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- --i "■. - i tic ucuuiK was caiICU 10 order by the Licutenant Governor. The new mpmbers were then sworn in by the Chief Justice of the State, Hon. Gec. More!!.- James E. Platt, of Washtenaw, was appointod secretary, C. A. Mack, of St Clair, engrossing derk, and Wm. McAIlister, of Kalamazno, sergeant al nrms. A. S. Bugg was oppointed Printer to the Señale. The Governors í.icssage was read, and GOO copies ordered lo be printed. On Tucsday, the Senate met at ten o'clock. TJio President anuounced H13 standing committees. On Wednesday, Mr. Cust of Livingston, gave cotice that lie wotild introduce a bilí to exenpt wheat on the groond, and other growing crops, from execution. The Senate went ulo committee of the whole on the bill to amend the act to abolish imprisonment for debf, and puni.-h fraudulent debtors. The object of the bill was to j onerate tho counly from pay ing the board of : an imprisoncd debtor wlio was unable or un j willing to pay it himself. In Lena wee ! ty, a deblor had bren imprisoned eiffhteen months, and the creditor residing ont of the State, the county had paid for his board the whole time. Mr. Wakefieid ofTered a reso'ution requiring the seeretary tofurnish each senator during the session wiih such newspapersj as he should order, not excecding in price, the cost ' of two daily papers. Mr. Cust, from motives of economy, ' posed "one" instead of'iwo." Thu amendment did not prevail, and the rcso!ution was ' adop'ed. ( W.iat dj the honorable Senntors want o 1hese papers? If tlicy mcrely wMi to read ' them. why noi pay fort hem themaver? It - hasbesn saidthat they wish to know whnt the public sentiment' of theirconstituents is. ' If thcy have no better criterion to legii-late by thnn newspaper poragraphs, the sooner they ( go home, the befter. This iuniishing c papers at the public expense is an evil which should bc abolished. Tho pcople ought not ' to be taxed for snel) a purpose. On llntrsday, Messrs. El lis and 'Briggs f sent n ajpropoition to do the public printincr c for 25 cents per 1O00 ems, and 20 cis. per token for presswork. It was refered to the j committee on print mg. a Mr. Howell ofi'ercd a resolution intructing l the judiciiiry committee ,o inquire into tho expediency of abolisliing all stay on execution from justices courts, on contracts hereafter to ' be entcred into, which wns adoptrd. ' On Fridaij, a bill was passed to amend the revised statu tea relaiive to divorce, by which a the court in certuin cases can apsign to the t wife such part of lier husband's estale as niay s be sufficient for the support of herself and o children. ■ Mr. Wilson gave notice a bill to provide for the pay of Ihe officers and members of . the Legislature. The bill to abulish inprieonment for debt and punish fradulent debtors was tlien passé d 0 - oyes M - i);iys 3. ,A HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Monda y, Jan. índ. E. II. Lath")p was y pointed speaker, and E. J. Roberts Clerk-o c tem. The members were sworn in by Judije f, Hansjm. In the ele.:tion for sjDeaker, fL rt McClelland received 40 votes, nnd Mr. 0 Lathop 2. E. J. Roberts was elected 0) pal clerk. s] The Governors Message was received and f read. On Tucsday, 2000 copies of tho message m und accompnnying documents were ordcied to tl Te printed for the House, 500 in Prcnch and cc 200 in Germnn. Mr. Liitlejohn ofTered a rrsolution that the ))■ C!erk be instructed to invite the Rev. cl ergy la of Detroit to alternately open the morninig pj espión by prnyer.receiving therefor only such nj compensation as the members shall voluntarily m contribute. or Mr. Lacey was opposed to if, but it was C( sustained, ycas 41, nays 10. The next day g, Mr. Lacy entered his protest against it on the sc joumal. ai A motion wa3 ndopted directing the clerk s] to furnish nt the expense of the