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Governor's Message

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Fcllow Citizens of ilie. Señale, and the House of Jïqjrescniatives : The oohdifion of the Slate m regard to public heaUh entirc satisfacción. All appreliensions of the ihsaíubrity of our climate nro, ly happy e'xpcrience, removed. General ;uk njmost universal fiëalth has prevailed fur I a long perid andaffords thcsaiisractorvassu r.uice tiwit Ihc mild clioiate of Michigan is not only pongenial to the health of "man, bat UigUly promotive of llial most dcsirable blessnr. The disenses jncidtnt nnd peculiar to onr cüin.ite, are Jiniited in number and easily piftijected to proper medica J t rea' ment. New Etigland, vvitíí its hills and raountains, its strrfims nnd its rivèrs, nnd which so manv of fnir citizens are proud to acknowledgc t'heir motherland, affurds pcarcely a more saTubrioii8 chme than it in our happy lot to enjoy. Pe;ice reigna witliin our borders. Our country maiutoins omicabJe relations with all civili.ed powers of the earlh, and no lowerintr prospect threatens to disturb our quiet. We are nlso happily exempt from all liornestic vio!cnce.ULhr-.r blessings altend us lo crown our joys with gladness. Tlic tabor of tho hnsbaiuïdurinj.' the past ycar, has been crowned with. abiwdnnt success. Ricli harvests liave amply repaid his toil?. Abimdnnce is cvcry where to be fonnd m the InmJ, and at cvery step wc meet ilic most Bnimfacinry prools of permanent proáperjly. Tiic wifjforests aro fnst giving1 place (o cnltivrfigd field?, uwl our citizcns ev ery vvnere firxl an ampio reivard in ihe produco of lltcir indiistry. Of' these and sin. lar biessintrs, wc slionld ncver be nnmindful, and for their enjoyment we sliould, liunibly und with contrite heurts, ronder thrmk.s to tlie preat Riil'r of the UnN o, to wliom nlone wc are indcbled lor every irood and perfect gift. Tho cónstilutiofial provisión, which requirea tliorc])rcpt?nfativcs of tho peoplc to assemblo at least once in encli ycar, is dcsijrned to securo a inoro strct accounUibility in those to yliom llie execiition of the law ha?, for the ' ini" , bien mtrnstcd. (liikerö are created for public gbod alone, nnd tlieir incnmbcrits are at all times answerable for tlie manner in which tliey have dischirgcd trusts confided to their carp. Amonnr the dn ios, devolvió"' on yoa, no! the lenst iniporlant wiil bethat of inqniring1 inlo Iho present condi'ion of pijbüc ail'iirs', and of Icaruing tlie marnier in which they have been aiimiuLstr-irt] im innr iheycar now brought to a cImsd. The striciest scrutioy is iinited feeverv necessary aid will be afforded toeaaWe you to proFPcnte your nqjiiries with success. .'o (miiic shbnld screen, nn repntafion shonld twcnlpate, and no nigmiyfhonMnhïéldn faith Ies9 ordeíñulting pubh'c of?!cer wlto has wilful'y, or tlirqugli, nc:ïïgenee, piblic inifT-cstü iiiniattd to bis keepinrTJic promotion nf'srienceaud liierature deserves yonr fostcr'wg cnrr, md I doubt not will reviví' Iroin you the ntlonlion its imporinnco doinnuds. Tlio jappinese of nll poJiticnl eommirnifie?, in nn eminent denrree, depcii.N npon t!ic ííitclligeñCe of thcir nhnbitnnis. Wlicrc ijnqrancc prqvníijp, vce nnd mjsóry prpdomtiiate, ín a freo governmènt, i( r uiers be oboudojied and proOig.ito. it is bccjHisc vice rcijn auiprig tlic pcople; fr no vicJoifs mui couii! obtain promotion except from nifii vicions like liimolf. 1 ■iiivcrsnl oducaiioii i? tlic only snre basis "ii uliidi rppuhlican iiHtitniion.s cin pormanpntly exist. 1T we reenr to Iiis!ory, whother of onêicijt or mpdorp timep, tlieexamples we tliere find cpiifiria tliis trutli. An ignorant, ti, ilcjrraóéd and a inmoral pcople would bq noithfr pronperQus nor happy under a freo con. ítitution. Tlicir irnorííncc wpuld precnt them t'rom iji)f]ers'ari(linr and npprccrfatingj their rirhts, nnd ihoir dorroda(ion and ïmnTorality uould mike them fit tools for demng-ogues, ninre wu.ked tlian themsdves. ■ Tlio coihIí'.íod of every nation, wiiatsocver may bo the form of its povernme?r, is to a gfreat e.vtcnt imeliorated and nrule liappy in proportion f o llie defireo of ufeful inforavstion pofiajfssed by tlie iivish -of' inhabitnus. The poopli?, wlio are enliirlitoned anill wlio know thíir natural rihts,. wilL nqt, ajwumL os serfs


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