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Proceeds Of The Public Lands

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The share of Michigan of the net pröèeeils of the public l.-mdsforlhc half yeur endino June 30, is $7,420 03, whioh is about llirce and a half cents to each inhabitant. Tiiis sum is, indeed, vcry smnl!; but one reason why is not lnrjrer is because th ricen of the States receive morethnn their jnst proportt'o;i. ÍTTThese otates receive a eminnnua! dividend from the public trensnry, because thcy hold and rcar hjman cattlk! For instance, Louisi .na lias a f ee popula?ion of 179,3.')!, which is 33,000 Iess thnn Michigan, and her dividend is 89,971 50, which is rver five and a half cents to each free inhabitant. Conseqiiently eacli freo person receives two cents svery sx months from the nationál !reasury,as a premium for slaven. The share of Louisiana is now S9,97F 59 Accutdtng to lts free populalion H ehould be 6.277 L3Semianuual bounty for raising sh ves 8-'3)G94 81 Sonth Carolina Jias a freo popnlalion of 267.300, whicli is only 55,000 more llian tliat of Michigan. Her share of the dividend 3 $16,256 43 By free population, it should be 9,357 10 Semiannual premium for human cattlr, &6,399 33 Kuch South Carolinian rcceives six cents as often as each Michjg&rrion reccivcs throe and a half cents. Perhaps it is nn established principie at Washington thnt one of the cbivalrous negro whippera of S. Carolina is politica lly equal to two hard workinor plouglijog-gers of Michigan. At nny rate, it oppears tlial our Representative, Mr. flmvard, and our Senators, v!io voïed for the huv, wcreofthisopinion, or they would have vtndicaled the riglits of their consütuents. VVhat apology have they to offer for siich an insult to their constituents? They cannot bring in their everlastmg p.'ca nbout the Consitutional rightsof the negro wltippera in this case; for the Constitution is pcrfectly süent respecting dividends lrom the publicThere was one great reason wliy the proceeds of the public lands uere tlins divided. QjThe stuveholders would nol vote for U on any otíier principie. _0 It was a Vhg measure; ond Iiow could tie Vbi:s prosper, if the slavcholdera eliould gret mud wild them? Our members, it appears, liumbly bowed down witb the rest, as might Inve been cxpected. Tlicy aro nothmg but vossalá of the Slavb Powiui, and siich (liey wiJl be while component parts of a pro-slavery parir. Some of our Subscribers write thot th&y do notreceive their papers. The fanlt is not with us. They are mailed each weck, as soon as printed, in good order.


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