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■ en R VVALKRR respectfully informa htm . friends and the public in genera], ihat id lewntly con.menced business, in the taüon K rinwjone dooreast of JBower dry goorissioie here he s pieparéa lo 'execuïe orders in the b iiüt nel mosi insliionnhlc biyle. Górmente will be made to order, „ strict con rmity with üie present prevnüiñg feshion and löle ot ihe day, and warranted to fit or no large. Ladiea' Jtfdtng Tfnbits made in the latcstlsew ork or Philadepbia faahtóns. . Prienda, orQukeraVg-memii will be made i the nentest and plainest st Ie. Cuttingdone at shortest notice All ki„,!s of Militar ünfÓirm nnJ miren S Pwtfkona, f; ,1, „greéabJe to trepresnt military ur regïmemal ordét. Ann Arbor. July S5th. 184 nVSm. F UMBKR coDÓtantly o., lnT) „r.d ,„r saïe p.MtsoN's sherinq machines. J -iHF.o M. Eat.,n v Co. 138. Jfifer. .. l%rCW SVjTINKTT VVARI'S ON BKAMS.1L O ..:::o .11. Eaton & Co., 138, Jeircrscri Vyenue. offer for solo a larpe stock of SntMnett Warpa, from the -New York milis These aipa are copbidered superior to any otl-er in ïhe country, and wHl be 8ü!d, for cnsíí, at n snu.ll _n ' IQ-Hw npHE.Snb8cribow respéctiuüy nnnounce to the JL cmzetisAnn Arbor and vicmity. that thev ire prëparéd to card wool and dféss cioth fo cus tomenjii ihê besj-style; and at theahoneet no. tice. Bkmag g.iod macbinery, experiejjeed w rk men, and longpraètice in the business, they havo the utmos! contldence that they . shaü giv'e complete sntisfoction. q? '..:-, BF.CKLEY & CO. Ann A-W. April. '-., s.o. 4ii. fcagB o: Ufn;ÍHi3 Üííne foro ." JACKSOKT TA'MPERANCE HOUSA1, BOTANIG MEDICAL STORE, WitSi Hot LUid Gold Baths Er.J, T WfilSW, East cn-l of Main Streèi. Jacknon, Mich. I iT STITUÏE, ri"ïiIS jnsiiunifni :s locatéd ín the town of J. Rnisin, dear the nohfc bank ofth beaütifnï riyer wbose name it bèors, ohe.rniie (msx ui irie direct iomi IVóm Tecuti.seh n Adrián. This e!igible8Íte has been seiected for its quici seclutiion. ihe fertility uui tlevation óf iis soil. iis pure andüfialihliilátmospíiére, óri pleaa ;nii scerwry. Rooms. - TKere are now on the prëniiscè si:itb!e ro.onin lor ihi; áeconintodatioti of knv siudena; which are (.'Mined to b-i occupitd i'or j.riyate smdy and lodgirjg". Otner necí-ssóry büiláug aroptovklpri Ir.r rfci'ntit'i b fcrtd boarding EXPENSES. Tuitton poe Terra t eleven wecfeffi i$;i.0f Board - vvith i4 liuuis work euch week. ' 7, 7 ' '" e's Incidental, y TowJ, 12.95 Thsre wilr-be an addinona! chnrge of ene doiIa for üw$ pursuinè the 1 1 1 l; 1 ■ e r orr.nclies r,s Vhï l'ösitphy, Algebjfl, Geóíiietíy. Asi:-oioii:y. Ac. F-orCbeTnfaiTy; LatihorGrèek an adtfition of two dollars wi.H by made. Scholnis ar exjificwd U proyide themeelyes witR wljal fiirniturè ilmy Nvil! need ifi tluir rooms. oíf)Oy w'ítJi ligíits. ftíel, and washing- none v.ill hereafter bbhrd tbem ííc!v'f. Bilis to bescltlcdin ndv.-mco. The school in ópen lo olí apfplicantB o saiitable pee Htid raorój chaïactei fresfteciive oí cimplez.. n or eondition. fCFThnseconil-térm f ihh ipUl commeft'r'e Tvediiiáiay'iuly 2Ótk. Ii is ve. y 'i. i-.!, !C r,!l who design tont tffBd the school, ehxiddbéon the gtound-bwe iheii biils settlcd, urid thek roónis prepare), heio:e thé fiist rlny of rhe Terin. Any further in fbnr.atioii c:m be utitiiiheri at i!:c Insüru, liorjt of by addreseinj,'. pógi .-i(!. .1. S, Dixo.n, r"rincipalJ n ! ennwe Co Mich. n '-'-v Illih. !-!. n5--2n New-;: N. Y. ViïïLM &r(HiL. miE jsubecriber haa just reiurned jrrn fíevr YANKEE NÖriOxS. o KSRSÍÍE marlieti mrchiiéed „revioun to tliè' tariff.whiqb sMli.unUe hun to öéH for cash,' as cbeap as nnjr ewablhniem wst „f Hu-fu.o As we do bufms3,on !il(-; Rr.T Pav SvstÍím we will .iot be unilcrailil by any oi.e in thia markèt, which willhe i lor ihe intcresi of ihe purcliw-ei áhd dení, er. Wewouldsay to the laniiértbqt we self eooda' in proportjon to ihe pnce of wbent- a bushplpl whtai will purchaae ns many v„onB at presenil !yw prices ns it Ji.l last Now the time for peöpje to buy (fobda il tf.ey want buy rhejn c hèap, The issonmeru conaíst in ait ■;( iliu loijowmg nriichsSB.EEP'S GREYS, UAÍBRELLAS, S1LKS. MÜSLIN DE LWT.S ALAPl.viS. MERixO TAGI.IONE , Sá??f .SIAWSf VICTORIA do MCI'ORIA do. CARLISEdo. ROB HOY .inri BROCHÉ do RRASS CLOCK. Sfí;:: I LNGS. FiOSE R'níT.(rS. TICKIIÍGS, fIRAVATS, TWÍLLKD JÉANS. COTTON YARN oííííTS fLS'NELS, GINGHAMSi COT í OlV BATTING, FIDKF'S. WAPBRond TablwCIpihs, MITTENS, CALICÓES, (of all kirirfs ) LADI'ÉS DRf.SS iíIKF, G LO VES. (óf nll kinds) LO0K1ÑG GL SSE &c. &.c. A choice iissórtineht ot G'rocenes. snch a eas, Suaaraj M.ílnfwes. S-c. o.f II fcf which ni te shl it wholesnle nr reuiil. PerJlarsean be snpplied at this estabJishment ww as t- asionieh themi T.irsnbscribor deems it iiseloss to po info fur íier (tetail. bm asks ihem to cal] :m.l kxajii.-je. ar thoiríselve's. O. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor; Pon. 15. ih.í. Sjtj75 DR .'. l{. BAR:Nf-.y, l-íl YfcfK-lA.N AND SURGEON.- House ad OiTire, i fewloo.rssouiJh of the L.fñyette House, wh'ere he can n: found tiiühi and day. Ann Arbor April 2Óth. 1842. WOOL, VVheat, Flour, Grass SoeJ, Butter Checso. Fork, &c wanted; a!so, Black salís and Ashes. F: DENISON. Sept. 24, 1642. tJ


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