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"A Friend To Emancipation" WiIl Please Forward His Name...

"A Friend To Emancipation" WiIl Please Forward His Name... image "A Friend To Emancipation" WiIl Please Forward His Name... image
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Or"'A friend to Envincipation" w il 1 please forward his name. We caniiot publish anonyinous art leles. tCTThe Court of e iq'uiry intj the conduct of Capt. M'Kcuzic in hanging inidshipmnn Spencer, and t'ic oiher two persons on boa; J the Somera, .s sittiny in New York. O A Democrntic in New York, .in remaiking on the progresa of liberal principies, saitl it was on account of the ilcmocraaj oí that party ihat t liad prevaüed with the mnss of the the pcople. and obtained the ascendency; and it would ertainly retoin - that ascenriency un!Ü a party mure democratie shall arise, alluding to the Liberty party. (TTHenry Clay haswritten a letter (o ihe New York wliigs, in which the following passage occurs. 1 1. is pointcd and significant, and shows ihat the Kctnucky StatCbiiiaa is in no very amiable rnood: "My name never ngain, with my consent, shnll bc brought before a convention. I haza been most shavufuUy trcutml bymai in ivhoscrcïtirathd pro mi es of support I 1 iced every confilencc. When 1 ascertain ihat it is tho wislr of the people to elect me to tho Presiderrey. I will onsent tu bc iheir candidato. " - Frcc Press. irOur Govemmem ihtënd taking pjompt incasuros to secure an open (rade with China. H is proposed to lócate a national agent there.ET We give up out first side to correspondeos. Wili Mr. "Delta" we have not ihe honor of au ncquaintancc. but we yive liim a chance to bc heard in belialfof his i!schemc." We are sorry we cnnnot prntep t. Perliaps our readers will valué it inore highly thsn we do. But, Mr. Delta, is you consider abolitiomsts a contracted set of beings in their ideas and opcrntions, why do you not present your schemc to the notice of tlie whigs and democrats? Thcy attend to "all tho Lrea interets." W'ho knowe but they will "go it witb a rush!" Suppose you gct it inserted in the old party papers, the Journal. Advcrtiser, Free Press, c. Let its nierits be discussed. tCTA writer in the Philnnthropist estímales tlio uumber of voters in the Union who eannot read or write.nt J 75.000. .The number of crimináis in :ill the jails ho estimates at 10,000- their averag imprisonment one year - their length of life afterwards, eight ycars. Only threo States prohibit even their States Prison convicta from voting


Old News
Signal of Liberty