W. Fostcv, and is i':cited!y superior to ;iny utlier ever oltered to thé public, as will appeor by the simements oi' these whu have u:ed thfini darioj the latyor. it is light in Weighi and wneH in Cömpass, bcing curried tcgetWr with the Thresber. n a coniiMon Waggoh böx; and drnwn wit! case by two horec. U is as htile liable tö !r; .k. or ge} out óf lepair, as my other Horee, and" wül work n3 easy and tlira-h ás much Svitii rV;;r horjcsatlnchcd tu il n8:my o;her power with fier, bórees, :a will tjipe:ir (tmu the reconimeridalioijs beiüw. New p.-iuems have been tunde for j liie eaat Ifon, and additioml weighi and airin-.ii appücd wlK'i-ever it had ippMrrd . to be nei froni ono yenr'? use of th ffi;:rhinr. The subseribeis deeni it proper o st;i;c, that a nun;br of Horeé.-pove?é wërë old ! ist ycár i;i tr.e villaceof A:in Ar!,or u!:i,.:h wefë belié vhe gurcbíístera to be LaYeotd :y ÍS. W. ?osler.'nird tiv.u niosi or dli üflhenj wère eiilur nnl!. . or ñUered botóte eoUj. ,:! ditleiciii ftwn fhofee m, f--.)!i!'v il-.-e Mili.-jcnbers. Such .-iicnitioi.s beinic decylëdly deitimrnta to tlie utili tv ofthc Mfiehine. ( ive goqd liason tö b.-!ieve thnt every on.c df'lhóec vi-inrucd by the pnrclnsers as uüsalislao!ot of this cV-i?s. They are nol aware uny Tower that frtB] tlicir ehöp, nnd w. pul nlisé-. újá tliey mado it. Rni btrn condemncd or laïci ntdens a bad machine. AH svbó v-'ish tt buy ttre Phvked to examine thom nml to cmjuire of ihosp who tuvo úsed thom - There.wülbe onefor e.vrninavion ai '. H.TAr!'s, Drrti-.r rül'i'r,-; iind omg at {VTak'in Wc.i.í'i.n's stortk-iJise. ia D V oit- both those gentlemen beintf nsjeüts for tlie snlc öflllerfti T!ic pricc will be -2! -' for a lonr horsc power, with a threshing inaohm;. wiih a -lave or vooden h-ir cylindcr: iinü :':{() ii.r n horso power vi:h a thre8iiïttg manliiiie wiih a:i iron b;:r cyüii.ior. Tbc attentibn ofthoreniler is invhed to ihcfollowing recummendations. s. tv. fqsti;r&co. Scio. April 2Ó; 1 ];i:con:,ienva tions. Tilia ís to certify that v.- havo uscd one of SW. Fo.uer's newly invo.iic! Horsc IVwers for nb,)nt fivo raondis. and threshod with it about 8;)')ii lïushéJs, :md boliove it is conGmicted on ineijlei tlian any othcr Horse l'ov.or. - ( ii-.c fhe indersigned h'is owncd r.;.;l tl'sd eiylJ! different kuidsfoTHöwti i'owDrs.andwe bel ie vp thnt fin f liwrées wi!l tlurasb s niuch witii this Power as jast will with any othcr power with which we are acouainted. H. CASE, S. G. IVÉS. Scio. January, 12. 1342T:is is to inform the public that I have purchnsed, and havo in use, oi;e of ihr. Horse Fowers recently invcntc.-l by S W. Fostcr, njod ly S. SV. Foater, & Co;, and bsiievc i: be construct ] upoii beucr principies, nnd requires lesB of hortus than any othcr pov.-er with which 1 arn acouainted. A. WEEKS. Moi.nt Olentenéj Sepf. 8, 141. This is to inform the pnblio that I hnvc pnrehascd oneof the Hpraq i'ov.ers, reccntly invented by S. VV. Fostor. and us -d it Cor a ntimbcr-of months. Bfld beiievo it i? ihc best pnv.-.-.-r in use. workinp with loss strength ol a nny othcr with which I nm acqtiainted, nn(! being small in compass. ís (-nsiiy moved fioin one plaeè tb anothor. 1 believ 4 horses will thre?h as much wi;h ibis power na T will with any other power. The plan and the workins of this power have been univeraally aj)provod of by formera Cor vihotii I havo thrashed. E. S. SMÍTH. Scio. April 11, ÍÍ42. SBSUf 3SSACH23ÍJ2SS. The subscriben make very jood SMIJT MACHINES which they will sell for This machine wns bvented by one of the suhsctïhers. who haahad many year'sexperiencein the mülini' butineas. We invite thpse who wish to buy j good machine for a fair price to buv or uh. It is worih ns miiih na most of ths machines that cos: from 1 50 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, ia. i-2. Tooien Msnnfhctory The subscribe Irave recently put in operniion h woollen mnnufa-.üory for maniifac:tnnn.: woollftl Icloth by power lontns, two nnd n half miles wes from Anti Arbor viilage, on the raüroad, where he v bh to manufacture wool ia'o clota onihnres, or or pny !) the yard, 011 reaau tn.,s. Théy have èjiipl. m non !M Ucijl Ui-t woik wil) b Ion. Tliéjthore'l ully t;-oi,.t.hote whoai. ol hoe WDüafRT. Woól may hu loli it Eciü y.illage. S. W. FOSTER & Co. Scip, AniilIS. 1842.


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