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AD.MINÍSTRATOEIS SALE. ] )URSÜANT to an der orüie Jiidge of ProJ bnte, fat the county of Washtemw. made on ' e twentv third inst.. authorizing :hc sale of real ( tate of Eilen Wilmor. deceased. I shall se!l ai ] iciion tl ie re-il catato, hereinafter ríescribed nt the veiling house (ormcrly occnpted by ilie said de] ased. in the villnee of Saline, on Thursday, the x'.eenth day of T ehrunry nexl, at one o'clock '. the afternonn o'füint day. to wit: commencinL' ' i the soutli of Henery streel three chains and ■ zelve links cast of tbc norili corner, of the Bap ït meeting house lot. and running eouth ílve i lains at riglit angles of snid street, tlience cast ] mllel with said strect one cliain. thenoe t!i ] wards il-enery street. parallel withsaid first line ] 'e chains. thencc west one chain, to tbe place j beinnins: cntainirig one Inl' acre of land, , in the same premises on which the said EUeii c 'illmot livcd nrcvions to her decense. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Adminlstrator. } Dated Saline, August 29tli, 1842. 3J-4.v. . l 3R. BANISTER'S CELEBRATED FF V-ER AGUE riLLS.- Punlii VeitUibh, [ safe, speedy. and sure retnedy tor lever nnd r we. tlum aiitvc. chili fever, and the bilious dis- jes peculiar to new counlries. These pills are designed foï the nlT;ciions of the er and oilier interna! orgnns wliich nitend the leases of the new and niiasmatic portions ol'our iintryb The proprietor having riod thern n a gresj rioty of cases confidently belicves tiiat they nre lerior to any rem.ídy thal has ever been oll'eiy to the public lor the abovediseases. k It is purely Vegetable and ])e.feütly harmless. p. d enn be taken ly any person, male or feinalc V th perfect safety. The pills ave prepared in Iwo separate lioxcs. " irked No. 1 and No. 2. and acccoinpanied ivith S 1 direclions. V A gftíflft nuniber of certifiques tnight be procu1 1 in favor of this medicine, hut the proprieter 3 thoiiirht fit notto iiisert thein, in as rnHph as yi depends upon the merits oí the si me for its a intation. , Tiie ahove pill is kept constanily on hnnd by i proprietPr nnd can be had at wholosnle and ro" 1 at the store of Beckley &. Co. Orders froin - j country promptlv attended to. A Ann Ar'bor. (lowêr towti) May2fih MW. 9 A L. BECKLEY IN BANK11UPTCY. A B strict cour t of the Uniled States for the dis.,' trictof ?.lichijan - 1 ii the matter qf the petition ( of Joseph tyogefé, tr be declared o bankj rupt and 10 be discharged f 'ruin his deb;s. " B TOTICE is hereby given llint Joyeph Rogers, jj N of the town ot'Ánn Arhor and County of ,j ashtenaw, state of' Michigan, has filed liis pe„ ion in tliis court to be declared n bankrupt nnd i be discharge I from liis delits.under tlic act ol 1 anareps in such case. ni.ide and provided. and C 3t au order has been du!y entrred in tliis court Cl pointin2 the sixth day of February next (' ten o'ulock in the forenoon oftliat day at t lic Q, jtrict court room in t!;e city of Detroit in tin-Qj strict na the time nnd nlacc lor the hear(i 2; of said pntition. All persons intcrested tnay un and tlioro oppear ad show canse if nny A 'y liave wliy the praycr of eaid petitiuti Eh.u'd r1 t be granted. '1 By order of the courf. C N. R. RAMSDELL. Sol. for Pet. ' Jan. Ifl. 1843. ' Cc OS J1ASH1ONABLK ÍIAIR DRKPSING .- D, Frceman returns liis sincere tlianks to the D izon8 ol' Ann Arlwr aiuJ its vi.cioity lor the T) il putronntje thoy have extended to hitn. nnd J]] rnstly solicita (unbercóntinunace of.tbe snmo. ]}, ? nlso vi?h(is to ptirchüse a quntiiiiy of false ps ir. for which iio will pny a li!ier;'.l piice, (or the o rposo rt innniifnctiiring rinirleis. pr Mr. Frceman nopea not to give offenre to his p i eus'omcr?. when he infnrnis hem. that ,a er his shon will bc clóse'd ffirftnè the Sabbath ? y. He will lic vory anxious nnd hnppy to f' nimodate them. by v.-orkina n litt'e later oud Vn ire industriousiy on Saturdny evonintre. Fr( T. FREEMAN. Gei Octoher3, 1842. tf. Qlc G01 NEW GOODS! ! %% T DENISON, is now receivincras nstiallynvGrc wel] selecied assormient ofinll nnd uinter'TIai JODS, which will bc sold cheop fo.' cush or Hm nor. Hm N. B. As cheop as any in lown. [ja, Pep-.eml.cr24, 181?. tf23 gfc


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