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Anti-slavery Publications

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The subscribe, informs thcrs incmiieof Anti Slavory Societiey, nnd all persons who defiIrc to read the Slavery puWications that have issued from the America presa, that ho has purcliased all the books, pair.phlele, tracis, tS& etc. lutely belouging to the American Anti-Slavery Society, atilounting to about efehi ihousanc! dollars, at old pnces, whicfa he otters for sale bv bis agent in any quantitj, at lote S fot cash önly. Samples will beteptai L office, corner of Hanover ana Gsnge Btreet, and orders nvüI be promtly attended to. A catalogue of the principal pubJicahona isannexed, and the prices put nga.nst thom are the present (reduced) retail pnces By the hundred or larer quantity, they will be so d loivei Lsay for bouml volumes 85 per cent. drscoünl : on pamvhlcls, tracts and pictures, 50 per cent. discount. With respect to most of hem , this e beloxv thtí actual cost to me in cash. rhey werp not purchased with a view to sell at a Sfitbuttisabservetbe Anti-Skverv cause, Suoh an opportnnity has not prev.ously occurrod to obtain Anti-Slavety pnblications at these reduced prices, ancfprobably w.ll not aga.n. frWditorsofnewspapers are requesled to cow this ndvertisrment at length toe Ihree monthfsand their bilis will bc paid in books, etc. ■ni L,„i o ronv of the paper contaminar thedement. " LBWIS ÏAPPAN. New York, March lst, 1342. BOUND VOLUMES. American Slavery as it is, muelin 50 AjUi-Slavery Manual c 1U n n Alton Riots, by Tres. Beecher, of III. Coll. Í2mo. p Alton Trials , , 7"; Slavery Record, vol?. I, 2 and 3 set 50 Appeál.byMra.Child 31-2 Anti-Slavery KxHminer, bound vols. 50 Beautiea of Philanthropy 33 13 Buume's Picture of Slavery -V Buston on the Slave trade -u Cabinet of Freedom (Clarkson s history ol the slave trade,) volt?. 1, 2 and 3 set 1,00 Chloe Spear ? Channinar en Slavery J Punca n un Slavery , -3 Eman. in the W. I. by Thorac ana Kimball _ muslin ,. , .'. ? Do by do i'i boards with map 2j Enpmies of Constition discovered 50 Fountain, ulain binding, o4no. 12 12 Guslavt'.s Vassa Grimke's Letters to Miss fleecher 37 1 2 Jay's Inquiry 37 1-2: Jay's View 50 Light and Truth L? Life of Gronville Sharp ? IJ Mott's Biographical Sketches S7 1-2 Memoir ofRev. Lemuel Hanes "5 Do ofLovejoy 2 1-2 North Star, gilt edges 33 1-3 Pennsylvania Hall . ' Quarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine, Cvo. 1,00 Rankiü's Letters, 18mo. 100 pp. Right and wrong in Boston 20 Star of Freedom, umsliii 12 1-G Slavery- containing Declaration of Sentimentsand Consiitution of the Amor. A. S. Society: Wesley'sThooghis on Slavery : Does the Bible sanction Slavery? Addmss to the Synod ofKentncky, Warative of Amos Dresser, and [ Whv work for ihe Slave? bound in onc vol. J Siave's Friend, S2mo. vola. 1 , 2 and 3 set 50 Songs of the FreR , , 33 1-3 Tiiompsons Reception in Great Bntain, lemo. 20 Tesiimony of God agninst Slavery, 18mo. 20 WheatlyPhilüs Memoir of 2-" West Indies, by Professor Hovéy 50 West Indies, by Ilarvey oud Stnrge 75 VVesley's Tiionghts on Slavery, iö muslin, with portrait . 12 1-2PAMPHLETS. Sets A, S. Almanacs, from 13S6 to 1341 inclusive 37 l 2 Address to the Pree People of Color 1 Ancient Landmarka 3 Apology tbr Abolitionists S American Slavery as Tt Is- the Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses 2f Address on Right of Petición 2 Address to Senators and Representatives of the free Statos 1 Address on Slavery (Germnn) 1 Address of Congregational Union of Scotland l Address of National Convention (Germán) 1 Ann. Rep. of N. Y. Committeeof Vigilance 25 Do. of Mass. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Women in the nominally free States 6 1-4 Aulhentic Anecdotes on American Slavery 2 Address to the Church of Jesus Clirist, by the Evangelical Union A. S. Society, New York city. 4 AnU-Slavery Catechism, by Mrs. Child 6 1-4 Adams', J. Q,. Letters to his Constituents 4 Adams', J. Q,. Speech on the Texas Question & 1-2 Animal Reports of Am. A. S. Society, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6tb 12 1-2 Annual Reports of N Y. city Ladies' A. S. Society 3 Appeal to the Christain Women of the South 3 lïible against Slavery 6 Collection of Vahiable Documenta 6 1-4 Birney's Letters to the Churches 2 Birney on Colunuatiun 2 Chattel Principie- a Summary of the New Testament argument on Slavery, by Bériah Green . 6 Chipman' s Dtscourse 3 Cbar.ning's Letteis to Clay C Condition of Free People of Color 3 Cranda 11, Reuben, Trial of 6 Dissertation on Servitude 12 1 -2 Dckinson's Sermón 3 Does the Bible sanction Slavery? 1 Dec. of Sent. and Constitution of the Am. A. S. Society 1 Discussion between Thompson and Breekinridge 25 Dresser's Narrative 6 Extinguisher Extingnished 3 EUnore Correspondence C; do in sheets 4to. 2 Emancipation in West Indies Thorne and Kimball 12 1-2 Emancipation in West Indies ín 1838 S Freedom's Defense C Gaïrib-on's Address at Broadway Tabernacle 6 Guardian Genius of the Federal Union G Genei ous Planter 3 Gillelt's Review of BnsbnelFs Discourse 6 Immediate, not Gradual Abohtion 12-2 Jay's Thooghts on the Duty of the Episcopal Church 3 Liberty, 8vo. 2&; do; 12mo 15 Morris's Speech in ansvver to Clay S Mahan's Rev. Julin B. Trial in Kenfucky T2 1-2 Martyr Age in America, by Harriet Martineau 6 Modern Es pediency Considered 6 Power oí Congress over the District of Columbia 6 1-4 Plea fur the Síave, Nos. I, 2 and S 3 Proceedings of !he Meeiinir to form Bioadway Tabernacle Anti-SIavery Society Pro-Slavery Rural CodeofHaitiRoper, Aloses Iv'arratve oí' a Fugitive .2 SI ave Rights of Coloree) Men 12 IS Rurgles:s Antidote G Riglu and Wrong in Boston 12 1-2 Slavery Rhymes 6 Slade's Speech in Cqngrésá n 1838 S Sinilh's Gerrilt Letter lo Jos. Sniylie G Do. Letter lo lícilVj.1 CAay í SJnveholding InvariabJy SíijíuI, "malum in se," 6 Soiltbard's Manual 1 Star of Frcedom 4 Schmucker and ámiih's Letters - 6 SJáyeh.oJder'B l'ni.vcr 1 SlaveJiokfinf Weiijliecl il Slavery in America (London); do. (Germany) S The M;rtyr, by TJeriah Green 'J'hings fur NorJiern Men to do Views of Colonization, by Rev . J. NV.nrse Vicws of Slavery and Éniancipation, by Miss Martinoan ( VVesleyan Anti-Slavcry Review 2.' WariiiTéxáe, by lienjamin Lundy 6J Wliy work for thc Slave 1 VVjIsod's Addrcss on Vest India Emancipation 4 TRACTS. No. 1. St. Domingo, No. 2, Caste, No. 3, Colonization, No. -i, Moral Condiiion of the Slave, No. 5, What is Abolition? No. G.Thc Ten Conimnndments, No. 7 Danger and Safetv, No. 3, Pro-Slavery Bible, . No. 'J, Prpjudiee acrainst Color, No. 10, Northern Dealers in Slaves, No. 11, Slavery and Miseíons No. 12, Dr. Nelson's Lecture on Slavery. The above Traéis aro so!d at 1 cenleach. PRLNTS, ktc. IlhiFtralions of the Anti -Slavery Almanac for 1H40 S The Emuncipated Family 25 SJavtí Market of America Correspondence beUveen O'Connel and Steyenson 3 Do. do. Clny and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printers Picture Gallery - Lel ter paper, stanaped with print of Lovcjoy sheet 13 Do. with Kneelinof Slave sheet 1 Payer for Slaves, with Mnsic, on cards 1-2 Potrait of Gerrit Smith ro0s In addition, are the foJlowing-, the proceed of which wilt go inio the Mendian fiind. Argument of Hou. J. Q.. Adams in the case of the Amistad Africans 25 Argument of Roger S. Balvvin, Esq. do do 12 1-2 Trial of the Captivep of the Amistad 6 Congressional Document relating to do. 0 Portrait of Clinquez 1,00 March 3d, 1C42.


Signal of Liberty
Old News