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" ' MAP OF WA8HTE3VAW. BT THE ST4T.E GEOr.OGItT. THE Subsciiber is appointed agent for tlir State, 10 sell the Map of VVnshicnnw county. lie will have those inaps in liis store lor sale ia a few weeks. Price aboul (j? cents. - Me is uldo agent forseveral other conntics in the suite. An elegant map ofendí county may be e:;pected in a sliort time, and a map ol the en tire Stule. JONATHAN LAMD. Ann Arbor. Dec. 4th. 184a. Ediiois who will copy the nbove notice will be emitled to an elegant engraved map ol" their ïespuciive countios. NEW GOODSÜ FDENJSON. is now receivingns nsunllya ■ will selected nssortment ftffóll and winter GÜODS, whicli will be sold cheap lor cash or ban er. N.B. As chenp ns ony ín town. September 24. i 8 42. tf-3 WG0D! WOODf OUR Sübscribers nre requested to bnng us aoy quamity of DRY 1VOOÜ, imvicdiaicly. in pTyment of iheir subscri)tions. Dec. 2, 1842. DTl. BÁNJSTEirs CELEBRArJ'LD FEVER AGÜE PJLLS.- Punlij Vcjctabli. A safe, speedy. and snre remedy lor lever and nue. duin iipae, chili feve,-, and the bilious discases peculinr to new couniries. These ptlls are designed for the nffbetions of the liver and other internal organs which attendlhe diseases of the new and miasmatic portions of "our country. Tbc proprietor having tried them in a grect varioty of enses conlidently belicves that they are superior to any remedy tliat hns ever been ofleted to rtlc public ior the above disenses. lt is piirely Vegetable and pe;fectly harmless, iind can he taken by any person, male or female wiih perfect safety. The pills are prepared in two separate boxes, mnrked No. 1 and So. 2. and acecompanied with full directions. A great nnmber of cert:fi:atcs might be proeured in favor of thi medicine, hut the proprietcr has thousjht fit not to insert them. in as much ns hedepends upon the merits oí' the sume for its reputaiiun. Tlie above pill is kept constantly on hand by the propricter and can be liad at wholesale and rctail at the atore of Beckley & Co. Orders frotr. the country promptly attended to. Ann Arbir. flowcr town) May29ih 1R42. 9 L. BECKLEY.1 " -mmmmmmimmmmmmmmmimm CLINTON &EMJNAJIY. THE fifth lerm of this institmion will eommence on Monday. ííov, ]4, and continue 12 weeks. Havingprocured the nssistance of two cxperiencedand succcssful Teachers, the principal is b'.'úcr prcpared ihan heretulbre,to irieet the wants o) tho cüiriiuiiiiiy by givuig a ihoruugh. Enijlisli and Classical cducation. Tuition, forstudies pursucd by small children, in ihe l'rimary Department. $2,00 - lor cuinmon Eoglish branches ifr' - tor tbc higber English branches, as Algebra. Geometry, Astrorxrniy. Keeping, Cicmistry, Moral aiul l'hilosophy. Logic. Rhctoric &c $1,00. Latin, and Greek, 5.ÜO, French, and Jlebrew. $6.00. Suidems will be charged tuition in advancc, from the time they enter till tlio close of' tbe term. bui t will be reftindcd lo any who ni.iv bo detained by protracted sickness. Board may be had in goocl families at a very reasonableprice. A few may obiain board wi;h the teacher. A sliort lesson in tlie theory and practice of vocal Music will continue to fonn n part of the daily cxercises. Nopains will be spared to preserve tJic youtb. who may be intrusteil to our care, from imtnoral iniliienccs. and to rendcr theai wiser and better. Otlier information will be chccrfully given lo such as address us by letter lor that purpose. We would express our grotitude to thosc Eilitors who have favorably noliced us. Thoserwho will inst-rt thisaclveriiseinent ühall be entitled to tuiiion :o ihe amount of thcir bill. GEO. W. BANCUOFT. Principal. JAS. S. SMEDLEV, Teacher of French and Hi.hnw. Ointon, Oct. 4, 1S42. 25 tl N0T1CE. - As some young ladies regard it ns a matter of conseqaence to nticnd school wlxre one of ihe teachers is a fcmale, we wish to sny that we havo very unexpeciedly been deprivcd of the liibors of our female teacher, and know not that her place can be permanently fillcd beforo the commenceinent ol the spring term. G. W. B. Clinton Srminary, Nov. 16. 1842 ASHIONABLE 1IA1R lKLS.SINCiT. Freeman returns his sincere thants to the cilizens of Ann Albor and its vicinity for tlic liberal putroiiiiíje thoy liave extended to hiin, and earnstly soiicits furi her conti nuance of the snme. He alsowishf!9 to purchase a quaníity of fa Is e hair, for which he will pay a liberal pnce, for the purpose of manufnctinnig rinlets. Mr. FreciDan nopes not to give ofTence to his old eusiomers, when he informs them, that hcreufter his shop will be closed during the Sabbnth day. He will be very anxious and hrtppy lo nccommodate them. by worlüng a linie later and inore industriously on Saturday evenings. T. FREEMAN. October3, 1842. ■ tf.Yi'SlLANTl ACADEMVf AND Tcnrh'.rs iSfcíiíiiflT. THE tenth term of this Insiitution wiil cotnnienco on Monday, Kov. 28, and coniiuue 11 weeks. Hnving procured the assistance of two competent nnd successful Teachers, the principal is prepared to give a ihnrmigh Englisli aud Classicai educaiion. He wi!l devote his wholc attcmion to the English departmentas heretofore. From 20 to 30 minutes is daily occupied Ly the principal in lecturing. with the aid of iho npparatus and nunernls, or otherwise. lipparatus. - The Instr.ution is furnished whli Chemical, Fiailosophical, and Asfonomical apparatus. Survcying Instruments, Geoinctricalsolds, tS:c. to the aninunt of $.100;' ulso, a good Cjliinet ol MineraU worth !5. Ttíi'hn'm the F.nglish branches, from $2.50 to 5.01) per term ; Lntin and Greek, $-3 0Ü; Frcnch, $3.00; Englisli and Classical studies uniied, $6.00 only: Mczzoüntu an,d Chinese or Thcorem pnin'ircr. $3.00 each for 12 lesson?, tnojht Ly Mrs. Griilin. 'l'lie tuition is to be paid at the middlc o the term. No deductiin fr absence will be made, except Tor protracted sickness. and no one will be received for less than five and a half weeks. Board, including room and washing. for 1.50 per week. For further particulars enquire of the principal. H. U. GRlFFhV. Principal. CHAS. WOODRUFF. Teacher of Lntin, Gret;k nnd French. Miss CA ROLINE Á HAMMOND, As3isant. Tp?ilant. Nov. Ci. 1842. iíKAT JiAilUAlÁK. - K. luniks retp cifully infunns the farmers and others visiiing Detroit, that lie still con'inues at his old stand on Woodbridge st., adjoining Waide'l's block, and kepps on hnnd a general isso ínient of READY MADE C f. O TH ING, which he is detennined to sclL chcaper than the cJtC'ipr.i'.for Casíi. R. B. has jiist recnived from the East nn asportment of Cloths, Cassimcres. Satinetls nnd Ve5tins, which will bc made up to order in fnshionablc style at tliort notice. R-. BANKS. Detroit, Scpt. 5, 1842. 20-Gm


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