State to each w metiiber such newspapers as he ma}r direct, f-0 not exceeding two daily papers. i„ Mr. Bush moved a reconsideration on the t, score of economy. Mr. Lothrop sustained ec Mr. Bush. Two daily papers for each gt ber would make quite a bill of expense. He pt] thought members would be willing to make ): a sacrjfice, rather than inpose burcensjon the Oi people. It was reconsidered. tl; The standing committees were then pt pointed. jc On Wednesday, Bagg Si Harmon were bc pointed printers to the House, on the same e(ïi was oruereu tuut me xiouse mecí at ten o'clock. O ii TVtursday, Mr. Vickcry offered a resolution instructing the committee on wavs and mcans to introduce a bilí to reduce tlio pay of membersof lhe Legislature, and the salaries of offieers. Mr. Lamb wishéd n speedy decisicn. Mr. Purdy sustained the resolution. On ïnotion of Mr. McLeod, it was laid on table - nyes .28 - n;iys 23. A discussion on suspending the Í5rd scclion b the t;i. lüiv occtipied sometjme,when it was' lost, nyes i C - nays 23. On Friday, Jan G, Mr. Lathrop presented a pelition from 112 citizens to amend the constitu'.ion by striking out the word "white' ' in the article respecting vott rs Mr. Vickery gavenotice tliat he should at sonto futuro day ask leave to introduce a bilí to repeal a clause in the revised statutes wliich ïxempts from taxation all proper ty exempt 'rom execution. Mr. Anderson, offered a joint reso'ution foi o amending the conslitution ns to limit lhe i general election to one day. The rest of the day was consumed in a general discussion on the central raüroad. On Saturday, several petitions werc preented and referrcd. In committee of the ] vhole on the bill for psfmg the ofiícers i nd niembers of the egislalure, Mr. ! :ry moved to strike out $3,0.0 and inserti' M.50. Mr. Purdy proposad $,00. The ' peaker thcught $2 was about right, bul as ' hc ?7icmbers xvould be obïigcd to fake scrip, ?3 il sciip was none too much. The bill was ' rdered to a Uiird reading. The bill gives the ' Speaker Sö per day. 1 In the Senate, Jan 7, a resolution to invite he clen;v of Detroit, to open the morning ' essions with prayer, was laid on the lable - eas 8 - nays G. ] In the House, Jan 8, the bill for paying the ( egislature was read the third time. Mr. Rice thought the per diem was too t ïuch. He contended, too, that the $6 per ' ay to the speaker was unconstitutional. Mr. Lamb sustuined Mr. Rices views. t Mr. Rowland was for reduction. f Mr. Lothrop thought the Spoaker showld t uve doublé pay. bccauso he performed doublé jlies, being boih an officer and member of t ie House. The bill was passed, ayes 29, 1 iy.s 19. Jan. 10. - Tn the Senate, an attempt was s ade to ameno the Exemption lavv. n Mr. Hoivell moved to amend so as not to V :empt grain while growing from levy, but n lly from sale. Lost. Mr. Wilsor, moved to amend b}r exempting b 'l proprrly from execution nntil lhe deblor is : ' tisfied it will sel! for a fair price. Lost. Mr. Cust offered nn amendrnent preventing 5 retrospective action. Lost. Mr. Wilson moved to amend so as to "" npt. all wool until it is tnanufactured into n 3t!i. d Mr. Green an amendment exempting wooi ' il il it is sheared. i Mr. Wixom exempting all youn? horses, p ttle. sheep,&L hoir-1, until they arrive at years t inalurity. All of which were lost. l' Jan. 11. - Mr. Howell, from minority of. Í e Commiüee for districung thetütfite, made report ngainst districting, which was laid on j l e table and ordered prin'.ed. q The exemption law was discussed again. ir Mr. Hovvell offered an arnetidment, I ig a span of horses to toamsters as well as farmers. Adopted. Mr. Grcpnly was in favor of exempting to rurmer a good span of horses. ana opposed running down the breed of horses (o the indard of Monroe ponies, which were wort h Iv $80 a pair.


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