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To Families & Invalids

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Tlie following indispensable faraily remedies niay be found at the yiilagc drug stores, and soim at ëver'y ööqn'try store iu the state. Remcmbcr a:id never sret theni miless they have the fac-simile signatura of : y 'L7??vZ6r('}-fci on the wrappers, ns all otlicrs by the same naines are base imposiliOna and counter, feiis. If the merchnnt neurest you h;is them not urge him to procure them at 71 3Iaidcn-!a:ic. the next time he visita New York, or to write lor them. Nu family should la a icilhout these remedies. BALM OF OOLUMB1A.F0IITIIEHAIR, which will -stop it it' falling out, or restore it on bald places; and on cLildren ivnke it grow rapidly, or on wtiö havo lost the liair from any cause; ALL VERMIN that itifest the head3 ofchildren in schools, are prevented or killed by it at pnce.Fir.d thé name of on it, or never try it. llcmcmbcr this clways. RHEUP.1ATISM, and positivcly cured, and all slirivellcd museks and liihfo are restored, in tlie old or young, by the Indun Vküetaui.e Êlixib and Nerve and Dü.e Linlment but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. . .;. nre vybofly preyèritVd, or govcnicd if the attack has cone on, .if you use thé only truc IIays' Li.i;.;E.T,f:ü:n and cvery thing relicved by it that admi:s of au outward appücation. It acts like a charm. Use it. HOÏÏSSS that have Rinij-Bor.e, Spavin Wind-Galfc, &,c, are curcd by Roors' Si-ecific ; and SP&Untleé'ea heisea entirely by RooiaPoüfider Ointment. Mark this, all horsemeru traC&CI" SaIV@,The most cxtraoidinary remedy over invented for ail new or old and sores, and sorcfê p It haa delighted thousands. It will take out ail pain in ten minutes, and no failurc. It will cure I LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A better and more nice and useftd nrtiele nover was made. AH sliould wear them regularly. iIIÏS.B'JE3aPERAMC!E ISÏTT'S'ERS: on the principie of substitutiug the tonic in place of the stimulant principie, which has reformed so maüy drunkards. To bc u?ed withI4N I PILLS, superior to all others for cleansing ihc systeni and the humors afiect. ing the blood-, and lor all irregularities oí the bowels, and the ffcncral hcalth. rfí ■ yíjv . , . [See Dr. Lm's g_gfa- êLi W nature, thiis :] "' rr ■■■■■-■■ DR.SPOHN'S HEADACKE REMEDY will cílectually cure sick hcadachc-, eilhtr iroin thc II M cVXWSTSI or bilious. Ilundrnds of families aro " ""■ J"T usmg ít v.-uh great joy. o DR.SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH fot the cei tain prcvenüou oí" yp ij or any general sickness ; keeping thc stomac'n in raoBt perfeet order, thc bowels regular, r.:rd a determina ion to thesurface. pains in thc bones, hoarseness, and fl"wlffl""' are quickly cured by ít. Know this by tryingi o CORNS.- Tho Frêrfch Pldttef ií a sure cure. hair any shauc vüu Wieh, at wiil not eclor the skin. SAISS4! LA, COMSTOCICS COM. POÜND EXTRACT. Tiierc is no oiher tion of Sarsapariüa that can e.xcecd or equal this. If you are sure to gct Cojistocií's, yon w'ill íind it superior to' all others. It docs not require pulling. ■ CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positivo cure for the piles, and all external ailings - all interna! irritaiions breught to tho surfacc by friciion %vith ihis Balm ; - so iu couglis, swelledorsorc throat, lightness of thc chest, ihis Balm npplied on a (lannel will relieve and cure at once.--Frcsh wounds or oíd sores are rapidly cured by it. wiil prti'.vnt or cure all incipint ponynm;KÍQti, taken iñ tune, and is a dehgir.lul remedy-. Koniem. bcr the name, and gel Comstock's. K0LSTQ0LS Vf RM3FÜÉE eradicate all ] in children or adulla with a cert;iinty quite astonishing. It is ihe sanio aa that made by Fahncstock, and sella wíth a rapidity almost ïncredible, by Comstock Co., New York. 9 TOOTII DROPS. KLINE'S- cure eflectuaüy. -o Entcrcdaccordinstonctof Conpro, n tlip jear lf "-'. byCom steek Co., in tfieClerlt'ïomce ofllie Souiiicm DlitHótuf Now Vork. By applying to our agenta in each town and "illoge, papers may bo had free, showing the most i K ■oectablc name3 in the coantry for these facts, so tha o one can fail to bclieve them. Ocj-c sure yon cali for onr articles, and not bc put cir witfa any stories, thsit others ate as Sood. IÏAVE TÏIESE OR NONE, shauld be your raottoi!d these necer can be trut and genuint l cttr nemes to them. All these articles to be ha J vholesale aiul retail ouJy of us. (uMdÉtéë Wholesale Druggista, "1 Maideu-Lane, New York, aud of om agcuts. WV'm, S. & J. VV. Maynard, Agents, Ann Arbor ich .


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