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Threshing JUachines. THE undcrsigned would infurm tlie public ihat they continue to munufacture Horsk PowRsnnd Thkkshixg Machines, two and a hall uil es froin the village of Ann Árbor. on the raiload. The ílorse l'ower isa laie inveniion by S. VV. Foster. and is decidedly superior to any oilicr ever oli'ered to the public, as will appear by the statements of those who have used theiri during the last year. It is light in weight and stnall in compass, being carried together wiih ihe Thresher, in a comnion waggon box, and drawn with ease by two horses. Jt is as little liable to break, or get out ot repair, as any other Morse Power, and will work as easy and thrash as much with four horses a ttached to it as any other power wiih fivi horses, as will appear f rom the recommendations below. New patterns have been made for the cast Tron, and additional weight and strength ipplied wherever it had appeared to be neecssary Torn one year's use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, that a number of horse powers were sold last year in the village of Ann Arbor which wnre believed by the purchnsers to be those invented by S. VV. Foster, and that most or all of them were either mnde materially different, or altered belbre sold, so as to be materially different from those made and sold by the subscribers. Sucti altciations being decidedly detrimenta' totheutility of the machine. They have good reason to believe that every one of thnse returned by the purchasers ns nnsntisfactorj were of t'.iis class. They are not aware that any Power that went from their shop, and was put in use, as they made it, has been condemned or laid asideas n bad machine. All who wish areinvited to examine them and to enquire of those who have used them - Tlrcre willbe onefor examination at N. H.Wing's. Dexter cillogc; and one at Martin Wii.lson's slorehouse in Detroit - both these gentlemen bei na: aDents for the sale of them. The price will be $120 for o four horse power, with a threshing machine, wiih a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and 130 fura horse power with a I threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to thefollowing recominendations. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. April 20. 1842. RECOMJME XDA TIONS.This is to certity that wa hnve used one ol S W. Foster's newly inventcd Horsc Powers for nhout five months. and threshod with it nböut 3)00 bnshels, and believc it is constructed on lictter principies thnn any olher Morse Power. - One of the undersigned lias ownodand usedeih diflerentkindsof Morse Powers,nnd we brlieve thn four horsos will thrash as much wilh this Powe as fivc will wiih any other power with wliicli wc are acquainted. H. CASE, ' S. G. [VES. Scio, January, 12, 1942. This is to inform the public that I have purchas ed, and have now in use. one of the Morse Pow ers recently invented by S W. Fostcr, made bj S. W. Foster, &Co., andbelieve it be construct ed upon botter principies, and requires less sirenvth of horses tlian any other power with which 1 am acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clemens, Sept. 8, 141. This is to inform the pnblic that I have purchased one of the Horse Powers, recently invented by S. W. Foster, and usid it for a number of months. ind believe it is the best power in use. workins? with less strength of horses thnn any other power with which I am acquainted. and being small in compas3. is easüy moved from one place to another. I believe 4 horses will thresh as much with this power as 5 will with any other power. The plan and ihe workin of this power have been universnlly approvod ofby furniers for whoni I have thrashed. e. s. sMrni. Scio. April 11. 1842. SMUT MACHINES. The subscribers make very good SMUT MACHINES which they will sell for $60. This machine was invented by one of the subscrïnerg. wlio has had many year'sexperience in the millin business. We invité those who wish to bny rrood machine Tor a fair price tobuy of ns. It íf worth as muh as most of the machines that cost from 150 lo $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Hlaniifactory The subscribers have recently put in operatint; i woollen manu faciory for manufacturing woüIÍcí cloth by power looms, two and a half miles wep from Ann Arbor village, on tho railroad, where he wieh to manufacture wool in'.o cloth onslinres, or for pay by the yard, on reasonabh ernis. They liave employed experienced vvoikneii and f'eel confident that work will bc wc!, Jone. Thcy thereïbre respectfuily nsk a sha:e .('public patronage, espcciuliy fromthose whoaie in favor of huís iNiifsTRY. Wool may bc lcli at Scio village. S. W. FOSTER & Co. Scio, April IS, ] 842. 'Tis fun theysay to get well with them, ALL mankind thiougbout tlicir wide and imIftensq circulution iha't ever try them conuuue to Imy iliöfn. Peters' Pilis are purely vegetable; tiicy work no mirados, nor do they proless ut cuiu all disunses, because llicy are the sc:enlifij rompound ot'a regular phydician, who luis made his proiession the s:udy oí nis lile. Dr. Peters is o gradúate ot Yale College, olso of the M;issaehusetts Medical College, and bas somewhat distinguishcd himselt'as a man of scienco ;ind genius ninong the fainily of the late G v. Peters; Peters' Vegetable l'iilsare simple in their ) preparalion, mild in their action, thorüugh in iheir operation. and unnvalled in iheir resul ts. - The town and country aro alike filled wilh their jraise. Tlie palace and the poor house alike echo with iheir vinues. In all clitnates they will retóla their wonderlul puwers and txert them unalicred by age or sinntion. and this the voiceofa grntefui commwnlty procloimed. - Petors' Pilis picveni - keep ( ÍF disonses ii' timely ■ used, r.nd have no rival in curiwg billious íever, lever and ngue,dyspepsia. liver sick headache, jauiulice, nsilima.diopsy. rheuniatism, ;nl irijeineiii of the spleen, piles, colic. female olistiuciion. heartburn. furred tongue. nausea, distemion of the stoniach nnd bowels. incipient diarrhoan, il:i!ii!ence. habiiual constiveness. l.issof appetitc, liloched. or sallovv complexión, and in all cases of torpor of tli bowels, where I i cal har tic or aporienf is indiented. producing neither nausea, griping nor debility; and )ve re'eni all who buy then) continue to try tliem. The most lriumphmt succes? hos ever attenled their use and enough is nlready known of i.em to inntiortali.e and hand them dnwn to pos cerity with the improvemenis oftho age in rned ical science. Dr. Peters was bred to the healng nvt. and in ordor to supply deminds, he mra riginated and cnlled to his aid the only sieam I Invei inachincry in the world for pill wqrking. 