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Case Of Col. Webb

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Gov. Sewanl has pnrdoncd Col, Wcbb on the exprcss condition that he sliall not ngain vioiate nny laws of the Slatc ngainst duelling, or abet auch violation, or print or piiblish any defenceor justification of duelling. Tho reasons for partfoning him eeom to be that he was not the challenger- tho challenger has not been punished- the coinbat was not mortal - Webb did not harm Marshall in the encounter - he submitted himsclf lo justicc without legul defence- that vhilc the laws agaïnst duelling have been often viola ted in forty years, only three convictions havo taken place, and the three crimináis wcro all pardoned by the Exccutive. and many ofFenders agninst theea hiws have been subsequently highly honored öy their fcllow ciiizens: and, finally, it would bc partial and unequnl to enforoe in tho present case, penaltiee whieü may have been regardcJ as obsoietcl We :npprehend ihese reasons will not be conaidered saüalactory in oiher States, or in accordance with the firni and independent coursc Gov. Scward hns hitherto pursued. Our exchunge papers, as'farastUey exiircss any opinión ion are unanimousin disapu-owiog of the pardon f WebU. At the sume time that Gov. Seward pardoood Wcbb, he refused to pardon an obscure murderer named Douglass, and he was hangcd. Bul Col. Webb was a gciUlcman! a prominent Whig leader, and a personal and political friend of the Governor; end thcrefore, on Mm, "t wouJd be pariial and unequal to enforce peuahies vr'hich niay have lwen regard ed va obselcto" 1 ! !QirThrce of ifie persons conccrncJ in the prize fight wliero M'Coy was murdered have been sentenced to fine and imprisontnent - Sullivan to lyto yearein the Staie Prison. SMr. Prestoo, Seuator from South Carolina, has íeeigjied.


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