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CLINTON SEMINAK.Y. THE fiftli term of this inslitiukm will commence on Monday, Nov, 14. and continuo 12 weeks. Having procurcd the assistance of two experiencedand euccessful Teachers, tho principal is beller prepared than meet ihe wants of tlie coipmuiiiiy by giving a thorough English and Classïcal eduffation. Tuition, for studies pursued by small children, in the Primary Department, $2,00- for ccmraoii English branches $3,uU - Cor the luglicr English branches, as Algebra, Geomeiry, Astronomy. Book-Kecping, Chcmistry, Momt andlnteücotual PbSloaophy, Logic, Rhetoric &c. 4,00, Latin, and Greek, f5,00, Freneh, and Ilcbiuw, $0.00. Suulents will be charged tuition in advancc, froin the time they enter till the close o( the term, bnt it will be rcfunded to nny who nay bo detained by protracted sickness. Board may be had in goud families at a very rcasonable price. A lew may obtain board wkh lie teachers. A short Issson in the theory and ractice of vocal Mnsic will continue to furm a art of the daily oxercises. No piins will be spared to preserve the youth. vho may be intrustcel to our care, frm imitioral niluences. and to render them wiser and better. Other informotiun will be checrfully giveu to uch as address us by letter for ibat purpose. We would e.xpress our gratiludc to those Edtors who have favorably noticcd us. Thnsowho vill ineen this advertisement shall be ontitled to uition to ihe amount oftheir bill. GEO. VV. JtANCROFT. Principal. JAS. S. SMEDLEY, Teacher of Frcnch and Hcbriw. Clinton, Oct. 4, 1842. 25 Ú NOTICE. - As some young ladies regard it as n matter of consequence to attend school wbere )iie of the teachers is a femalc, we vrish to say hat we have ver)' unexpectedly been deprivcd of hc labors of our female teacher, and know not liat her place can bo permanently filled bcfore the commcncenient oi the spring term. G. W. B. Clinton Sominary, Nov. lfi, 1842. ASH1ÜJMABLE HA1R DRESSING.- T. Freeman returns hie sincero thonfea to tho citizens of Ann Arbor and its vicinity for the liberal patronage they have extended to him, and carne6tly solicita furlhercontinunnceof the anme. ie also wi?hes to purchase a quantity o!" fnlse jair, for which he will pay a liberal price, íor tho urpose of innnufacturing ringleta. Mr. Krecman nopes not to give offence to his ;ld customers, when he informa thum. that hereafier hia shop will be closed durinj the Sabbath Jay. He will be very nnxious and happy to nccommodate them. by working a linie later and aore induslriously on Saturday evenings. - T. FR.EEMAN. October 3, ] 842. Yi'SILVNTI ACADLMY . AND J Ttacfcrs Seminary. THE tcntli term of this Institution will { menee on Monday, Nov. 28, and continuo ( 11 weeks. ( Having procured the assistance of tyo ( tent and suecessful Teachers, the principal is ( pnred to give a ihorough English and Clasica! , educaiion. He will devote his wholc attention to ■ the English dcpartmentas hcrctofore. From 20 . to 33 minutes is dailv occupied by the principal . in lecturittir. with ihe nid of the nppaiatus and t niincrals, or otherwise. , i Apparaivs.- The Instkution is furnished with ( Chemical, Philosopliical, and Asuonomical apparatus. Surveyiny Instruments, Geometricalsulids, &c. to the amouat of $300; also, a good Ciïiinet ol Minerals worlh L50. Tiiidon in the Eniilisli branches, from $2,50 to $5,00 per term ; "Latín and Greek, L3.U0; French, $3.00; F-nglish and Classiial studies iinited, G,()0 only: Mezzotinto and Chinese or Thenrem painting, 3.00 each for 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. GriiUn. The tuition is to be paid at the middle o the term. No düduction for absence will bo rnadc, excupt for proiracted sickness, and no onc will b"b received for less thnn rive and a half 'yrceks. Board, including room and washing. fqr$1.50 per week. For further particulars enquire of the principal. , II. II. GRIFF1N, Principal. CHAS. WOODRUFF, Teacher of Lntin, Greek and French. Miss CAROLINE A HAMMOND, Ypsilnnti. Nov. 16. 1842. KÏIAT JÍAKUAlíMiá.- K. Jianks resp.ctfiílly informa tke farmcra and othera visiting Detroit, that he Btill continúes at his old stand on Woodbridge st., adjoining Wardell's bluck, and keeps on hand a general .-.ssortiuent of READY MADE CLOTHING, wlrch he is determined to sell dicapcr than the nlicapestfur Cash. R. B. has just received from the Enst au assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres. Satinetts and Vesting, which will be niado tip to order in fashionablc stylo at short notice. 11. BANKS. Detroit, Sept. 5, 1842. 20-6m


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