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Latimer Case

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The case of Latimersuems to be producing a general stir in ihe South - a ge:ienil spir.t of indiijnation is there being aroused agaitiót tlio couduct of Boston, in declaring un innocent huinan bcing enütled to ", Liberty and the pmsuii of tiappincss." Let Ihe aristocrucy of the South quail - :et tlicm hold "indignation meetings,' and thrcatcn a dissolution of the Union," if the North does not respect tlicir righls. The fact i?, we at the North have bowrd to Southern dictation long enough, and if they suppose we aie going 10 turn "kidnappers," or linegru catchers,' lor Ihem under Ilieciy of "Üonthcrn IliglUs,' "right of p-ojrty,1' the compact) ' or any other pretence whatever, tüey are ceriainiy mistaken. Wc shall ngidly adliere to cur Jaws, and if we do 50, it will be ratlier lean and unprofilubUbiisiness for ''land júrales," io prowi aniung us ior their prey. By the lbllowirg extracts from Southern papers, our readers will perceiye that tliere is a wonderful slir in ths 4 camp of the patriarchs" which will res-ult in mucu good to the Anti-Slavcry cnterprie. .Let the Nortli do her dutv - let the öuulh rage und Joam, and our succesf is certain. The following is from the Alexandria D. C. Gazette: "The news of the proceedings in Boston, wilh regard to the recent eluve cube triud therc, is receiyed every where in the iáouth wjtfa derp indigna tlpn - r.n inclignation ratfier tepresspd than cxhibiled, bul not the less f dl on thal account. A few mure such instauce - a few more violations of the conslitutional j-ightsof the citizens of the áouih, solemnly guaranteed by that insiruinént which tttu uorthern luw and executive officers are sicorn to support, - and who shnll say wUnlremrdy maybe rttsOrtëA to by an injured and exasperatcd people! We renew our uppeal to the intelligent patriotsol theNonh, to enlighlat public sentiment tliere on tías poii:t."The Mayor of Norfolk lias issued a cali for a public meeling of the citiens of the borough, the town of Portsinouth, and the surrounding countics, to be convent-d at the Court House, on Tuesduy evening, December 6, at 7 o'clock, to ta-ke into consicieration the "outrngeous proceedings of tho aboluionists, and the high sheriff and olher authofities of Boston, in the case of Latimer, a runaway elave, the pmperty of Mr. J. B. Gray, a citizen of this borough.'' Tlie Norfuik Herald aliFosnys: "The people of Portsmoulh and the surroundingeotinj tica are also invitad :md desired to attend the meeting; and as the ase is one involving their rights and those of the people of Virginia in common wiih the whole outli, wiiich have been so grosi-ly ouirngcd by ciiizens of the State of Massuchupetts, we hope to witness a general atlendance of onr neighbors and friends on this occasion. Calm, refolute aud deiennined &ction, grovving out of un'üed councils, is whut is required on this great j question." "The Norfolk Seacon of the 2Clli November says : "Ilow cnn the union lost when it no Jonger accomp)islis the ends of its formation? (.'an j the Southern Siatcs be lenrouabiy expecttd ! to be lonsrer pnrties to o. league which ufibrds j them no protcctiuii to thcir properlyl The question it a monienious oiip, but the South will doubtlet's be ready toa mnn lo muke the issue nnd hide its resulïs. Should not the poople of llns bororgh, in town rr.reting j eembled, give public expresión ot thesr te j ments upmi the principies nvolvid? andsliuuld ot octing governor Giegory bring the subject, in hls niefcsügp, to the grave consiüeration of tiie ïogishiiure?' When the subject of Slnvery is agitated, no liintter wherc, nor by whom, our rigi.teous enterprise is onward; and if the Soutli wish to secede f rom tlie Union, we of the Ncrth are as well prepared for such on event nsthey ore, and probably mfich belter. Try t gentlemen ifyou choose, we cun stand it.


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