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Peters Pills

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. m tfipysiiy to gol well with them, i Át.l, irtnnKind UiTOjrgfaut thcir wide and i uhuini) that ever t;y iIhmii ni ■ !;.:y illeM. l'etors' Pulsare purely . .. y wofk no mir tle nor do they J - oseé, be;.uisc il.ey are the Bcicriúiac oomöund bïn regular pliswin, who has :■:. bis professipó tfíe Smdy ö( bis l.le. Di. ,: :rad:.;e id YnlcCoüei'e. also of I . uaeits M-dical College, nd !?s í LinguisUédhrtnaohaö u man ol seieiice md palmus 'ami.nfr ihi' lV.i.:üy ol the late; Gív. Peters' Vegetarla Pilis are M:iile intlienion, mild in ibeir iction. tboiou]i n j rttcir.apewtKH, iwd URnvatléd in ibeir results-- éountry nrënhiie fdled mrli th.-ir i Tho palace :.nd i he pocrj hou,c ahke caHo v.íth il.oir viruH-s. In atl diirmtei ti j v.ill [beir wojrfóriül iH'vs-crs ahd ihr-.-i ursütered hyfícor nunrum. autllhi thy voico o.fa grffte'ul qom'iiitiftrty prdclatmcü.-p Pitera' Vrüs pi-i.-vcm- kc;l' '"' fíiseoseiB i umev , iir,.d. i.nd ímv.: no rivuí n cunne 'oüUowb k-vn. ■ fever and gè,'d.yspepsia, livor oni' , sick, íis'.lmia.cliops, i ■ ; tííro, enlargetfiènt of.thfi, liles, cohc, teÓjáw obétvucuon, fehri !urn; fjMrecUoflgue, n;u - sea, (Cimttn.9 o f the stomneit fmdjpwel n& i eiír difjrrlw.K llati.ilfncc, -habitual qpnstLyènöss twBof.apjwüléj blpclíedjur aallovt oiuph.xi. , . and in alh-.ircs oí lor.K.r of the bowoLs Wbpf-i acathartióur apnricnr is indicited... prciucirL Tië'üwT itauíBB, cnp:irr nor Ifbilny; and me repeni all who !uy theni continue to (ry t.ieni. The most triümph.-n: succes? haa - ver írt.tentod thtfir u?e and enóugti iá ülrcndy knnwn ,;f them to iminor:a!r an ' h&nd th(;m dmvnto posteriiv with thc improveniDiüs oft.ho age in med cal scii-ncc. Dr. Petors was na Ui the noa! inart, índ in o:d.;; to snpply demiml?. he has prigfnatod . n;;-i coledlo his aid the only eg.fhin drivci in tóe Wörld for púl.l wgrtóng. 'Tisperíbc:, ai:d' its prooess uupaiir; to the pil! esseñiil mue. hccauBC by being pea wroi"!n. ;ill thc piils' híddéh vutue Ls io-. yvlienífllledmtó r.ciion. and hore also ii is Pete;? exc-lall líe worjd and takcsull the preiPJufne, rt'iédaú and diplomas. Su pl ibe trac; íor th. Kunne- r.'terfi' Pilleare i-pnung- a milhim; o) vvitnesseá cari i:,,w ha hevd lbr íhcin-r-resistlesf. -do yon hcar that! whilo n host can tefmíj t íi.-i t hey beliove thpy owe thoir alyation frp diecase and death to Peters' Pil', and ii enlome; ni ve are geiting p;uli;:!iy uno disusc wiare only mistaken. YimrtcAYKS. - Tiiis pnper could be fiiledwiib ihctii by rcsidenis of Mii-fi2:;fi. by your frientif and neiglibors - a?k ourngents. It is noy? wi-i. luuiwn thnt ihe projilc wfíl báyé Peters' Pilis. ,-iM'i ie fünïer. wqukl be.tosiojj ihe ruehing winci. Vrli:t: 2" or 50 cantó per box T-' it'-:.=íIh'""'C "I '.!;'."'■ Pirlis - UUÍ versal recp.ii.iíii (Mei i i ríiu f,ejUP' n ■ ion?, "ke.-p i; :'ne imm.-jiIc'' imistand wi be i;oard throughcut thw vale oftenve. 