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Th resh ing Jtfachin es . THE undersigned would inform ihe public that tlicy continue to munufneture Horse PowRsnnd TiiiiKsiiiNG Machines, iwo and n hall mil es trom the village of Ano Árbor. on the rnilrond. Tlie Horse l'ower. is a lac inveniion by S. VV. Foster. and is decidedly superior lo any oiher ever ofiered to the public, as will appear by the statements of those who have used thetn during the last year. It is light in weight and sniall in eompass, being carried together with the Thresher, in a comuion waggon box. and drawn witl ease by two horses. It is as little Hable to break, or get out of repair, as any other Horse Power, and will work as ensy and thrasli as much with ftmr horses a ttnehed kas any oiher power with ,íp5 horse, as will appear fronWhe recommendalions below. Wew patterns have been made for the cast Iron, anti addilional weight and strength applied wherever it bnd appeared to be necessary froni one year's use of tfre machine. Tlie subscribers deern it proper to state, that a number of horse powers were sold last year in the village of Ann Arbor whkh wcre believed by tlie purchasers to be those invented by S. VV. Foster. and that most or all oTthem were eilher made matemlly different, or altcred befóte sold, o as to be materially different from those made and sold by the subseribers. Such alterations bcing decidedly detrimenta". tothe utiliiy of the machine. Tliey have good reason to belicve that every one of those rcturned by the purcliasers as unsatisfactory were of this class. They ave not awnre that nny Power that went from their aiiop, and was put ! in use, as they made it, has been condemncd or laid asideas a bad machine. All who wish t. buy are invlted to examine them i and to enrmire of those who have used them - There will be one for sxamination at N. H.Wing's. Dr.rcr villagef and one at Matitik Wili.son's storelnuse in Detroit - both these gentlemen being agents for the sale of them. The price will be 120 for a four liorse power, with d threshing machine, with a siave or wooder, bar cylinder; and $130 for a horse power with .- threshing machine witb an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to tliefollowing recominendations. S. W. F0STKR&.CO. Scio, April 20. 1842. RE C ÖMMÈN&A TI ONS. This is to certify ihat wo have used one of S W. Foster's newly invented Horse Powers for nbout five monihs, and fhreshed with it about 3)00 bushels, nnd believc it is constructed on lictter principies than any other Horse Power. - One of the undersigned has owned mf usedeig-hi different kinds of Horse Powers.and we believe thai four horses will thrash as much with this Powei -is fivc will with any other power with which we are acquainted. , H. CASE. S. G. [VES. Scio. January, 12, 1S42. Tais is to inform the public that I have purchased, and have now in use, one of the Horse Powers reccntly invented by S W. Foster, made by 8. VV. Foster, &.Co., and believe it be construct ed upon better principies, and requires less strenfft't of horxes than any other power with whieh 1 am acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clemens, Sept. B, 1S41. This is to inform the pnblic that I have purchased one of the Horse Powers, recently invented by 3. W. Foater, and usid itfora nmnber ofmonths. ind believe it is the best power in use, working with less strength of horses than any other power with which I am acquaintcd, and being small in compass, is easily moved from one place to nothcr. I believe 4 horses will thresh as much with this power as 5 will with any other power. The plan and the working of this power have been'universally approvodofby furniersfor whom I have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April 11. 1842. SMUT MACHINES. The siib8cribere makevery good SMUT MACHINES which they will sell for $60. This ïiachine was invented by one of the subscribers. wlin bas had many year's experience in the milling ')usincss. We invite those who wish to buy a j;ood machine for a fair price to buy of na. It is worth ns nnuh as most ofths machines that cost from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Maimfaclory The subscribers have recently put in operation i woollen manufaciory for mnnufacturing woollen rloth by power looms, two and a half miles west .rom Ann Arbor village, on the railroad, whcre he wish to manufacture wool_ in'o cloth on-hnres, rr rur poy by the yard, on retwonable :erms. They h&ve Oinployed expcn'enccd woi limen nnd loei rónfident thnt wurk will be well done. Thèy thëreibfe rcspectfülly assk n share (ifpul)lic pairomgc, cspeciolly fromtiiose whu nre n lavor of muir: iKOC-TiU'. Wool niay be lelt ;it Scio vilhige. S. W. FOSTER & