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The Central Committee To The Liberty Party: Number Iv

The Central Committee To The Liberty Party: Number Iv image
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It bcing übvious, as we trust, to evcry reflecting reader. ihat thert -xisis no rational hope for ihe triumi h of nnti-slavery principies, excepi by the orgnnization of a pnrty pjedged to maíñtain them parnmount (o uil otlic-is of tlio present day, ourdulies 10 the Liberty party nest demaud consideraron. Our first prominent ciuty is to mako principie, and not feeling, the basis of our nciion. Wi should recollcct tluit au overwhdmtng conviction of duty bas plu.-ed us in ihis pnny, nnd it demand8 fr.)in us a stern an I undcviuiing adhesión to principie. Without a ti.v:d dutorminntion to act up to tho legitímate req'iiremerna of rhis prin ciple - to lollow where it leuds, and perform where il commands, wc want that Lntegriey. o purpose, wiili.iut which Liberty cannot succeed Peculiar ditficiiltits impeJe the odvanre öf o;r party. Our cause has been unpopul-ir - onr antagonist bas been the nntiuii's dol. - Our numhci is símil, and wo nre surroundel by two hirge parties, wno. diflering in all else, onne in e.:deavors to crush us. VVu are d void f experience, and know not, and trust wp nevcr sii.iii. the t;ickery. the deceits, and niisrepresentaiioiis of politici. nis. Tbc yoLith ot pirty, lilic; tliat o! man, is susceptible of easy iiiiposition, and whete guile e.xists nol, none is suspec;ed in others. - We must expect many Ixiiis to !e luid in om wny. to lure us froni the straight coujsc we have marked out. Amid thfse mnny disndv-intagea we have one surpassing advantagc, to pvei balance all: We know wc are ii;!it. (ot Gd's ówh reinal principies, echoed by the wo:Id, and gnnen on our decrnrt'tion cf indepfnilcnce, cunnot bu er roneous. Let us then hold on to tríese principies, nor tarnish them by n single act of incoueistency - swerving not from lecling - btndin not before storm - dispising influence - iind driding jeer, and we have a s'ieet anclior, by which 10 outriue the farce 01 all tho hosuie elen ents ipposed to U3. We have now attaiiied so much strength, that we nre known and iearcd, if hút lespeiüiJil, -b a poriy. Mnny trials and tempmtions aw.iit utfroni t'iis hour, and iiuinerous wil! be the de v i et of our ene.nius tu allure us fro:n our roud. - Our excellent Lriend & o!J worker in thia' S. B. Treaiiwell. h;is maJe sointi v:i!u;ib!o suggestions to uv, froni which we extro'ct the re nminder of ïhrs number. as corrtiihing all we would say on tne subject:'I lic cjl.l )nrtit:s. altérnatela, accord ng to ctréümstances, wül 6oon begin in certajn loc h tiep, tu pltiici; lipón iheir lickets now a.-., I ihen ü man callsd un aoHti.xi'isC, i.'i ordér.if possible, ín disíract lis. uid draw away om support. A wise and s'.riet liberty organizaium viih sju.'í! principie and iniülüi'iice, umoiig ;.ü oiir friends, cun alone sa c!y guatcl na agnint tl;e nttcMfpt.8 at al. sucli insidious and dinge.mis iiroid u) m us. - I fear cvt-.'i sjine ol'our g kid l'ii tuda ;niiy not be sufiïcicntly npprehensi vo of üll ihu d.nigt-rs and tcmpuitiüns ihrou'gii w!.L:!i oúr yet sniall bflt risní p iny is desíineil to pnss in i:s upwnfd and narrow ).:t!i of principie. be:o.e it hall reach i s trtumpbánt deannuúori. Unless uur liberty t'rienlí in all tlie towna bo tbey fovy or mariy, wiil nobiy buckle on the whule libci-'y armour nud bring all tiieir forces 'sranc and 'j'lt" to support ilie ali important principleá of tliu lijérty p'irty. ve can never succeed n our greut olei of rcdeeuiing tlie sl.ive :ind our country. In tqwns wheie tliere aiebut í'e%v liberiy men, it dúuiands cimsi'd ernbefaith. finniuss and sell-denial fur iheni io crecían independénf-lfbeVty slnñdard agaiust the overwhcliiiiiig vo cj ol'iheir feilow tuwnstnen - But if tliey are mtcHienfahd "pn cip'ed" lib erty nien ihey ill do it. They will act upon tlie noble principie thnt t is better to stnnd alone.. even in tioing riglt tlian to ''guui.kamultittida to do er 1.' il evor,p cu use deinunded of ail its fiier.ds to act upon the principie of' couc-níraüon at the U.illot Bix. the town u to tlie natiooal elections. it is linré. The wih'er season s moic propeily the liberiy seediinie," and may this sm be sovvn ''bio-ui nist'' lilis winier. by eyery Jover of Iruedürü anJ liater of oppres6on.. A s'rnvg pull and a pull altngct'icr, need riot and ui'.l nut be a very long one io yidl every poor slave out of the hands of the 'cs'ruyer. and thus. in tnis npparently only way, redeem ourselcts train uiter ruin as a naiion." For the Central Connuitiee,


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