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I.itUc [7 -ï'i-io, Mr. Vwiá eisily alliivv ed to p-'éícñi the tesohniuiife ei' ihc L-inl ilnr ofVirgiijin :n favor í' refiind og In' fin1, nul evrn lo in !k quite a speech on tin auject. Lie utt gning on, om il Mr. Mor jrnn cüllcd liim to order; the resnhitions were orderod ib be printëd. N. 13. T!ie resoluUons off lie 'VWroont liU! ature on slaven', cóutd nol be even receivetl. Tlmt's the dit' l'eronce. Mr. iMohgan prcsor.ted a reBnIutnn,instrc i titig tlip Ccrnmiltri! on tlie Territi.ries, to ropori o bil], for ippraüng So muefa ot' a Mprcial luw or Floriilii, us iiipnMis a cajitaiion tnx. iipon Pree upproes nnd iTml:itt(ie.-', eniigrdting to the icirilnrj', nuil authürizing ibcir rale in of delault; nnd the su'.e lor niniy-nine yeur?, of such free nrnes and luiiiiijtiies, 1.may einigrate to the 'I'erriiory, after t!ie yenr 1042, who mny fail to meet the payment of y:id r;iiii:üi(ii Inx. 'J'iie rosoliition was luid iipon the tably)'as 112, tioys GO. This law 18 similar io the lttws of Soutii Carolina, Loui ï i a, iind olher s'ntes on the siiQie subject; all of which iré groes violatjons of thp ctuistituiion, nndof the nhlQ of-the free Bintpi', besides biiny ihominaliiy iidinin n. Whai i nok es the law in Florida mo;p atrocious is lliat it derives all Ü8 force l'rom the .anctionoftho nniional lejrislnfurp, whifh is thus u.-od by sliivphul.lers, au au iustrnmont for iníiiltinn: tlife fee stater, and oppressing cerlain c!a.-se. ofibéir citizen?. A memorial from 106 citizens of Massachusetts. moetl pwner8 or ua-ters of ytssels, piaying Congrc-s to take inpas'.ires to Fècme the colored seamtn of tiirir ve.-sels from ;mprisimmgit in ihjails of Charles n, Savannab. Mobil? and Nw ürleans, was refured to the tonitnitiee on Cixntnerce. This coininittce iï compnsed uf a!l whigs but one, and all iioriht-rii m"n but two.G'OMRT A.ND EftlPORlüM. - A bÜI CoT lllG pnynieiit ot' Slaves l.'St on boaid tlie Coniot und Kniporiinn. was al led " by Mr. Akchkr, Irnm the Cornmittee on Forein Relutions. - Tlie biH proposed nn npproprintion of ? 7,ÜOO being a'part of tlie ndemtiity o!' the BmUL Govjérmhnt for ilie sluves taken froin thcsn two vessels. 'l'he bill was passed to nn engroisinent a? soon as roád and explaiticiK Tlie !?7,ÜO0, i: :ip[M;:ir.--, is 11 retaineil in ie iriNisury lor oxppuses ut Nu&ati, hut which hnve bern paifl tf'iihoiit ihë pxpehditiiro of the nioney. Mr. Arnold moveJ to lalce np ilie bill fr rptlucinnr tlie pay, milenp-e an.l compensn ion of'inpmbprs, Tuis ïm-tion was voied dowiij oí' cutirse!


Signal of Liberty
Old News