'Tis perfee', and its prpcess imparta to the pill essen 1 al y.irtue, because by being perl'ectly wrotighi. all the i)ills' hidden virtne is reycaled, wrien called into action. and here also it is Peteis excflaoU the world and takcsall the premiums, ■nedals and diplon.ins. So clear the tract for the Engine - Peléis' Pilis nrc coming - a million of win(!ísfscan now be Iierd for ihem - resistless - do you hear thiit! while a host enn tesiify :h it ihey iiclicvn i!ey owe their gal vatio n hom lisrnso and death to Peters' Pill, and if calotnel nind knivesacc getting partially into disuse we are only mistaktn.Ckiitificates. - TI1Í8 pnpercould he filled wiih hém liy residents of Michigan, by yonr fneh'ds ind neiglibors - ask ouragents. It is now well mown thnt the pcople wil] hnve Peters' Pilis, nd lo hinder would l;e tostop the rushing wind. 3rice 25 or fiO cents per box. The rcsis:lcps lorre of these fuths - their uni-ersal reerption. adc'ed to the tt'stimony of milions. ';konp it before the ptwple'' must and wil! Je henrd ilirougliout this vale of tears. Their hnppy influencc on oung ladies vhile uflering nti'.'cr the usual chnnges of lile as diected by the laws of nature, tliey impart a buoyncy of heart, feeling nnd action. an elastic step. elvet check, Iilly and carnation complexión by heir action on ihe chyle, Sits. and ladies in del cate situniions alwavs admit their power and inloccnce, and tak e them two or three nt a fimc vithou' in the slightest degree incutring the haz ml of an abortion; which facts are of the ntni si mportance. Pimples; a younsr lady sent her oveto Dr. Peters, and saysshe feels nsore grateul to him for the restoration of her beauty than I he had saved her life. 'Tis fun to get well A'ith Peters Pilis. for they cause the blood to course s limpid and gentle through the veins as a mounain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a comnion dose, henee the ïatient is not conipelled to niake a meal. TROüBLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite astonished O!d Pluto cnmeto New Ycrk. 'Hearing Peters had got his Pili Engine at work,) To resign his commission, his hour glass and ! scythe; I have come ta deliver them all up to you - Sir. my calling is over - my btisiness is through; I have been for three years in a terrible stew, And Í icnily don't know what on earth J'am to do:- Xot of your n-iqhiy sive do I come to complain. But a tárnal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are suhdued by this Peters, what help can we find? I would yield him N. York. sir, if there he would stay; But, sir, Peters will have the whole world for his swny. While muping in cogncil what course to pursue. That Engine of Peters hroke fnrth into view. The Kinsrof terrors looked a while, As thoujih his soul was tur1 ed to bile, At that unsparing scourge of ills, By all men knnwn as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ol Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves the blood ns pure ns water. Now Peters makes, I've heardhim say, Five hundred thousand pillsa dny; So thnt the chance is very small Of people dying there at II; For sonn the cheeks. so in.ifAed for doom.Begin like nny rose to bloot. Look hirc! all mhv trij aovlinuc to bin them. Forsale as follows, by Messrs. Beneh & Abtl. G. Gnnville. F. J. B. ('rnrie. MnynanJ. & Co.. G. Ward. S. P. & J . C. Jewett. J.H. Lund. H. Becker, Dickjnson & Cogswell. and S. K Jones. Anti Arbor: Geo. Warner &. Co-, and .1 Millerd & Son, Dexter, VV-m A. L. Sluiw. Lima; J. C. Wmnns, Sylvan. Halp, & Smiili. Grass Lake; W. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. M'-rrimnn. Jackson; M. A. Shucmaher. Michigm Centre; Brotherson & Co.. L. B. Kief & Gil hei t. Manchester; D. S. ilaywood, S?line; Snov & Kevs. Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plyinoutn: Stone. Bibcock S: Co., anc Julins. IMovius &. Co.. Ypsilanti; Pierre Teller. Detroit: J. & J. Btdwell. nnd Dr. Underwood. Adrion: Hart & Mosher. Springville; Harmen iS: Cook. Brooklyn; Sniith & Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyce. Chicago - nnd almost cvery wherc else. üct. 19, iBÜ 27-!y TO COUiVTRY MERCHANTS AiD THE PUBLIC GCNKRALLY. THE subscribor hns on haml nnd offers for sale at low rato?, a large and general as. sortment ot Drugs nnd iVIedieines, Paants, Oils Vartiislv. Dye ötnffa. Szc. tfec. , wi'h every nrücle in tho Drug and Paini line. Persons wisb ing to purchase any anieles ín the above line are requested, before purchasinsr elsewhere. to cnll at PIERRE TELLER'S, Wholesale and Retail Druergist 139, JeiTerson Avenue, sign ofiheGilt Mortar, Detroit.ESS'J KA OF ELLEN WILMOTDECEATED. NolicD is here by given thrit the undersigned lins been appointed' 6y the Hon George Sedgwick, Jutlge of Probate in and ior theCouniyof Washtennw, nclministrntor on ihe asíate of Ellnn Wilmot. Inte of Snline in said CöQntJt, and hns given bondsnecording to law - - V.I persons hnvingdemnnds ngiinst siid esta i'-e rt.quested 10 present them for adjurtment, an '11 persons inclebted tosaid estáte are requested to make payment without delny. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Juna 30, 1842. - 12- 6w


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