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g ÏIKAT BARGAINS. -II. B.inks [ JT fiilly nfurms t!:e fnrmcrs rtrtd uiliers visit Detroit, tlinr lie slill coririnues nt liis olti ind on Wóódliriclge t., ntljoining Wnrdeü's ücft m 1 kecpB on huurt n gertettt] iissöftirient oi KEAhY MADE CLOTHING, hich ne 'té ilo'.orniined 10 sull dicapcr titan the c irs.' J'or Cs:i. R. IJ. luis U9I receiverl froni the Enst nn nsrtment oí" Cloihs. Cnssimereá. Satinetia and r-5'niíTs. w-Uir.h wil! bo nindo up 10 order in shionablc style ac short noticc. R. BANKS. I ntmit Sfmt. S. tfiiö. 20-Gmi si f 01 Aliarles lozor, late oí Wciisier, J- i 'lioCoimty uí Wasii cnaw( deceased. - r'i'C ui lavo been dujy oppoimed by thc Hon. Gco. Sedgwiek, Jule oí Probate oï ihe county sforesaid. iors. io i cxaniiiio, afijust, nnd ;il!ov ilc chiims of ihe crediiors io ba(!, which i(cd insolvoii!, aii(] six niontlis aro allowcd by said 1 siiii ctcdil rs : present .nnd proTe ilicir claims, bc'ore so id comniisi.ior.ers, who wiii mee: fqr tho niiposo aforosaid. at tlie Inli kopí by John W aldo, ii tho vüIjítc l' Dexioi.ot) t'iD lirsi i dnys of' Mnrch and Aprí!, r.nri ut the i-.vcllinrr houso of' ytcplien Öogawcll in said W on thc 25h!d ilny of June next, nt 1 o'clock, Y. M. on eacUdiiy rcsppgiivoly. MlXXiS K i:NV. ) .H){]N ALLKY, )■ Com'rs. I JAMES IJALL, Jr. ) Webster, Dec. 22, i. S ■]■.'. ivOODrVYÖÖDT OUR SubscrilorB ore reqiiested to brrng ns any quanüty ofDRY WOOD, immcdia.c'tj, n payfiíunt ofihcir subscriptions. Dec. 2, 18-12.


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