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Communications: Extract Of A Letter From S. B. Treadwell

Communications: Extract Of A Letter From S. B. Treadwell image
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Jackaon. Dec. 2d. ! 8 2"W baVé learned that S' -me of ih? towns ti our cjunty Ironi which wc expected sotie support to our iberty ticket, (ui not roceivê iheir votes in scüson This 'ïccnums, we think, fortbe liberty voiejin our county,not heing ns larje i s we amicipaicri. The friends ofliberty hcre. however. appear to be vcry wei! süisfied, our vote being something more han doublé thot of' last year, and they spem encouragcd to begin in good scaaan ibis winter 10 labor tiat it ehaíl he doublé next fall to what it is üúe, noiwtihstanding the loud calis aboiit these doys for ;'whig nboli; tiouisis" 10 vote for a certnin blaveholder and dueüis'. 'Hlds once," ':a3 the oiiiy poss-Mc way tosave the people irom the condition o! Europesn ficrrs mul southein shves." A prtty way one would thüik íor a peoplu to rert.'em tiic:n selve front "w'ire slaciry" by rhoosing eitlier blaik or tohitn sfavèholders to ule over ihom - Now I cannot but beüeve that were it not for tbe blimUng power ol party prejiuiice. ai] party interest, our fellow cinz-ïiis who advocate the olection of Henry C!ay to ilie Chief Magisiracy 01 this naiion wouid sca chsiriy that the lloniy Ciays and the John C. Cilhouna of the soirh. by the timeiy nd of tlu-ir ftvór 61edicnt "noniiern ailied wiih squthern principies, ' having so lonspur-uud tlieir exclusive slwf.êhoWing poücy in t!iü enúre control : o ;r nuwo'iÍAl governnieni for thebenefu of slayay, have airetidy reiiuccd thu labonng pcöple of (iurcuuntry, in iatíl. prat ty neurly I') n level wit'n thu "European ten . the Southern Blavc;" It is indeed strnngo :hnt some tan. not. otioill not see the same trien, the sime priiicipke. and thes-uüi po'acy tha; wou ld make biac k surs örslavcs., v.-ould inaké white otics, wkénovêr ny people eau be euilicienlly delutied tu subfiiit thetti selves to t!i3 operation, hs the .merican peijpie are ii')v droiog by tne inflüetica ot'tiie rivai save ry and jyo-slavery politicians ot t.!iis cou'ntry Oh! (he niockury oía niuieü Tlc 1 ')':cr ui tbese Northeri Siaios istW "fukb'! Butin whnt sensc is lie ree' It is nue h'e is ut yol driv.;n inío asnui'.':n Cpltón f.elii by the 1 ah i the 6'a.v.i dn6'. Nehhèr is 'ti yet actiially bouiilu an.l sol(i ike ie hc.s's of the field at i: wiilo! their öwnera. .o. He is )t free ishoüTder hts .txe aud utU UveJbVest" and mis; his wli'.'at, take t t- uii.küt stmetimës (roüi 3 to 4) miles aod thea recnive-.tfii c shilli-n'ga per buahcl ,ir it. He ïsy.el Ira to raise iiis beef and pork by the sanie procesa asi'l receive Iroin onc lo one and a fialf conts'.n poutid lxr it. IIo is 1L0 tree 'hum.'l and .e f.'fi'lj" ia sond p liir etitiona io a slavehoídíng Govèrniyorn to breik' tliir utiliv)ly Icitiuo witti the iuid drspots of V.w rope tor the BflNEFIT OF THK COT'l O. INTEREST, which prohi!i 5 i!ie ityró'duction ui noríbern producís into o cign pons. Bui as üu& relates in so?r,e rnonher tú slay'ery lie hiej'roe to sec his "humblc tin! r sptétfiit" petitions, laid linde i the table by v.rtue of the elavtioider's grgí L i is free to haven democratie SLA VI-; Piesidenl, or, il it stüts hrn borter, óc&teioánílj; lic may faave a 'noiítitin man wi;!i sottiherri prtñc pies. '" Like tiie yankee elock pedlnr'e cústomcr. foto to have one worthkss clock for $ Jó, tiúd íí that don't suit hnii. he is fkbk to c1kiiil;c it for ; worsc one. Mm-y whole co':iit;e: of pe-.plo ral led l'ree. in Indiana. Illiiiois. W'isonsin Lcc. aro Fn;'.ii to hnve n mail but on.e a ueel: because our $IjO,OOJ annu il siirpiue Post offic revenue at the IS7onh] go to give a DAILY mail to a lew aristocratie slaveiioldets scattercil over the sla ve plantations'.of ihe soulh. He to Witness millions ■' the avails oí his hard earnings go to support lio ni o ir.d slave catehn wars, and to remove KRBE Indians froni líien lands, to iiiake room and saicty for slavi: negroes. He is frt;e to see thc mnny mülions of the surplus revenue and thé avails of ihe public larid (tnosi of which isthe producís of nofthern hands, ) so divídedby slavelioldersaud ' noi liicrn nien jyith southern principies'1 tii'it every slave holder witii 100 siaveshas as tuuch oí tiic whole aniount as til northern nsen callea free. He is free to know that more tliau eiirht hundred millions of money earntd by noi iliern hunde have been dniwn down fhuí tlio oúíhe'rn gulph of sinvery to sustaín the equiliUriuiii ot this slavholding, blóodsucking goyérnment, líe is íree to see our armies and uv tnvics madfi tp mostly of noithiirns)l'liers an I ndtthern sailors, andsu.iported by ivuthern money: ojjiereil 'by Southkrk ';gti.í'cinc)i!!'' He is fice to see a ghvehulder President oí' the natíon, President of he Sánate. Speaker of tlio House, &c. &c., aud f;one8tíi of these slaveholders does. not suit him, lio is free to change theín (if he can) íor another inoiv "hungry swarm." He is free to see slavcry b.inkrupt the South nd the nation and then "expunge" itsessOy repudmtipq aud general Bvakrupt !as 'e a then free to eee American agenta '.bamb} 'jegging in forèigo couhtriea to negotinte a loan 1 1 Búdtain a slovery-bankrupted goveruuiem. bui yithout tuct.' sa for wajni ol eren'ti. He isfree lo iclong 10 [iro-slavcry ecclcsinsticil bodies (whicl i"lil thot.tho ;y .:)" of slsvery y.-.f.y ,.r mr; not be a pulticul eoil, luit the holding ond sell'.ng tnèn t'.s biuit'snot a sin agfiinat God and nan;) nnd f he cotnes out froni such bpdies lic is frce to !e Btnir.ped by ihcm -.3 a "hcrcli, :nd aheatíien-man.'' Fina'ly, he is Tree, ns oftcn ns slivcry brenko lowri the commercial ;;nd finanoiol :ft'.:B pf this whole country, to work, and snffer want; t til, privaiion snd di3tre.=s. to build them ür t prepare in th-.e time Cor' another :.nd stil! noredestcuetivc !)-c.ik down until the Somhon prediction fs liter lly iulri leJ. thai the "laboiikps ofüur vvHDt.K coa.NT.iT, BLEACÖED OR rNBLKACñED, MUST AND SflALL BK SLAVES"i! Wüh estcein yoiirs for humahity and our oovfatty. S. B. XR.EADWELL. S. - Wliüc I vnlueas liÏL'lily ns any one, n high toned, tlioroutrh irins Anti-slavory puper, ■ind trust tho Si;rni! will bewidly extended, yei onr c;mse wquld move Torwnrd imuch ib'in'k', f we hná in nhie and efficiënt lecturer. constantly p.)lü:iri5 he wind.; ,'ici J. thus co-operatlng vrith' the paper Ii' Mr. Bement'a &:- vicos could be obtained. we nü thi.nk in tliis imttcr. he is tlic mnn. ííe prfsents the subject happiiy, forcibly', a:i! fuüy up to the times: - .Tacks'-n county woulO do her par: to susiainhim nsn constant jecturer. Bw 1 do hope tho frienda will not wiiit a moment for agenis. bilt cvery wliere dm itig t'ie loiiï winter evenings, whetlier few or many, 'io!'J school district meetings to tnlk over the ?uhject, and read ablo documente to thcir 'r'cnds nhd neichnors.


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