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Il WALKI'ili respoctfully informs hi friendo ad the public in general, tha 8 recently commenced business, in the tailor g lini,one dooreast of Bower's dry goodastoie iiere he is preparcd io execute orders in the satest and most faehionablo style. Garmenifl will bc made to order, in atrictcon rmity with tlie present prevailing fashion and stc Óf the day, and warranted to fit r n7 L'idics' Riding Habhs triade in the UtestlNew ork or Philiilephia fashions. Friends. or Quakers' garments rill bc mado the ticatest and plainest style. Cuttíng done at shorteat notice. All kinds of Milnary Uniform and undretw mts and pantnloons. made agreeable to thepres;U military or roginiental order. J. R. WALKFB. Ann Arbor, July 25th, ]842. nHm, LÜMBER constantly on hand and for aato hy F. DEN1S0N. June 10, 1842. tf PARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES." -Theo. H. Eato&'O. J38. Jefieron avcnuo, arethe soie agenw of these Tery ceibrateil machines. 12-6W riATTlNETT V'ARPS ON BEAMS.- Thko. II. Eaton & Co., 138, Jeficraóri venuc, offer for salo a large stock of Satiinett iVarps. l'rom tlie New York .milis. Thse kViirps are cpnsidered superior to any othnr in he coiuiiry, and will be sold, for cash, nt small idvant'c. 12-8w Wool (tordiisg and Cloth Dressing:. HpHE Subscribcr respect! uily announce to tlx X ciiizens Au" Arbor mul vicinity. that the ire preparcd ? card wool and dress cloih för cus uniers. ''n tho best style, and at the ehoneat noÚVX-. I i ;i v í u r good in.'ichinery. expcriencttJ workuVen, anci l;ng practice in the busincséj ihcy havi the tiiiaöBl conlidence that thcy tiiall givc complete satisinc'ion. J. BECKLEY &, CO. Ann Arbor. April, 25; lf-42. "Sic t;ai of ïrfnhfnB CJitne ictïo'.." TJSMPERANCE HOUS1, AND BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, Vïïilh Hot and Cold Baths Or. J, T WSLSiN, Ec-st enil of Main &t';et. Jackson, Mich.Biver LLaisin ÊlMSTITUTE. npHTS Institution is locatrd in the town of JL Raisin, ne;ir the nortb bank of the beautiful river whcny name it benrs, one nule cast oí th direct road f om Teciinisi-h to Adrián. This et jiib'tc aite has bten Sfleoied for it quiet aéclusion. he i'ertility and leviriio)i ol i(s 90% ka pure and heahhi'ul aunoephere. r.v.á pleus ;ii! scenery. Rooms. - Thcre are now on ihe premisos euithteroóme ior ihc uccuwmodation of lorty slu'ien:s; whirli nre demgnöd to b" occupk-d tor private siudyand lodgii1.-.' Oihcr r.ecpásnry build " areprovided lor roüiiatiot.s mul boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition por Tc;m oí elevan weeks, $4, Off Vr.:... ' with 4 liours work ach week. 7,57 Room Rem, t.cidcntul, PQ Tótnl, J2.95 There wül bc. an additiona) chnrge of one dol Inr for thusc pursuinp the higher branches a Phi loeoph. Algebriü Gcometry. Ar;ronon:y. &C. For Chemistvv, Lciin. o.-r-: ': r.n :'. ..t'.on of f.,-o doitari'H lo macb; Scholars nre -xptcied i., orovic tltemsílyes tfith what furr.nure they wiil need in ihcir rooms, plf? w 'g'" t"eI itnd washüig- jricn:e svül hcreafter board then selves. Bills to be scttlcd in advnnce. The school is open to til npplicnnts of suitablc age a.iíd moni charactèr irrespective oí cow.yltx un er condition. KTThn tniondtcrm of this summier uill ctm.wL.m 'Vcdiusdaij Juhj 20íí, II v vorv unairabie that all wlio design to at retid the school, should be on the ground- hnv thoi'r oülsccttted. añil thc-ir rooms pripartd. befort -ths first dny 'of i'ue Term. Any furiher ia. fbrmation can be obtnined nt the Instini.non. oi by addrcf6in?. post paid. .1. S. Dixon. Trinopai, Rnisin. Lenñwee Co Mich. Ruifein, May V.hh, 1Ö4Ï. ri5- Sta NEW N.Y. OHEAP STORE. THE subperiber haa just returned from New York with the larpest and best selicied assorttiient ol DRY GOODiS, GROCERIEby CROCKERY, BOOTS r SHOES, AND CE 'NOTIONS, ever brought into this rBrk?j, purchnsed previoue to the tnrifl'which. wiil eiiable iiim to seli fó'r cash, aschenp na ny BStííblíétíment west of Buffalo. As we do busipera on the Rkahy Pav System we will not be imdcrsoM by any one in ibis market, whielv will be for the interest of the pnrebaser and (icalí'.y. Wc would say to the farmers that we sell. roods in proportion lo the price of wlieat - a bushfl of whe-u will purchase nsmany goods at hv presen'. !ow prices as it did last fall. Now 1 the time for people to buy goods rf they wam lny theni i:hep. The assortinent consist in onn oi the (bllawing nrticlcs: nUííADCLOTfíS, PJLOToo. BEAVERd S.ATINET and CASSLMERE. KENTUCKY JEANS, FULL'D CLOÏHS. FLANÑELL. (ó all kinds.) SHi:i:i"S GREYS. UMRRELLAS, SILKS. MU8L1N DE LANES. ALÁPÍÑES, MERINO TAGLIONE, CASS1MERE SHAWLS. VICTORIA do, VICTORIA do. CARLISEdo. ROB ROY and BROCHEA, do. JBRASS CLOCK. SHEETING?, HOSE, SIlinflNGS. TICKINGS. GRAYATS T WILLED JEANS; COTTON YARN, CANTÓN FLANNELS. GINGHAMS, COTTON BATTING. HDKF'S, DIAPER aml TahlcCloths. MITTENS, CALICÓES, (of all kinds,) L ADI ES DRESS HD'KFS, GLOVES. (of alTkindsf) LOOKING GLASSES, iSrc. Ac. A choice ■ ssoriinont ol Groceries. sucli ar Teas, Siigars. Molneses, &c. &c.f all of whicb vil! be si)d at wholesale or retail. Pedlare cnn lo supplied at this establishment 3lw n. tonstonish them. Thesulisonbpr deerns it uselese to po into tur er detail, hut asks th'm to cali and examine r themsülves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 20, 1S-12. 3m75 NEW GOODS! i FDEN1SON, is now receivingns usunllya woll selected nssortment of iall and winter iOODS. which will be sold cheap for caen or arter N.B. As cheap as any in town. . SrtOmbr24 1842. tfóB


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