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"We insert tho President' s message this week, to the oxclusian of some other mattero. Wo find in it notliing very remarkable. The Florida war, we are assured, from tho highestauthority, is now ended. The expenditures of the year will amount to about $34.000,000, of which eightmilüons go to pay the public debt. Mr. Tyler recommends a moderato Tarifffbr reverme, with incidental protection, as most likely to be permanent, satisfactory and beneficia!. Accordmg to tho slaeholding policy recommended by the Secretary of the Navy last year, the operations of ihat department are to be augmented by commissioning iixteen more vessels, and building twelvc. This, we suppose, is tho first step towards making our navy half the sizo ihat of Great Britain- just to protect "our peculiar institutions."Mr. Tyler's 9keleton of n Government Bank, to be baptised an Exchequer, does not look very fascinating to We do not desire to eee tho Government turn banker. The people of the iree States are now fleeced by the Slavo Power through thc ciiítonis.the naval, militnry.and postoffice departments, anda grand 'shaving machine' under the direct ond absolute control of three of TTS cominissioncrs, would be an addition to its forrncr engines of power in no way to the advantage of thc Northern people. But we opprehend that thero is no danger of its adoption at thie ses8on, first, because there are but three months in wbich Congreps can talk about it; eecondly, becouse ilic Clay whigs will be adverso to it, an Iaslly, tlie Demócrata will oppose it. But it wi.ll, do very well as a subject of debato. Mr. Tyler snys, substantially, there coa be but three kmdsof public curreney - specie, the promises of State Banks to pay specie, and thc prom ises of the General Government to pay it. Heidmits that a National Bank of the old sortia out of the question, so far as National action is conccrned, and he anys truly that the. issue ís only between a specie currency on the one hand, and Government issues on the other. The President bewails our loss of nationa] credit in a moet doleful manncr; apparently not realizing that nations, as well as individuals, can only obtain credit by punctuality and good faith. The repudiation of the States has destroyed our iiational credi'. Finally. he winds off with a sop to the Democrats, in the shape of a reimbursement of the fine to General Jackson. The thing proposed is of very qucstionable expediency, and it certainly looks quite gratuitous on the part of Mr. Tyler to urgo on Congress a donation of doubtful utility, which in no way concerns the general proaperity of the country.KTCol. R. M. Jolinaon is in New York Stnte, holding forth about the KentuckianB, InJinns, British, tlie killing of Tecumseb, &c. - riicy do .not estceni hini to be a very great man áown there. Itianot known that his concubine was 'with h!m.O"The Ycarly Meeting of Fricnds was lately held at JJaliirnore. They adopted a long report on slavery, advising thcir niember3 oi 10 bccoma entanglcd in political .-ion against slavery, but to bear testhuony against it purely on religioua grounds; and to avoid all excitements and movements in wbich they do not feel themselves called to niingle by the immediate influences of tho Holy Spirit.


Signal of Liberty
Old News