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To The Liberty Party Of The State Of Michigan

To The Liberty Party Of The State Of Michigan image
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The nnnunl meeting of the Miclrgan A. S. Socioly, in February néit will ascmblc iis friends at Ann Arbor. It is decined advinble to hold a Convención at thal time to nominale cnndidaies for the offices of Governor, nnci Lieutenant Governor of the State - to dopt nn efficiënt political organizition, pcrvadir.g lite wliole Stntc. and to (ransact all otber busi ncss relatinj.' to the Í party. We do therefore hereby cnll a Convention for j the abovc purpo3es, to be held immediatdy after the final ndjourmnent ol the Society, in the Court House at Albor, at sucli h;ur as Krill tfaën be annouuced. Each county will bc cniitled to a reimsentation C"]iial to twice iis present delcgation in tbc House, to be accredited by credentials fronj the Chairaran and Sccretary of the meeting appoinling them. For the Stato Central Commitiee, C. II. STEWART, Ch'n. Detroit, Dec. 2ñ, 1H42.We publisha noticc of the annual meeting of t!ie State Anti-s!avery Socie'.y, nnd also ofa convention to nominale Liberty candidatos for Governor and Governor to be supported al the fu eleciion. The ineeting cannot fail to be of much interest, as there will be the assemblage of all the prominent friends of the causï", (Mr. Birney. we are informal, among the nutnber,) and the discussion of maners of deep importance to the cause. We urge upon all friends (o go to woik instantly and secure large delegations. Lut the Coun ty Committee ïmmodiately cali meetings in ibeir several Countics, and have delrgatcs-appointed to the Sociciy. and to the Conveniion. Let none nnglect tliis - nothing afloids so good a test ofstrength. as its appearance in convention: nothing more encourages friends, and pre cures respect (rom loes. But it requires sonic working - inoving - iciin g peison or persons to get up the neecsary meeting, and see that the business is done. This duty devolves on the Couniy C ommitiecp, nnd we trust they will at once see to it, and it unable. devolve it on others. tUTLct no delégate bo_ nanied unluss on a pledge that he will be present, and let no delgate fail to redeem his pledge.


Signal of Liberty
Old News