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Waller Freeman And Mr. Badger

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The Jr.te Secrétarj of lbo Navy, Geortre E. Badger, Esq. pf Rateigh, N.C. left in Washington a fomily of elaves. Tliere ihcy feroain ünder the care of hia agent. They are tlic u fe and children of' Wafler Freeman, an intelligent nnd irorthy frccman, wlio was bought by Mr. Badger nt auction in 132", and whosc fiithcr purchased him of Mr. Bador eomo ycars sinco for 500 dollar?, wbich W. F. afterwards refunded to m fatber wiih interest. When Mr. Badger was about leaving Washington to return to N. Carolina he proraised Mi . Fieemën ifhc would rái?e 1,300 dollars, hc would releaae liis Wife'and children. Waller bad 800 dollars of lus own money, and has ever sioce boen very indusfríously ecaployed in this State, New Éngland, Sec. in raifting the balance. Hö has rai c all into GO dollars. To-áay wc aided hira at the Bank in gettinf a ccrtií of deposit for his money. ín a few dnys hs oxpects to tatse the smal! ununt nocessary to complete tho Bum, and tlien to redeein his iumily, whose naines are as foüows : E!izi, Jiis wife, agcd . 42 Jane, his daugliter, aged . 15 Julia, ' ' ; . 13 Emily, ' . q Williain, s n . G Finnk, . . 4 Henry, " " . . L Much goot] may the money do youj Honorable Mr. Badger. N. B. Mr. Badjrer 6 6aid to be a nativa of


Signal of Liberty
Old News