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The General Association Of Michigan: For The Signal Of Liber...

The General Association Of Michigan: For The Signal Of Liber... image
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I" pursunncc of q cali issued by the Jnckejn Conference, a Convention of Congregatioin.1 Ministers and Churches, ossembled at Juckson, on Tuesday, the Uth day of Oct. 13 !2. at 6 o'clock, P. M., for tho purposo of forming a Goneral Acsociation of the Staic. Aftcr listening to nn appropriatc discourse by Rev. IJ. S. Ilaniilton. from Isa. 60: 1. "Arise, skins ; for thy Ught ia come, and the glinj of the, Lord is risca vpon thee," Rev. Jr.son Park was appoimcd Moderator, nnd Rev. L. Smith ilobarl, Scribc. A committee was appointed to proparea Consiitution and Rules for the organization of a General Association: - and then, after uniting in prayer wiih the Moderator, the Convention adjourned till tho next day. On Wedncsday mo.-ning the Convention rensseiibled, and vo3 opened wiih prayer. The Committte icportud a Constitution. (including a co_nfession of faith,)r.nd a series of Rules, whicri wcre nccopted; and, after being fully discusaed ond somewhat modifiod, were adopted. T!:e Congregntional organizations in the State, liitherto, have consisted of Ministerial Associatioi)3. and Conferences of tho Churches - one of eacli occupying the same ground. The Associations are similar to those of New England, having like purposes and powors. The Conferences are con;posed of the Ministers, together wiih two delcgates from each of the Churches, within thtir bounda. They possess no judicial auihority. nor are thfiy Standing Councils. likc the Consociations of Connecricuf. Their chief object is the reljgious instraotion- the spiritual advnncemont of the Ministers aid Churches composing them. The General Association of Michigan, is nn Association of the Conference?, and is to consist of clerical and lay delégate!-, (an equal number of each,) from each of the Conferences in the State. , ' After the adoption of the Constitutinn. the General Association wasorgauizcJ by the n of tlie following oiHcers, viz :Rcv. Marcus Hariuson, Moderator. Rev. H. S. PIamu-ton-. Scribe. Rev. L. Smith Hor art, Secrettry. By a vote of the Association it was resolved lo invite a correspondence (by sending and receiving delégales) with the General Association of Connecticut, tlio General Association of Massa„chusetts, the General Association of New Hampshire, thc General Aasociation uf New York, the General Convention of Vermont, thc General Conference of Mane; the EVangelfcál Consociation of Rhode Islanc!, and thc Synod of Michigan. Delegates to tliose bodiea werc aceordir.gly Rppointcd. Tie Associaíion appointed a coffrnfittíei to procure a Minister, and the mcans of sustniñing him- to bo employed as a laborer nmong the lösfitüte CInnchcs, and ín stich other places vühin onr bounds. as hu intercsis of ícligion may seem to require. A committee was appointed to prepare an Addresa to (he Churchcs, which, toéther wítn the ninutes of the meeting, nnd the Constirution ahü Rules will Boon he publishecl. The i?bcs of the several Confercncei! were consíltuté'd n committecto obtain accurate Statisical Returns fioni all the Congregatíonal. Chinches m thc StatL-, and report the same at the next meeting. TJic next mee: ing of the Assnciation is to be icld at -Grasa Lake, tho last Tuesdny of Scpember next. Tho Association atrended to a varieiy of subects not alluded to ahove, and closcd its meetHgén Vedllesday Evcninp- a meeting, which hioughout, nppenred to be characleiized 'by a '.nd mid chriatian spirit, í;r:d a deep stftícltiule for the advancement of the Redeemer's Kingdotn. The above minute is lurnisl.ed fer publication by reqliest of the Association. L. SMITÍÍ HOBART, Sec'y. P. S. Association pnssed a resolmion expressive of tlnir deep sense of the sin and evils oí' slavery, which, not hr:ving tiie .minutes bobre :;ie, I ani unable to nse t verliatim. Thc abovo is but an abstract of the doïnga of


Signal of Liberty
Old News