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While The Southerners Are Grumbling About The Case Of L...

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[EF While the Souiherners aro grunibiing abdut ihe case of, the Boston Cotirier tells thcmihat four hundred dollnrs was a gootl pïice to get in a State where the laws do not rncognize men os properiy. It siys: '-Four hundred dolíais s rather a tempting ofler to begin wttb. - Tho precedent is avile one. L would not le suprising if our mnrket should now be glütted with ncgroes. bsonding hy requesf or command of ihcir of iheir.owncrs.Vho wili follow tlicni herc with an dspectation of getting a ood prieo for tlieir manumission." The inqairy has been laised whether Rev. N. Col ver,, who loughl Latimer, or J. II. Ciay, who sjld hm, is not liable to ir.diciment for such a transaction in Massaehuaeits. slavery cxisiing mily as a local law? AIso whsther the ley:tl instrumenis are vlidï Also, what righ: llio Chief Justice had to remove the Court to a private room. and station nn officer at the door to keep people from cnierinü.' Also. whether thoso who .Issist a slaveholdur in talung a mr.n out. of the SÏate without an order from the U. S. Court. are nol liable to proseeution as kidnappers, by the laws of the State?[COn our fust pnge. will bc fóund an article, somcwhat Icnaihy. rcspecting tho Educational Statistics of the Union. Wc vvish all our readers lo examine it carefully. It will be seen thai in the free St-ites one white person in twenty onc cannot read; in the sl.ivc Sínica, the proportion ia onc to four and thrce quarters! in Norih Carolina the propnion io 1 to 2.7 The compiler of this table says if the colored pbpiilaüon were added. it would probaMy be found ihnt Uitje more (hm !a!f the Southern adult populuiion eau read! Isnot thia the most enliglttencd nation on earth? Again. the slaveholdes comprise but a fif'U s'xli part of ihe white populntion of the Union; and yet tffrough thcir slüves.the ignorance of the non-filfiveholderspfthe South, and the uttcr 8erviïiiy of the Nonh, tluy govern the entire nation, and 'wy to thia man. Come, nnd he cometh. and ;o ano'Jier, Do tli;: and b'e doeih it." What is the grounl of ihÍ3 3t)peri"rity? Is it linawledge, nnmhcrs. freedom. wcallh, or indistri? In all diese the Norih has tho p;cpmderencc. The ;;ue cause can be found only in the base servilily of Nortiiein politicians of both parties, who stand ready to sell 4ite rights and intcrests of the free States for a tilde southern jmtronpge: Thcv are wilüng to do homage to the great SoiitHrn Moloch, provided they can stand high in the ranks of his worshippers. ShaH we thus ever remain a more conquered provincc, whose only uso is to pay tribute to our iuaslers? [CTThe result of the last trial for Abington. Mass. ehov3 how obsiinatcly bent the pro-slavery voters are in "ilirowing away their votes on men who cannot be elected." Here t is: Liberty, 229 Dem. 216 Whig, Í7 Seat., 7 Necessary to a choiee, 231 OIt is siated thut W.addy Thompson, our minister to Mexico, has concluded, or is abont to conelu'le a treaty with that Government, by uhich a large district of couniry. known togeographers as Upper California, is to be ceded to the United States, as a compensatioi) for the claims ourcitizjns have upon tho Mexicnn government. We know not on whnt authority this statement is made; but it is not improbable. Suppo-e the treaty concluded. we should ihen want Texas, of couree, and slaveholding stalea might then be manufactured to order by the dozen! The Detroit Advertiser proposes that we of the Norih should put in for the puichnso of the Cañadas.[CFThe vote for Senators in the Second Disinct starrds tlms: R. S. Wilson, Dom. 2.458 H. Compton, " 2,G92 N. Pierce. Whig, ' 2,124 J. Cook-, l.y.SS AI. Kenny, Liberty, ,. Va.) F. M. Lonsing, " 363 Tlie average Democratie mnjority is 519. The whig vote tlüs year nverage3 25 more than last' year. whilo the Democratie falla short 222. The Liberty voie last year v;is 299 - showing a gain of G4 votes. Livingston gave 57 Libcriy votes, bcing just tiie number of Signáis sent there - last year. 40. We are inTurmed that there has nol been a single lscture deliveied n tfie counly during ihe year. Jf our fricüds there will doublé our circulation in that coumy the present year, we will guarentee the vote shnll be doubloda: the next eleution. In the District, cvery ihirteenih voter is a Liberty n);,n. N. B. These resulta are official, nnd we now givelèavc ta onr Whig friends who leel disnosed. o rcpcai, for one year more. their liever lailing and most potent argun.ent tigainst the Libert. ?arty, "T' sext clection ici'lbc the last of ou."tCTThü Lihcriy vote n Enton Countj lor ome of the candidatos was fïom 55 to 60. KTThe Liberty vote lor Senators ín Branch ouniy was 57. Wc sha!l cndcavor to givc next week. a correct list of our votó in tho Suta as fut s heard from.fiJCongreps pays its door-keeper 1500 dollars porannum; its nssistunt keeper, 1-150 dollars; making 2950 dollars for keeping- the door of Coiigross. Supposing Congress to be in session half the year, Ihe daily pay of the cluef door-keeper, for the timethat he worka, will be ten dollars a day. Suppose the wheat raisers to pay liim, nt 33 cents per bushei, which is not far from the average in this State, his wages will buy 4,500 busbels of wlieat, or 900 barrels of flonr.- Suppose thé pork raisers to pay him at two centser pound, he will want sevnity five thousand pounds of pork, which will be equal to 250 hogs, weighing 300 pounds each. Suppose hirn to be paid in oats at fiftcen cents o bushei, he would require ten thovsdnd bushels, or as much as will grow on S33 acres at 30 bushels to the acre. Again, Ongress pays its Librarian 1500 dolliirs a year; his two assistants, 1,150 dollars each; making 3,800 dollars a year for taking care of its books. To pay this sum, 11,400 bushels of wheat will be required. - Supposing the labor of three men to raisc one thousand bushels, it follows that thirty-four farmers are constantly at work to pay thesal ary of these three book keepers. What say the farmer3 to such facts as these? Js a faimers' labor vvorth as inuch as a door keeper's? One has ten dollars a day, nnd the other has - how much?


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Signal of Liberty