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lyvery nailon Uas fwcili íes lonucfinsing thei m iönil wpnllh peculiirto itselfl The South Rrn [lortióh of" tliis country has been very !) ekwnrd in d vclopincr manuliiciunng i '.(nu cc5, l:it ilio follottno nolice of a nevv tnethod óf reridéring sla very profjrahle wili douhtless be considerod indic.itive of future imgres. It is frora the Washington correspondent of Ltberiy Press. "Y0 :iwnre tint thr; upper story ot'tho l'dienl rfñ-e in ihiscity is neenpied by tlie N;uion;.l fnst'üutc as i dëpïtory. A crcut variciv of'ciinosilies ure coUoc't'f'i llierf, iki - lino, nrr, SCI 'rit'Pi air, rirlh and all having- cïrif ribulcfd to imltcms c Ihe -iillcction. and in'érc8t tin beli'lder. Anióng the rest of thi n!)j(cts lo be sëën Hiere, whnao up nl and :iüii puzzle nu uiilcücipd iiimii, one may nptict stiptclird ii!on a smill stuk, pust cd up and nfiiljv labflUv], a licce of Crat'irr. very nrallij Hns'id. Te liitl rc:i!s as frtHows: ffSkhv iif nïi AtVicn, tüimed in GöHrjfPtöWnj prosentfd bv tlie Rv. Jimes Cuney, Gjo. College, Jnlv 7, ;C4i." Whai coid hètlie design of the Iïrv. gentlomon, ii tl'us piprrvinsr and xposinsr ihiirrciüns fiilairt of sou'.lirrn invriilivr grtiimi,] 'm munifticttí''e, every cine must im(ine fir himp[i'i! W.i.s it riéinBd as a JViithmal cmbti'm? Whether or 110: ihoreisn tnnne ? :it. (icorrrf-l-rvn. wlmretlie Ciiri.siian Imines.(if tv rilling the hid'-s of llns portion of the pn)ul:Hi"n. (iiTtèr tl'py liave heen wonr out a. unpaid InborërS an'd as the hIis of in Cuiirrrp1,) is rair'nvl on tipon n i(n sqi!e. I am uiun'oMiiel. Ii'so. i: is cer'áiiil.y uit t Icing he most of thtitt. Who knows bul in tlip oiuvard inaroh of öinthorn ii)-eiini:v. and thfi c ilvflfic icfiiiomonts of Bouthern taf e, tin? lurie in y eroon cme wlien trinrcfinl j diei aftPf havinsr heen nnoed and faiine'd ami ; r'pd by ih(ir otidp-d douip.siif.s dnnhp tlieir lives, will altend cliurrh and devoutiy thumb tfieir pmypr books, deticately gl-ved, witii their skins tanucd in Gvorgvluivn D. C!'' (tOur noijrl.bor of the U:iptist Christia" crnli!, D-lroit. co;es frem the Signal one ol uur tyleHteil ar-:clcf, vvfiich mvvs i luit theic ore ino.000 Bipists in :!jp counTy who pahnwi ieai or wnte,nnd liiát Üiot dcnopünatiön hblds 100,000 alavod. The articïe is entilled "A Disgrace," andends with "Mc truih."We cut it t'rm au exchungo pnper. just us t wis,suipsinj t coiitnlned important truths. O ir oeighboir of the (jera ld utributes tho nrticle to us, afid i Ijö'UB tlie premise-', subtitantiully, !mt oljec;s to "o singular n preemiiience." Efe contenéis ihat other denumiii'nlinns, o propon ion to heir nnmbers, are as guilly us ilic Riipii.-ts. Tliis istrue, in referencií to tlavery, no doubt. The I Ifrald suys: ■ Wo feel this disproce aii'l as far as remonstrance nnd argument- the cnlv ve:ipons wiili wliich we cnn, nt pre.srnt, rcach the soiith - will go, we are willing to use onr eiidpüvors in its renmvitl. All that we object to. 3 tliat onr friemis 6liould leave ns quite so lonely in the disfrace, and ut least linply the charge of .'p"Pral ignoiance." Qf;T"B. Stelicnson" must excuse us fof not insprting hie conununicatinn. Wc cannot nmke ihe Signal a medium of persona! altercations. (IJoe Smïth was arrested, Dcc. 31, on a warrant from Gqv. Frd, upon a vequisilíorí frorn the Gövembr of Missouri, that he be delivered np as a fVgirive from justice, on the chnrgc that he was nn acceísary before the fact lo the aticmntrd assaf-ination of (ov. Bogffs On o wnt of hühens corpus from Judge Pope, he wns pel ut libert}', been use lio w;is nol a fugiiive from juüflice. He was a resident of Nanvon, in Ilünois, when the crime was viinmittcd. Conseqiiently he coulJ noi.have ütd Irüth jüstice .n Missouri.


Signal of Liberty
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