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Quite n debate aróse in the House un (he montion to print Mr. Liulejohn's report, which wo publish to-day. Our columns are su crowded wo catmot give t n fu 11. Mr. Lothrop, who hnd presented the petition (rom Kalnmazoo, on which the 'eport was founded. thought if the committec would look over the petitions. they would find thnt they said notlnng nbout slavery, and thai the committee aaributed to the petitioners things which they ncither asked Cor, or represented. He thought if the committee would think on the question, they would wish lieir report should not be spread bofore the public. Mr. Littlejohn denied that there was a ainglo parngraph in the roport not warranted by the petitions. They ask that every person, without renard to color, circuía s'.ances. or condiüon. may vote. [We doubt it.-Ed.] The subject ofalnvery i touched upoif ii the Report, just to dismis it from the House. [Who brought il befare ihe House?] Mr. Johnson thought no reasons would satisfy thc petiiioners. They would not be satisfied lili they nttained their object. Mr. O'Kccfe suatainod iba committee. He deelared that amalgamition eould not be practúed upon vs. contrary to cur desies. and contrary to lile impress of God bimgelf ! ! ! Mr. Lothrop presented Mr. Birncy's memorial. Mr. Littlejohn wasopposed to its reíerence to the Judiciary Committee. The committee ought not to be made the receptacle of all matters impnasd upon the House. He thought this subject had been repeatedly reponed upon. Mr. Lolhrop asstiiedhiin it had never been before any comtnitiue. Mr. McLeod moved it be laid on t'.ie table. which was lost. It was thea referred to the committee on federal relations. The question of adinitting evcry man over 21 years of agc, of good moral characier to practro in all the courts of this State, was debated with much ability. It was well sustaincd by Messrs. Buih, of Livingston, and Rice of ihis county. - Mr. R. contended thc present system was a stain and a spot on our instiiutions; it opcrated as a check on the car of intelligence, but lic predicts lts final rcmoval. The moiion was lost. Thc followi ig are the Congresaional District of this State, according to the bill, which has been agreed upon ly thc two branches of the Legislaiu e:First Diitriet - Wnyne, Washtcnaw, Monroe, Lenavvce anil Hillsdale. Population, 82.585. Second District - Brnnch, St. Josepli, Cass, Berricn, Van Buren, Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Jackson. Enion, Barry, Allegan. Ottawa, Kent, Ionia and 9ceana. Populatiun, C6,G44. Tiird District. - St. Cliiir, Macomb, OakInntl, Livingston, Ingham. Clinton, Shiawassee, Genessce, Lnpeer, Saginaw, Mackinaw nnd Chippewa. Population, 62,47fi. Pctiiions from Wayne, Wnshlennw, Monroe, and Berricn. wcre presented, in the House, in favor of allowing negro suilrage. Heferred to a select commiitee, consisting of Messrs. Carptnter. Yiunglove. and Lothrop. it is said the Señóte spent three days in trying to ngree on the porson who sliould do theiScnate printing. The Gnzettc, the new Daily, wat made State paper, nnd Ellis and Briggs have tha printing. The House have resolved to adjourn on tha 2Ist February.


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