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Threshing Machins

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rpflE understgned wouldinform the public that J_ they continue to manufacturo Housk Pownsnnd Tiikks hing Machines, two and a half mil es from the village of Ann Arbor. on the railroad. The Horse Power is a late invention by S. W. Fosier, and is decidcdly superior to any oiher ever offcred to the public, os will nppear by the statements of those who have used them during the last year. It is liht in weight and c:r.all in compass, bcir.g carried together with the Thrcsher, in a common waggon box. and drawn with ease by two horses. It is as hule Hable to break, or get out of repair, as any other Ilorse Power, and will woik as easy and thrash as much with four horses a ttached to itasany other power with five horses, as will appear from the recommendations bolow. New patterns have been made for the cast Iron. and additional weight and strength applied wherever it had appeared to bo necessary from ono year'suse of the machine. The BiibEcribers deern it proper to state, that a number of horse powers were so!d last year in the village of Ann Arbor which wcre believed by the purchaserö to be those inventcd by S. W. Foster, and that most or all of them were eiihcr made materially different, er altered before sold, so as to be materially different fiom those made and sold by the subscribers. Buch altcrations being decidedly detrimenta' to the utility of the machine. They have good reason to believe that every one of those returned by the purchasers as unsatisfactory were of ihia class. They are not aware that any Power that went from their shop, and was pu inuse, as they made it. has boen condemned or laid asideas a bad machine. All who wish to buy are invhed to examine them and to enquire of those who have uscd them. - Therewillbf! onetbrexaminationat N. H.Wing's Dexter village; and one at Maktin Willson's slorehovse in Detroit - both, these gentlemen being agents for the sale of them. The price will be $120 for a four horse power with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and $130 U,r a hoi se power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to ihefol lowin" recommendations. S. W. FOSTKR&.CO. Scio. April 20. 1842. REC OBIMENDA TI ONS. This is to certify that wa have uscd one of S W. Fosier's newly invented Horse Powers fo about five months, and threshcd with it abou 8000 bnshels, and believe it is constructed on better principies than any other Horse Power. - One of the undersigned has owned and uscdoiq'h different kinds of Florse Powors.and we believe tha four horses will thrash fis much with this Powc as fee will with any other power with which w are acquaintcd. H. CASE. S. G. 1VES. Scio, Janunry, 12, 1842. This ie to inform the public that I have purchas cd, and have now in use, one of the Ilorso Pow ers recently invented by S W. Fojter. mnde by S. W. Foster, & Co., and believe it be construct ed upon better principies, and requires íes Strehgth of horses than any other power wit! which 1 am acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount demons, Sept. 8, 1841. This is to inform thepnblic that I have parchas ed one of the Horsc Powers, recently inventcd by S. W. Foster, and nsd it for a number of months and believe it is the best power in use. worlunir with less strength of horses than any other powc with which I am ncquainted, and being smal in compass, is easily moved from one place to another. Í believe 4 horses will threah as rnuel with this power as 5 will with any otner power The plan and the working of this power have been universally approvodofby furmersfor whon I have thrashcd. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April 11, 1842. STHSjV MACHINES. Tho subscribers makc very good SMUT MA CHINES which-tliey will sell for $60. Thi machine was invented by one of the subscriben: .. who hasliad many ycar'sexperiencein the mUlin business. We invite those who wish to buy ■ good mnchine Tor n fair price to buy of ns. It i worth ne much as most of tho machines that cos from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Manufacfory The subscribers havo recently put in operation a woollen manufactory for manufucturing woollen .clolh by power looms, two and a half miles wes from Ann Arbor village, on the rai'road, whcic he wish to manufacture wool inr.o cloth oni'nrcs or (or y by the ynrd, on rcai mea and foc! conjS&mt that vroA will bcwoü , lonc Thcy (herufore rospactfully Bök a ehaw ofpubüc pröriagc, eipccially fromthose woe in favor of w ïte ikuustky. Wóol may be lt al Scio village. S. W. POSTER & Co. Scio, April ÏS. 1842.


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