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I HOL MANS, i Bone Oiaittiient. Til ÍS OiNT.MiiNT .siandsat the he;nl of uil re medies lor the fqllowing ctisenses wnicit na tiuc is h'eif too, viz:- RHEU.MATISM l.oth Chronic and inllamitory - Gout - Sprnina - Bruisös and contracttd TENDOAS oi long standing. h di.sciisscs all tumours - renders stiff joints hmber by producing a healthy nmsciilnr action. il assuages pains in B01X.3 nntl Abcessbs. - Noihingeqiidls it in su'clled and inflamed Breasts in Fci!i!ilc, if' applied in eaily stajre. prevents snpperntion or rnattét fonning, and gives in all cases iuiincdiate easelïoin pain. Certificates of t h is fac't couid be given if nccessary. This ifimcdy ia uffered to the Public with the full nséurance that t far excels the Opodeldoc's ind Liniments of ihe picsent dty, fcr the above ilfieñs'es'. A trial is only wanted, 10 give it the lecided proferencc to every thing else. Many l'hysdanjs pt cmiiirnce have used this ointmem iú rJxioïa its incriis. ui) The above ointmen'. is for sale wholesalt nnd tatajl by L. BECKLEY. A 11 11 Albor. Clowcr tcwn) June I5lh, 1842 9 TO PHYSICIANS AND COUNTRY ÏUERCriANTS. np HE subscritor invites theattehtipn of Phy .11 ticians and Country Merchanis, lo lii present stock of Drugs,' Medicines, Paints, Oili, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Brnslies, Sec &.c. cotnpribing nne of the largest and fulle.-tassorttnents broiiíílit '.o the country. In his preent stock vviJ! bc Ibund: 100 oz Sulpli. Quinine, superior French and Enüsli, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpentcr's Witherill's Extract oí Bark, 1 bbl. Fowdcred Rhubarb, 1 Chetit Rhubarb Root, 1 bltl. Powderod Jalap, 00 Ibs. Calemel, 3 casks Epsqtti Salfp, 15cnsksFall and Winter strained Sperm Oi!, 40 boxes Sperm Candles, 2000 .bs. White Ltad, dry and grnund, 4'cníks Lin.-eed Oi!, Denfists Instnimnüs and Stock Gold, Silvrr nnd Tin Foii Platina Hrare} Po'celain Tcelh. A general a-sortineiK of Palen!. Medicines, all nfwhicli wil! be sold on the most icasonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jefièrson Avenue, sipn ofthe Güt March 13. Mortar, Detroit. 'J'AILORING BUSINESS! AM. NOBLE, would respeetfully inform the cilizens ofAnn Arborand its vicinity. that he h;:á. opened a shof in iheXoïver Town. inimeiiatcly over the late mcrcaniile stanj rf Limd & O-ihson. and oppoite ihe Yo:'e of i. Becklcy & Cj.. wli.ire lie is prepared at nll times todo worU ui his line. with p'romplnesl, and in a neat and durable manner. lenticular auention will bfc p:iid to citttinr arments. Produce will he taken at tlic usijoi nri ees, for worlc done nt his shop. These wlio have cash ro pay tor services, of thts kind, aio particuia:l v invited to coll. Ann Arbor, April 27. 1812. tf T)R" BAMSTKIt'S CA TH AR T ICPIZ.Z.S. TÍHS )Ü1 has not on'y been used by invself, but by a number of Physiciansof high standing, both in :his and other States, to great ndvantage. J5y tliefronucnl and repeated solicitationsof my friendf, I have consenied 10 oiièr tluni lo the public as n most ellicacious remédy for all those billious diseasees originating in a new coun'. V:y. The above pill is for salo wholcsale and retail 'y L. BECKLEY. Ann Avbor, flowcr town") .Tune föih 142. Í) TO CLOTH1ERS. THE subscriber is just in receipt uf a further i-unplv of Clothier's stock, consistimr of ñiACWN!; ('M: IJS ,f ,,,, (srmf"n; CLOTIIWR'S JACK. A'i TINETWARP. CARD Cf.KAXXERS and PICKERS, SHUTTLES. REEDS, KETTLES ÏCREWS. PARSOX'S SHEARFNG MACH LM:. EMERV, Ccien sizfí.J T ENTER HOOKS, PRESS PAPER, tostfm w,th a écll sdectal a:or;m-.nt. of DYE WOODS.anrl DYE STUFFS of the very best grovvth and manulacturc. These góods (coming ps they do direct froni first Ininds) the snbscriber Is ennbk-d to etell luwer than any other house vc?t ot'.Ncw York, h( thorefore sohcits the atiemion of iirnis in tlu clothing business, to tliecxairination of his stock, and p ices before going cast or purchasing elsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wholesale nnd Retnil Drue-trist, 139 Jeil'cison Avenue, sign of the Gilt Moriar, Detroit. E.S'r%TE OF JACOB LAWT0N DE CEASED. - Notice is here'oy giVen. that the unders-ipned; have proved the will and testament ol Jacob Lawton. deccased and have taken leners Testamentary thcreon. and have given I)oik!s according 10 law. All persons indebted to snid estáte are rnquested to ninke pay. ; inent without delay. and all persons having claims lágáinstsaid éstate are roques. tetí to present the same to the subscribers, well authenticated, for paymein. CEORGE E. LAWTON. DAVID T. M'COLLUM'. xecutors of the last will and Testament' ol Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor. May 7, 1842. 3m temperancÜotelT BY HOBERT& TERHViüE. (COKSFAI Of MICHKÍAN AND WASIU.VCTO.N AVENUES, UETKO1T.) TÍIE nbove House is pleasantly siíuated nea iheCcntnd Railroad Drpot. and is now uj dergoing ihorouo!) repairs. 'J'hcrooms are pica. art , til.! B ds and Bedding all new. and the Tabn will besupplied wiih the choicest of Ihc mniket nnd the propnetoro nssure those who willfavot hein wnl! ilu'ir custom, thai a'.l pains shall be taken to rpake their stay with thcm ngreeable. r.KK. ven lew. and accomniodaïion ?ood.- Caniages to convey passengere to and from the Holel Iree of expense. Detroit, Apr,:':? 1P42. " ECONOM Y TsTvE ALTH. ' ' 1I1L buiiscribers will pny pay two cents per - pou;.d m Goodsor IVper for an quantlty of -rood clean SW1NGLE TOVV, delivered ot'the Ann Arbor Paper Mili ... , , -IONES & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. tf NËWGÖODsTi T DENJSON Ins just received a complete .ato f,n'!J)RV-GOODS' GROCERES AND CROCKERY, which will be sold very elieap lor money or most kinds of produce. Descnpnons and priecs will be given at theSiore. Ann Albor. June I, I42. SLARATUS - A prime aiticle m ln.xes or barjcls, loa eulo at he lo west prices by „ O( Tpin F. DENISON. Sbjvíi 24, IS42. 2


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