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Threshing .Machines. npHIC luiúersignud would infurm ïhe public t _j_ they con:inuc to mcnuliiciurc linnsK L'uwRsnnd TmiKSinxü MiciiiM.s, two nnd a halt mil es iïoni the vülage of Ann Arbor. on the rnilroad. The Horsc Kpwer sa late invertüon by S. VV. Fostcr, anJ s decidedly superior to any ótlier ever offered to the public, as will nppear by the statements of those who have lised thcm.ditrïrrg flié last year; It is liglit in weight and smnli in cotfipass, being ennied together witb the Thresher, ia a common vjhggon box. and drawn. wl'l ease by two horses. it is as hu!e liable to bien!-:. or get out oí repair, as any othcr Horse Poutr, nnd will work as easy and thrash as niucli wiiii fnitr horses attached to it as any other power with i'vi liurse?, as will appcar from the recommeiuhtions below. New pattern's have neen made for the cast iron. aml additional wcight and strengt!) npplied wherever it had appcarnd to be necesaary froüi one year's usc of the machine. The subscribers deem it proper to state, th;u a nurnber of horse powers weie sold last year it) the village of Ann Arbur w!ich we:c bclieved by ihe purchascis to be those invented by S. W. Foster, and that most or all oft'ium were either mnde tnateiidly different, or altered betbre sold, so as to be ïiüitcrially different from those made uid sold by ir. e su'üscribcrs. Such aiterations being deeuïc-dly detrimenta' to tlie utility ofthe r.nehine. ■ They have pood reason to believc thnt every one of those rcturned by ihe pórchneers as unsatisfac'r were of this class. They are not ájvote iini nny Power that went from their shop, nnd w;is put in use, ns tliey made it, has been condunined or laid asidens n bad machine. All who wish t'ibuy areinvited to examine theni and to enquire of those who have used them - There will lio onnlor ñxnniination at N. H.Wikg's, Dcztcr. villaje; and one at Martin Wim.son's storehbvsè in Dctbit - botü these gentlemen bc-iníí asenfB for the sale of them. The priee will be 51 '20 for n four horse power witb a threshtpg mnchino. wiih a stavo or wonden bar cylinder; and S'1 f'-'" ;i (itso powo with a threshing machine with an i:on bar cylinder. Tlie attention of the reader is invitcd to the folio wing recommendations. S. W. FOSTKR&CO. Scio. April 20. 1842. REC OM MEN DA TI ONS. This is to certify tint wo have uscd one of S W. Foster's newly invented Horse Powcis for a bout five months. and threshed with it ahqil 3)00 bashelsj and believc it is constrticted on firttcr p:iiri pies thnn any olher Hbrsè Power. j 'ríe ofthe undersigncd lias wned and userleiidit fliñePent kinds of Horse Powers. and we hrlieve thai fotar horses will thrash as mUöh wiih this Pöwji is jicc will with any other power with which wc aro acijuaintcd. II. CA SF. S. G. ÍVES.Scio, Jánuary, 12. I. "42. TJs is to infonn the public tlint Ihave purchnsed. aiul liave now ip use. one of the Horse Py.vers recen tly, inventcl by S W. Foster. :ade by S. W. Foster, &.Co., and beüeve it be cnnsliunt ed upon better principies, and reqüires Iósb strmgth of hnrses tlian any otlicr power with which 1 ain acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Ciemcns, Sept. 8. l.fi11, Thisisto inforni tl'e pnhlic that'l have pnrcliased one ni ihe Hotse Powers, recenily invented by S. W. Foster. and us-dit fora number ofinonilis. and beíieve it s the best power in use. workina with less strengih of horsns than anv oiTict poweV ! witb wliicli I ani acqnuinted, nnj benig snmll in ctompass. s ensilv moved frnm one plncii o anölher. I believe 4 horacs will thresli ns miibh witli tbis power as 5 will with any other power. Tlie plan nnd t!ie woikinx of this power have lecn univei 5nlfy approvod ofby fonners for vrbom I have thrashcd. E. S. SMITIÍ. Scio. April 11. IS 12. The subseribers innkevery good SMUT MACHINES which (hey will seü for $60, This machine was invented bv one of the subscribeii. who has had many yeur'sexperiencein the friiUiftg business. We invito those who wish to buy a :ood machine for a fair prico to huy of us. It i? wortli ns imnli bs most of Uu macliines thatcos: ft om 150 to $300'. 5?, W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 1.9, 184Q. Tooien ïVlQniifaciory The substiribera have rcr.ently pui n oporntion i woollen nianniaciory formiiaüiacturiiK' wooilcn :loih by power looms, two and a hal!' miles wee] rom Aun Arbor village, on the raüroad, wneie lie ish to manufaüture wool n'.) clotU onshnrés, or (or p.iy by the yard, on re;; (luis. They have einployed i .ncj and fe al ctífifide'it thátwork vrill be wcil onv. They thereforc n asílate c pairotiíigc, i i who hrc m f avar di n hi indi t..v. Vi ._■■! ñiaj . . S. W. FOSTER & Coi Pcio. Apri!lS: Xti-të'. 'Tis íun ilicys.-iy to gct v.xli witii flíerrí, ALL manliinq túiougbout their wtde arul merise circulution iba't ever ir iliurn coniniiie to buy iheiii. l'elcia' l'ills nre uri !y vi g etnblo; they work np miradles, nor dq t.liey no!c:ís tb cure nll dco i . :1úse iliOy ato ílre SQJeiltifiq caniiouiiL ola rogulpr pliysician, vi;o luis runde liis profesiion !!c s:u!y ot jija lile. Dr. Peters is a gradúale oí' Yhlè College, tt1so oí' thtí M;iss;u-liu3ctís Medical Colli ge, ujtij bqs sbínevvlíhtdistinguislied liiiüsc'.l'n.s a man oí' . ind genius amone the ïamily 'oí íhe late Gv. Peters; Peters' Vfegelablo l'ills .are Btñiplp inthóir prei;ir:itiin. inüd n í í - ■ r ;,;;,,n. thyrti_u;!i ii theiróperriiii-n. ;;i.l iiüiT. llts - The'town pnd couptry arp fiüke U-d wnh íiirir práiVe. Tlio pnlnco npd iie popr ;:l I-.e ei:lio v.-itli ilicir vinnr's. L: ■:!! uiíniaíes h y will letnin their wonderful powerjs and éxeri ilien u.n.altered by age or suuatibn. ■ . the yoifeofn gratelui comnni'Viy procláín r' -- Putcrs' Pilis prevent - kcr 1 1Ï üsedj ;.nd linye no rival ii. ; bil i lija íever, lover aii'l ;ii;ii',(lpc(isi. ivur complj ia;.-. sick hcndnchc, jaundice, .:-- liní.d)O''sy, riieíufialism. enLT gemept ofilio s)!'cn. [Viles, coí:r, V1malií olistructioü. licnrt buril, furred ppgne, ii.iusüa. disiemioti ofti;e sujn;ich and L ■ ent diirihce:!. fluiílence. habiinaí liissof appeiitc, bloelicd. or saüow i an;! n íi'l c:iscs ofloi of líu; b. i c üii-irtic or apenciu s indjeated. pi-. neiíher nausea, gripjng nor (kbility: nñu lye re■ipn; all wbo buy tliem coniínúe to try t!iem. Twfs tnost trinnijiii: ni , ever aliended their use and ciiuueli is nlrearíy ! nowiii of heni to im:i!oi!:i!.o : ::nd hand iheni down tó poa e:y wiih thc iinprovements o!t!io n,je ;:i icalscicnce.. Dr. Peters waghreji tu i. hg.nrt, and in order to su'ppfy rlcTninds, he bns tngínaed anti ctletl to iiis ;;.) t!;c only ifparn liivei niacbinèry n lie woild fó' pil! wq I ' perfec', atid iis prócess iiiSpárts to thc p?seni:il vírtúo, beqniiE'é by ■do; parfectly wroiiíiln. n'l ihe piils' hidJcn vlrtneís ré when cólled uto actipri. and herë n.lso ir s PetbVs exoílsnll. the world and lakcs'al) the prcniitíñis. 'iiec!:iis íiti'I diplomas: So cléár the tr'nct for tíie Engine - Pciers' Pilis nrc oaniing - a íniüi.'n oí" '. ."ii" ■■.".i cun now be her.-l fór ilifnj,- resi - do yiiu hi?;ir thr.t! while a host enn : Int they bdievo ihcy owe their salvhtioñ [rom ■:nd dentli to Petéis' Pi'. nnd f c n:vl 'knivesnru getüng partiaüy inio disuso vc aro only iiiistaktji. '" R rVlCATES; - Tliia pnpor could bofiHod -vih íbcni by rcsddcnrs oí' Micbiiran, by your ftaende hbors - Tsk Jt is now v.-oil known tha'fthe pr-pplc wíll ha ve Poters' Pilis, ind tu hiarrer Woii'ld té t&$to i!i..' rUsliiñg vnd: l'rife 25 or 50 cents per box.i be ]f$;;--'!crs Irirre o'l íhose titíns - their urirversal receptiun nrlt'cd to tlio tpsíiníónL pf ñiíllions. clk'éep it befoië tlit pc'V'pta' rrt-u stand wiü be heard ihroughuiit thfs ■■!!! uf íenrs. Tlieir h.