'lii-ii hippy "influencf. on joung l.idioc v.lij - í-ifiering un er the usual cb-inges o le js u' re. to.l liy the ïaws of nature., they irmpart a büpv n.-y ofheart, Inclinii find action. 6n laatje step, Vfcivel cheek, illyand carmiion cornplcxjorj .oj tfelr nction on the ehyic, &c. and la.diea v,d; teirtésitúqtioñá alWovfr-aapüi thcir power anti m ■ . and tak th-'" l'.wo or Úifeo at a tim wiihput in thR sliirbtès't dfegree inc.uinnir th? hazard of nn ntïonion: whieh iat-ts are of ;he m:n f. importante. Pimpla: a tfotíns lady appt tu love tp Dr. Pet-.-rs. ond Ba.V ahc feclö more grai.fiOtohim (or tKe résforñiión bfier bëaoty ttir" iifhehad savpd her i i O. 'Tía fun t gét well v.'itii Per Piüy.iorihcycatisi'thoblood tocours nsHinpid nr.ó gentlc tfcroiigh th rnoar.tain riviilct: oor 4 is a ei.n.üion ;lo?e, hencc the patierlt is not compellei! to mafec a nieal. TBOURLE IN rLUTO'á CAMP. Quitpnslonished QldPloto o-iroto New Y rk, nícafiiig i'. t( ra liad go! hisPül Eiigiiie atwArk, Tpiesign iiiê t rássíonj liiá luwr u!a.-s an Bèythe: I fmvfi cojcne io deliver thnri all up to yon - Sir. my palliiig is ovir- :ny büsiüess is thrpiigh , I have heen 'or ilirre ye;us in n terrible ■;. w. And Í renlly don't know what on earth Ifaai to do: - Not of your migbfy siio do T come to cóniplnin.. Bui a tamal JSfew Yorker, one PKTKRS hy name; The disensos my ak!fi; in this war of innn!-ind. Are auhdm;d hy this Peters, what help can W.$ find? I would yicld him ?i. York, sir, if ihcre Ik Vroüld s'riy: Bi:t, sir. Pêtfira will havo tlie wholc woild for kb s-.vay. Wbilö m'UBingin coirncil wlmt course to pursuc. Thot l'iisine of Peters hroko fiirth .nto view. The E'tngof tefróra looked a while, As tbaugh his soul was tur ed to bi!e, At thnt unsparing acoürgé ofïlts, By all mon Itñdvyn as Pe:ers' Pilis. Those Pilis pi Peters' stop the Èlaifhter. And tertyea theHoo! as pure na " Nnw Petera makés, Pve nbard hïrn Fívd htinklreil ïhoiisnnd pilla a day; So that the chance is very snuill Of peor';1 dyi:m Üicrk at .-il!: For Boon inc ehreks. sb iViarked lor doorn. Bee'm like any rose to bloo. L"i!{ hiera all n.httnj oonimic to huy ihcr ï'or sale nsJyllowp, by Mi f:-::; Beach á Vr. (ircnvillc.T. J. B. (;itie. MaynartL & Co. Gr. VVard, S.P. & J. C. Jevet"t, J. H. Lun:! H. Bccker. Dick.?nsen Sí CSígüivcil, ná S. K Jones. Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, uw! .' Miücrd & Sou. Dexter, Wr.i A. L h.-nv, L,ma: .). C. Winatia. Hal1, ifc Stnith. Giass Lakei W. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. Merriman. Jr.ekson; M. A. Stio'erViáher, Mffibigari Coütro; Br.ühereon &. Co.. L. ' Kif A' Gi! !?n. Manchester; D. S. Haywpod, Svlnio; SnyM it-Keys. Clinton; J. Scattergopd Jv Go'.,-Plyii'outp'; Stone. Bihcock Sr Co., rtné J.uRrrs, Movins it Co.. Ysil;mti: l'ierre Teller, Detroit: .! &, J. Bidwell. ,-:nd Dr. (Jnderrood. Aic'm.n Mart & Modier. Sprin;villc; Bfarmen & Coi.k Bro.iklyn; Sniith fe"'Co., Jonesvillo; L. M Bbycp; Ghtèngp - and nlrnbst every where else. Oct. 1!). 142 2-


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