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The subscribe, informs t hers ml . ti-Slavery Societie and all persons who de re to read the Slavery publicatie tl at have iwued frop. the American pre thL 1 ias purchased all the books, gWjJJJg ftpund dollars, at „ld prices, whjch fae ofte lor sale by hifi agent in any quon ty ai tow present (reduced) rctail pnces. By the huff5 S or larper quantiiy, they w.ll be so d !oei _l'ay for LnJ volumes 25 per cent. discount: SL#7rf, tracto ld picture, 50 1 percent. ieeouT With respect to most of thmTwj B below the actual cost to mem cash. 1 hej monthp.niii! Itlieir 1 ill m i co„t,ioing tbc S,.C0P "ïiwiSTAPPAN. New Vork, March lst, 1842. DOUND VOLUMES. American Slavery as il is, rauslin 50 Aati-Slavery Manual . fítoñ lliot; by Pb. Beecbcr, of Dl. Coll. 12mo. 25 feltïyReco:dvol,,,.and3 seto i-Snt.bounavol, .0 BeautieH of PhUantbmpy J Bourne's Picture of Slavery Button on the Slave trade " CaStof Freedom (Clarkson '. ht ory of the slave trade,) voUr. 1, 2 and 3 set 1,00 ChloeSpear 2Channitiff on ouivü.jr O5 SrieWbyThon.oandK-unbaU; SoSlinby o in boards with map 25 Enomies of Con.tition discovered j Fountain, plain binding, o4mo. ifiGnfltavuB Vassa q710 Grimas Lette to M, lecr S7 M Jay'H Inquiry S7 1-2: Jay s ww oo Light and Truth -J LifeofGranvilleShnrp o Wott'fi Bio-raphicnl fechos M Memoir of Rev . Le.nucl Manes Do ofLovejoy , gsi-S Nortii Star, gilt ccigoa ? Sin's Letter. 18mo. 100 pp. ;J Richt aod wrong in Boston 8W,Fricn,l,o.,ol8.ll2an etM ISH-pf.ontaGre.türitain, Tcltaony of GoJ SUvery, 18m.. 20 Wheatly, Pliillis Memo of - ' with portrait PAMPIILETS.Set A. S. Al,nacs, fret, 1850 to 1841 ] I , AdtcsSorterreePecloofClor I ■ Ancient Landmarks ofaThonsand Witnesses jM AddreasonRightofPcñHon Address to Senators and Representaties of the free Stntes A" Do.1 eoffe, A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Women in the nominal.y free - AaKuc Anecdotes on American Slavery 2 AddStothe Church of Jesus Chnst by tlï f Evangelical Union A. S. Society, Adams' J. Q. Letters to his Constituenls 4 idlSlLQ. Speech on the Texas Ques-i2 - AnnTal Reports of Am. k. S. Society, 3d, 4th, 5tl and 6fh , 12 J Annual Reports of N . Y. city Ladies A. g Ap%a1 to the Cliristain Women of the South 3 Bible againït Slavory G Colloction of Vabable Documenta O 1-4 Birncy'B Lnttcrs to the Churches Birney on Colonwation Cbattcl Principie- a Summary of the New Tcstjiment argument onblavery, by Bcriah Green Chipman's Discourse r,h.nnninr's Lettel sto Clay Condition of Frec People ot Color o Crandn 11, Reuben, Trial of . ■ Dissertation on Servitude ■- Dickinson's Sermm _,.,.■ , Does the Bible snnction Slayery? 1 Dec. of Sent. and Constitution of the Am. A. S. Society _ Dwcusfflon between Thompson and inridge s Dresser's Narrative Exünguisher Extingnished Elmore Correspondence G; do in sheets 4to. 2 Emancipation in West Indies Thome and Emancipation in West Indies in 1838 3 Freedom's Defense G Garritíon's Address at Broadway Tabernacle b Guardian Genius of the Federal Union 6 Genei ons Planter .,..,_. J Gillett's Review of Bushnell's Discoursc 6 Immediate, not Gradual Abohtion lL-2 Jay'6 Thoughts on the Duty ot the Episcopal Church 3 Libertv3vo.SS;_do; lamo Morris's Speecli in answer to Uay a Mahan's Rev. John B. Trial in Kenfucky 12 1-2 Martyr Age in America, by Hamet Martineau f Mot'ern Espediency Considered l Power oí Congreso over the District of goluinbia , d Plea For the Slave, Nos. I, 2 and 3 ; ■ Proceeduiirs of 'he Meetintf to form B.oudway Tabernacle Anti-Slavery SocietA Pro-Slavery Rrnl CodeofHaitiloper, Moses Narrative of a Fugitive 12 liglits of Colored Men 12 1-2 tiirgleo?rf Antidote itight and Wrong in Boston 2 ■ Slavery Rhytnes Slade's Speocli in Congress in 1838 Smith'a Gerritt Letter to Jas. Smylie Do. Letter to Henry Clny b Slaveholding Invaviably Sinful, "malura in se,' Southard's Manual Star of Frcedom Schmuckeraml Smitli's Letters Slaveholder's Prayer SIaveho](!mr Weighed ;' Slavery in America (London); do. (Oermnny) The Martyr, by Beriah Green Things for NorLhern Ríen to do Views of Cdonization, by Rev. J. Nnnrse Views of Slavery and Emancipaüon, by Miss Martillean G Wesleyan Anti-Slayery Review 2.' War in Texns, by Benjamin Lundy 6 Why work for tlio Slave _ ! Wilson's Address on West India Emancipation . 4 TRACTS. No. 1. St. DomiHgo, No. 2, Caste, No. 3, Colonizntion, No. 4, Moral Coiidition of the Slave, No. 5, What is Abolition? No. G,Tlie Ten Cnmmandmcnts, No.7Dnger and Safcty, No. 8, Pro -Slavery Bible, No. 9, Prejadiee ajrainst Color. No. 10, Northern Dealere m Slaves, No. 11, Slavery and Miseions No. 12, Dr. Nêlsiin's Lecture on Slavery TheabovcTractsaresold at 1 cenleach. PRIiNTS, ktc. Illustrations of the Anti -Slavery Almanac fnr 1Jl4n The Eraancipnted Family c Slave Markct of America Correspondence belween O'Connel and Stevenson Do. do. Clay and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printer's Picture Gallery ; Lei ter paper, stamped with print of Lovejoy sheet ■ 1S Do. wi!h Kneelinqr Slave sheet 1 Pnyer for Slaves, witfa AIusic, on cards 1-2 PotraitofGerritSmith 'jOs In iddition, are the foJIowinp, the proceed of which wil! go ïnio the Mendian fund. Argument ofllon. J. Q. Adams in the case ofthe Amistad Africana 2.0 Argument of Roger S. Hulwin, Esq. do do 12 1" Trial ofthe Captives ofthe Amistad Congressionnl Document relating to do. 6 Portiait of Clinquez j00 MarchSd, 1C42.


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