-:pjiy hljU'etfccón ur. lidies w:iUsijfFcrfng un Oer tlic usual elínirgés oí" üie :ts VM.'cinil hy the Inwá of natiirc. ihey i:i;.:it n i nney of í frcüns and n;i tlrsrie sup. ' velvet cheek, lilly and cnmntion coïHplêxion by : 'hcir aciion on iliè chyio. S:c. and !n;lcs in del icario situauons nwnjsdmtt llieir ppvcr and nuooencf. tíhd ta!-.c ;h::i tw'o err tíifée ;:;. n ;:ni ■ . without in ihe slialiteít degr'éë incinrici: tl ;ird ot' an aboiiiun; w hicii i:-.":; ;iu cí' ;lic utm sj mijort.'ince. Piü-jiics; ;i yopps Incly - .; liei Idvo í() fír. Pr;irrs. nrid snyss!c í'ccls move ' rut to hir;i for ilio rcstorniioir ol' hor beáfiñy tlini i! he hüd s.T.-eJ iicr li.c. "I"s fun t gét wcü í witli Peters Pilis. í'nr thcy cause the bïóod tocourse nslinipid and genilf through tlíe veinsais :i ' rain ri'vulét; '' or ■! ia a CDm'nioh Jóse, iiL-nce ihe I patiënt y no; coriipèlled tö mnkè a ::íc;i!. TROUBLe IN PLUTO'8 CA.MP. Quite Rstonibhc:! Oíd Pinto n-ivr.í o Jvew York. ' tlearirig Peters haidl gol ; inc nt work.) ' Tóiesígh bis couiiiiission, iiis liour glass and I soythe: I have come to delíyér theni rill up to ymi - Sir. my cilüig is ovci - my bbsinè'ss íáíhroügh; I llave lieon !or tlirce ye;u.s in ;i terri6Iè sjewj And I icaily dou'i Kho'w wliát on cnrÉh J'am to ' Swi ol your irighiy sirc do I como to nqrriplain, Bul a tamal ATcw Yurkei-, orie PËÏ'EIIS b'y nrime; Tlie discááes rhy niiis. in this wnr of nirnkind. Are subdued by this Piaters, whíit Iiclp can we ñndi I'wouíd yi'ldhimN. Yorít, sir, if therc he woujd siay: But, sir, Peléis will havo the vvhole world forhis Wliüe musingin cos;ncil ivlih't courso tö ptirsue. Thai Kii'íinc oTPe'rerSbroke frtrth ihto view. The Kitiír of tcrrois Kvokcd n whüc. As thouh liiá suul wns tur ni u bile, At tint uuspníing scourge oí iJja, Tiy all uien known as Peters1 Pilis. 'J'hose Pilis ol Peters' stop the elnuliter. And leavea ilie blood na pure ns water. Now Petes rñakes. l've fícnr'd hini sffy. Ffve huni!i-c;I íhófisririd (Silïs n dy; So ihat ihe chance is very s:naü of peopre dyínc iltere h'i'Mfi For soon i!ie checks, s mwked ibr doom, Begin ike jpny i'ose to ooni. Looí hrc! QÜmhrtry oonlinyc to bvy thcín. ' Forsüle ns followe. hy Mc.-srs. & Abc-1. i G. Grenville, F. J. L. Cnme. ftjaynawli vV Co.. ] G. VVanl. Ö. P. & J. C. Jlwcü.' .1. lí. II. Beckerj Dickinson & Coswelj, and S K! Jones. Aun Arbor: Gco. Wán . nd J. Mijlgrd & Son, Do.tcr, VV'ra. A. L. éhnw, Lii'.n; .!. C. Wirruns, Sylvíib, li.-.Ic &. Siüiiltj Oiass Lhke; W. .laci'.son. Leoni: D. T. Mi rrimn'n; JacHon" M. A. SWetniíhcK 'til Cenp-o; Brothèteon &, Co., L. JJ. Kict c Gil lierr. Mancheeter; J). B. Hnywoail, Svlme; Snuw & Kevs. Glinion: .1. ScntteroodMS '., Plym'■uth: Stone. Bnbcock & Co.7 mu J41JÍJI8. .Movíus&Cn., Yps;lan;i: .Teller, eiroit: J. & J. BkíwcíI. nnd Dr. l'iuin v.ood. Adrion; Hart,& Moi-lif-r. yprinville; Harmcn & Cook. BrooRIyn'; Siñitií & Co., Jorieyille; L. ?-. tjoyce. Chicago - and ülniost eery U'hereelsé. Oct. 19. ÍS .2 1 yto country jvieiichaxts and tuf. Public geerally. npIJE sóliscriber hos on liaml ;md oflbrs for JL sulf! al low rales, a hirc wul general ns Hffriieniof QHrgsond .Yfidícitíeá, Piimis vnriüsh. Dye SJÍuffs. &c. Xc. w-h every jr ticle inihe Drbg and Pnnt line! Persons wisli mg to purchnso anyarlicWí in thfl bove linenre requested, before pu--clmsir.ii eiacwhcie. to cali ai PIKRilK aifiiJLER'S, Wholesnló nnd Retnil Druegiét 139. Jefierson Avcnuo. sign oítlieGiit Monar, Daroit. F;'.AOJ ELI.EÍN WIL.MOTDF.CEA-Li Ir.J Aniíce 13 here !,v fTvcu iliH ..lm 1 ;ncd hns beon nppoirtVd oy i ■'"■'':. Judge of Probate n i ■ ■ ■■ Ellfin Wilmot. . (lllieís.ihsiiiílobifd tpsíi 3íerucsttd to malie payment without clclay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, June 3-J, 1815. 12- (5w


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