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HOL MANS, Bone Oïtatment. L THUIS OiNTMENTBtandsatthe hcad of all in, JL mediefl fot the followirig deeises .which ' ure is heir too, viz:-RHEUMATISM both c Jhronic nnd nflnmitory- Gout- Sprains- Bru3cs and conlrncted TENDONS of long j Jt discusses all tumours- rendera stiff joints c imber by producing a healthy muscular aciiou. Y It asuages pains in Bon.s nnd Auckssks. - ïothing equala it in swclled and inflamed Brcasts . n Females, if npplied in enrly stage, prevenís tipperation or matter formtng, and gives in all -spsimmediateeasefroni pain. Certifieates o bis tact could be giveu if nccepsnry. This remcdy is oflercd to tbc Public with the ÜH assirïance lUat it farëxcela the Opodeldoc's iul Linimcnts of the piesen1' day, for the abovc liscasos. A trinl is only wnnted, to givc it the - lecided preferencc to evcry thing else. Many 'hyscinns ol eminence have used this oinlment J ind extols its nicriis. n9 The above ointment is for sale wholesalo and . etail by L. BECKLEY. An n Arbor, ílowcr town) June I5tb, 1842 9 8' TO PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY e MERCHANTS. ( nnlIE subscriber invites the attention or Phy JL eicians and Country Merchants, to his irësent stock of Drugs, Medicines, Painte, DÜ8, Dye Stuff?, Varnish, Bnishes, fctc. &c. joniprising onc of the largest and iullest a inénts brought ;.o the country. In his present stock will be tbund: 100 oz Sülph. Quinine, superior Frcnch and F.ngKsh, } 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do t 00 oz. Curpenter's Witherill's Extract oi Bark, , 1 bbl. Fowdered Rlnibarb, i 1 Chcst Rhubarb Itoot, i 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, ! 50 lbs. Culomel, S caeks Epsoin Salts, 15casksFall and Winter strained Sperm pa, 40 boxes Sperm Cantiles, L000 (bs. White Load, dry and ground, 4 caeka Linseed OjI, Dentista Instruments and Stock Gold, Silver and Tin Foil Platina Ware, Poicelain Teeih. A general assortment of Patent Medicines, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jefferson Avenue, tign of the Gilt Maren 13. Mortar, Detroit. TAILORING BUSINESS ! AM. NOBLE, wöuldrcspectfully inform the citizens of'xrln Arbor nnd its vicinity, that he lias opened a shop in iheLower Town. immediaicly over the late mercan tile sland r{ Lt:nd & Gibson, and the siore of .1. Beckley & Cj., whorc he is preparcd at all times (o do work ijl lus line, with promptness, and inaneatand durable manaèr. Particular aucntion will bc paid to cutting gorr ments. Produce will be taken at the Qguai pri ees. for work done at his shop. These who have cQsii to pay for services of thts kind, are particularly invitad to cnll. Ann Arbor, April 27. 1842. tf 1U BANISTËÜ'S rfflIalS pill has not only been nsed by myA self, but by a nurnber of Physicians of high stauding, hoth in this and other States,, to great advantage. By tiie frequent an:lrepeatedsolicitationsof my friends, I have corrci:ted to cfTer them lo the public ns n most effïcacious remedy for all those bilüous discosees criginating in a ncw country. The abovc pill is for salo wholesale and re.tnil by L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, (lower tewn) June 15th 1842. 9TO CLOTH1ERS. nnHE subscriber is just in receipt of a furJtL thcr eupplv of Clothier's stock, consistmg of MACHINE CARDS ,f cvsry tUsarijhton; CLOTHIER'S JAC':'. AT TINETWMIP. CARD CLEANSERS and PICXERS, SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES. 8.CRE.W8, PARSON'8 SHEARING MACHINE. ÉMERV. fetery size,) T ENTER HOOKS, PRESS' PAPER, together with a irrl' schctcd assorfmenl. oDYE WOODS.aud DYE STUFFS of the very best growüi and manufacture. These goods (coming ns they do direct from first hands) the subscribcr is enabled to sell lowcr than any other house west of New York, lif theiefore solicits the ntteniiop of firrr.s in tlie clolhing business, to theexannnaliun ofhia stock and p ices before going east or puxchaging elsevvhcie. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale and Retnil Druggiat, 139 JefferHon' Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. ESTÁTE OF.-; JACOB LAWTON DE CEASED. - Notice is hereby given, that ihe undersignedj have proved the last will and Lestamcnt of Jacob Lawlon. deceased, and have taken letters Tesiamentary thereon, and have ■jivcn bonds according to law. All persons indebted to snid estáte are requested to makc payment without delay. and all persons havingr claims iigainstsaid esta'e are requested to present the saine lo the subscribers, well authentieated, for payment, GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM. Exccutors of the last will and Testament ot Jacob Lmvton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3m TEMPERANC HOTEL, BY S5OBERT& TERHÏJiliE. (CORNER OF MICHIGAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES, DETROIT;) THE above House is pleasanüy situated nea the Central Railroad Depot, and is now uj dergoing thorough repnirs. The rooms are pica, ant, thi! B-'ds and Bedding all new, and the Tabh will be supplied with the choicest ol the market and the proprietors assure those who will favoe them with their custom, that a!l pains shall be taken to make their stay with them agreeable. Fahe, very loto, and accommodation cood. - Caniages to convey passengers to and from the Hotel free of expense. Detroit, Aprilt 1S42. "ECONOMT IS WÈALTH." T I lFIE Sunscribers willpay pay two cents per I pound in Goods or Paper for an qunntity of good clean SW1NGLE TOW, delivered at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. tf NEW GOODSTr FDEN1SON hap just receivéd n complete stock of DRY-GUODS, GROCER1ES AND CROCKERV. which will be aold very cheap for money or most kind nf produce. Descripiions and prices will he given at theStore. Ann Arbor, June 1, 1842. SALAR A TUS - A prime árdela in boxea or barrels, for sale ut the lowest prices by F. DEN1S0N. Sept. 24, Ï842. ft23


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