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T!ie subscribe; infonns Uiers mcrabedf Anti-Slavery Socictic;, ;ind ;iil creni.'íí ivlio do sire to read the Slayery publications ihni have issued i'rom the American prrs?, thot hc has purchased uil the bóoke, prur.phlel, tnicis. prints etc. Jatcly belonging to the Aniericrui Anti-Slaverj Society, to bout cïg-bi thousand dollarf, at oJd prices, wliicli lic i HèW for sale by his n gent jn nny quanlity, al tótt vrices for ca?h tmly. Samples will bc l;rpt al his office, corner of Ilanover ana i;.oi.anp streets, and orders will bc promtly atlendotl tö A catalogue of the principal publications is:uinexed, and the prices put against Hum nro tl. present (reduced) retail prices. By the luindred or larcr qüantity, Lhey will be sold lowei - say for bound volumes 2: per cent. ilbcoiwit : oiipumjihlets, tractsonA pictnres, 50 percent. discount. Witli respect to most of t hem lliis e below the actual cast to me in cash. Tli'jy were not purcliasetl with a view to sril ót n porfit but to subserve the Arfti-Slavcry cause. Such an opportunity has not prcviously occurrfid to obtain Anti-Slaveiy publi.cations at t!ic=c reduced prices, and pfoböbfy will not agam. (TEditorsofnewspapera árc reqoesled to copy this Bdvertismnent at lengt li för lliree monthF.aiul their billa will be paul in book?,ctc. Pleaáe send a copy of the paper contniftin the ndvertisement, JCEWIS TAPPANrNew York, March ïst, 1812. BOUND VOLUMES. American Slavcry as it is, muslin 50 Anti-Slavery Manual 20 Alton Riots, by Tres. Becchcr, of 111. Coll. I2mo. '} Alton Trials 25 Anti-Sluvery Record, vol?. I, 2 and 3 set 50 Appeal, by Mrs.-Child 37 1-2 Añti-Slavery Kxaminer, bound vols, 50 Beauties of Philanlhiopy 33 1 .: Btmrne's Picture of Slavcry 50 Buxton on tlie Slave trade 50 Cabinet of Frcedom (Clarkson's history of the slavc trade,) vol?. 1, 2 and 3 set 1,00 Chloe Spear -■ Channing on Slavery 25 Duncan on Slavcry - j Eman. in the V. 1. by Thome and Kimball muslin W Do by do h boards with map 25 Enemies of Constilion discovercd 50 Fountain, puin binding, ü4i:o. 12 1-2 Gustavns Vassa 50 Gnnike's Letters to Miss Bceclier 37 1 2 Jay's Inquiry .'57 1-2: Jay's View 50 Light and Tn.ith 20 Life of Grnnvillc Sharp 15 Mott's Bioffraphical Sketches 37 1-2 filemoir of Rev. Lomuel ilancs 75 Do ofLovcjoy C2 1-2 North Star, gilt cdgea 33 1_-S Pennsylvania Hall 75 ; Qnarterly Anti-Slavery Jiagnzine, Cvo. 1,00 Rankiu's' Letters, 18mo. 100 pp. 20 Right aiul wrong in Boston 20 Star of Freedom, aiusliri 12 1-2 Slavcrv - containing Declaration oftimentsnnd Consiitution f)t llio Atncr. A. S. Society: Westey's.Thoughis on Slaverv: Does tho Bib'ic eanction Slavery? Addross to the Synod of Kentucky, JNarative of Amos Dresscr, and f Wïiy work tbr the Slave? bound in one i r)r vol. - ' Slave's Friend, S2mo. vols. 1 , 2 and 3 set 50 Songs of theFrefi . , 33 1-3 Thompsons Reception in Great Britam, 12mo. 20 Testimony of God agninst Slavery, 13mo. 20 WheailyPhHüs Memoir of 2b West Indies, by Professor Hovcy 50 West Indios, by Harvey and Slurge 1b Wesley's Thonghts on Slavery, in rausliri, with portrait 12 1-2 PAMPIILETS. Sets A. S. Almanacs, from 1036 to 1341 inclusive 37 1 2 Addrcss to the Free People of Culor 1 Ancient Landmarks 3 Apology for Abolitionists 3 American Slavery as It Ia - tliö Testimony of ü Thonsfcöd WitnesséS 25 Address on Right of Pcünon 2 Address to Senators and Representatives of the free States 1 Address on Slavery (Gorman) 1 Address of ConTegalional Union of Scotland 1 Address of National Convention (Germán) 1 Ann. Rep. ofN. Y. Coramitte of Vigilance 25 Do. of Mass. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Women in the noininally frec States 6 1-4 Anthentic Anecdotes on American Slavery 2 Address to the Church of Jesus Christ, by the Evangelical Union A. S. Society, New York city. 4 Anti-Slavcry Catechism, by Mrs. Child 0 1-4 Adams', J. Q Letters to his Constituents 4 Adams', J. Q. Speech on the Texas Question . n 1-2 Annnal Reports of Am. A. S. Society, 3d, 4th, Sth and 6'h 12 1-2 Annual Reports of N . Y. city Ladies' A. . S. Society 3 Appeal to the Christain Women of the Soulh 3 Bible against Slavery 6 CoilectTon of VoKiable Documenta C 1-4 Birney's Letters to the Churches 2 Birney on Coloniation 2 Chattel Principiar- a Stimmary of the New Testament argument on Slavery, by Bcriah Green 6 Chipman's Discourse S Channing's Letters to Clay 6 Condition of Free People of Color , 3 Crandall, Reuben, Trial of 6 Dissertation on Servitude 12 1 % Dckinson's Sermón 3 Does the Bible sanction Slavery? 1 Dec. of Sent. and Constitution of the Am. A. S. Society 1 Discussion bet ween TJiompson and Dreckrriridge 25 Dresser's Narrativo ö Extinguisher Extingnished 3 Elmore Correspondenco 6; do in sheets 4fo. 2 Emaniélpètión in West Indies Tiiome and Kimball K 1-2 Emancipation in West Indios in 1G33 3 Freedom's Defense G Garrison's Address al Broadway Tabernacle G Guardian Genius of the Federal Union 6 Genei ons Planter 3Gilleit's Review of Bnshnoll's I)i?course C Immcdiate, not Gradual Abohlion 12-2 Jay's Thonghts on the Duty of (he Episcopal Clmrch 9 Liberty, Cvo. 25; do; l'-lmo 15 Morris's Speech in tinswer to Cky 3 Mahan's Rev. John R. Trial in Keatapky 12 1-2 Martyr Age in America, by Harriet Martineau 0 Modern Expediency Considered 6 Power of Congress over the District of Coluinbia 6 1-4 Plea for the Slai'ë, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 S Procecdings of fhe Meetinsf to form Btorulway Tabernacle Anü-Slavery Sccicti Pro-SJavery Rurul Coile of IlaitiRf[ior, Rióse ísáiralvc ol'a ÏTugitivé Vs ühm Righis ofCnIorofi Mcn 12 1 L Rutrgles's Antidute t; ííiilunii(l Wrong n Boston 12 1 2 Slacry líh mes 6 tóltule Speech in CoR#;e i') Ifi3.8 S Sini'h's Gerritt LeUr,-io Ja. Sflijlie t Do. Letter lo líomy CJ.-iy C ■Ijivcholiüng Imariaby Siníul, "iiialum in o,'' C soyt')nr]'s Manual 1 :'.ar of Frcedom '1 K'linmcker and Smiili's Letters C jlaveliolíler's l'r.ivcr ] I Slayclioldiny 4'eiglied :j j Sltncrv iu Ami-iicü (London); do. (Germn;ivj 3 T.'ic Ahirtvr, l' Hería li Grecn Thiage for Ñpr.hern Men to do Viewys of' Cnloiiizatidii, liv Rey. .1. Nonrse Vietws of SlaverjF aud Efaancipatíon, by Miss M:ir(iiip;ui ' r, Wesícyan Aníi-Slavery Hevicw L.'1 War in Texas, Ly II ■i.j-uuin Lundy 6 Why wqrk fíír tlic SLue ' 1 V'iIsoir.s Addrcds on VVe?t ludia Emanéis paliun 4Til ACTS. No. 1. Sf. Domin-ro, No. 2,Cte, No. 3, Cuionizntion, No. 4, Atora! Condifioti oftlio Slave, No. b, VVhut is Abolition? No. G,Tiio Ten Commniidmcnts, No.7 Dünger and Safel v-, .No. 8, Pro-Shvory I!ib](, No. ), Bípjodiee agniatfl Color. No. io, .'or;lieii) [)eterti ifi 81,ivcf, No. ] 1, vSl.ivory nn:l Alisfious No. l :, Dr. Nelsoiv's Lecture on Slavcry. The above Tinrís in .-oíd at 1 cenícucli. " PRINTS, ktc. Illnstr.nlin-i.s oPtho Anti-Slavery Almanac for 1840 s The Errtóncipntcri Fnniily Lí, Slave Mürkct of Anu-nca Coireí-pondcnccbehvccnO'Conncl and Stcvénson n Do. do. Clay and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printer's Picture Gullcry 2 Leí tor paper, sta-nped with print of Lovejov bitnet "is Do. u-ith Kncelinnr Slnvo shcet 1 P.ivor for Sl.ivo?, wiih Mus.c, on cards 1-2 Potrait ofGetrtt Sniiili &0a Ji twlditionj are tlio follo'winff, tho procoed of u-hicli vvill íto mío fhc Nfendinn fniul. Argument ofilon. ,T. Q.. Adams in the caire ofilic Amistad Africana L5 Argument ut' Roger S. Bal win, Esq. do do 12 1-2 Trial of the Captivo? oCiJio Amistad 6 Cofigressiohal í)ocnmerjt relatinjr'to do. fi Portrait of GÍinqhez 1,00 Máreh 3d, H4Z.


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