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Selections: Slavery Upon The Post Office

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I he people of the freo Stntes linvc fch tho Pnst office to he a brfttfaft íiik! t'iis luis bcen often tmnífestfíj bv complainís ijmwgh the prnss. a'nd hv mononafs and ppfitions to ron rjres fr a rednction nf prístase. M.ich is 'siid nt dio present timBinroino! e.vrsiincr ratos of postase, nnd rbr inru-v is freT-icnr. wliv ein it not lie rc-'uecd! prnnofie to ilirow lighfíipori (Kifi qnr.oiion. The PÖ4Ï OTi?a reiüv isa burrión tn tho f-nn stntfs. They .iré vIMnT tn s'istnin the puMif W'lfnre. but thrv fcel - nnd fooi trn'v (lint tlioir nost office billa nrn nnnpnpsTrüv lienvy Thoy pny tmich more ihnn enoupli fn sustnin the (Inpnrtmnnt in tho froc sin tos. nnd wcro not )nr carrvina !he sonthcrn mnüs. it is con fiflfntly bclicvcd the retes íhight be rcdnced on Irilf. Pos' OfTiro revepue must como cliieílv fron pnr's of" the country wliere the intpllipencp nni! business aro fon mi. ín !l-e south. whorr. n 8ome scoiions. loss thnn nnc fovrth of the nHuli white Rrtpiilatlop cTn reqfl or yrite. l"!c. puppori can lie dérfvc'd to tho post ofiW. Prul :nai!s must be irnsnr{ throueii tlipsf! lonir soutliern roiit..pnssinï liere nnd rherr o!d ilccr.yin? Rlaveí ycnrsfid niansions, and finding very üítlc Jocil support. [Jad ?lavery never existed in tlie somfi. no reason is .ippnrent why it wnuM not Inve Imn as popnlouo. ii)telliLrent and hiisihpps-líkp as (lie norfh. probnMv moroso: hut borsr-racin?. C'ir;lcficbtiníT íraml)lti!í, duelli iï. liunií'i", womanwliippin.5 anrl lazinss, c'iníriliu'f1 bul little to enrrv the mails. Tbc ratrs of potíife must. thcrefore. be lit'irh onontrh to e.Ttort frftm t'io frjeti stn's. after sitp;oonini thcir own mails, n suin ?u(Ticicnt to meet the heavy dffir-iency of tb" jinve Btrifes in recuur'. to this Dppirttnrnt of hc fovemmenf. If ibis is not dono the nntionil Treasiny must foot tbn bul-;, whicb is lit'le ■]? ilion nnother frtrrri of d lin.T lbo pntne thin? f.ook nt ötficinl tosiimony on tliis subict: TIip bllowinar Mble is niaile Irotu statci(nts ofthi1 'oei M;:atT Ofrior-i!. Tiic first column is tbc evenno (Jcrivd fro-n tbc popí oíIits in r-1tnte fluring that thn oconl tlp pxpendi■;rcs in the sanie for t!n sinc venr 1W1. uUa mu 9UUU1 receiveu gire.iíji o! wuee tI!in the nolrth; whüe they raid $48S.7H 58 Icss - ymrlifi-n rrycnuo feil short of théir cxpdnduures $434,31)3 on. By comparing different atntes t will bo seoti thnt New Yor!; and Pennsy'vinia aflorded nearly na mucli reven uc ns ihe lohcl-soutU. New York ïlone paid ns rnuch as N. Carolina, S. Carolina Geprein. Ala., Miss., La., Ark., Tenn.. Ky' and Miasonril ' ' While Aftbanja jiaid $37,832.58, thát ntnta rcccivod,?IGl.i5') 39. S. O. paid '58,004 31 nntl recfeivêd $123,516 2 . ' It wil! nlso be percoived thal the rereipts from the l'rce states for tint year. exceed d their ex peiiiüturoon'y $(;..") 12 25, honco n boavydebt was reporter! on (iCcount of cost at iiC s,iUth Lest Jheyear 1833 should be thought nót to Etive a fair view lako ih0 yoar 1831, as öho'wfj ia thf Report of tlie P. .M. Gênernl. The difierencc in revonue from s!nvHw!,!i:rr sjatns nrid ternjories. nnd t!,c fren frtirtcè, wns "S343.1S7 r0. while t,e expendituresin tlie two spcnons waa abont éqonl.aenfipenrê to be t!m (rêif. eral irtteni! n. The ratea ofpósfaW mus, trprolorc. be hmh enourrh to coftipei to nnrth to pay i sum. over and above snpporting ihcir oxvu mail, sufiicicnt to meer ibis deficiency. or the riepnriment must be in debt nrvl rhe trnnsury ta.xed to pnv it. At llie list Extra Session, mi.r a vir.'DvoK nor.r. mis wem approprinied by Co'iiranaTar the pavment of P. O. debis. ' ïn rl.o venr 1831, N. York. N. FTamnshire and MS miflaboutns much na the whole south- stat-9 and terrifories. The f..!,WiiLr tnhlo wü! snw the cormarative cost of cm-rving the mails in tho freo and ave statcs in 1833.- [E.v. Doe. 2G Con 1Tlii7r thn vnt'ih wnra trnnsnorrorj 20.27,2:31 Mea far $%.!VU .P.8lLiu the free tnfw. h-e fo nrrvihfim I!. r9,444 miics in ilic slavc stntcs os; l.7.-vt,G!-2 II rmv hf inffircsfinir to pront ilio rcn]or inifi itenrq shinviiiT die nomnnr'itivfi ro?t in ilie wo 8eqtfrtn ofcounn-v. W rfRÍr#TÍ( mn-Jesof coneyance, irom P. M's Report of 1839. Bu nvd cxeess of rrwwic. overexppn"!ips of ihf post ofiico clcpnrtmcnt. ín l R.anrl .V. Y. :;r,7.R03 15 VVId'Ip n iJic (bliówing Suites, ?or ilic sime ímn. rho rrsnlt hits heen rhnt the o.vcss ofec? nv f r reveniie, was.


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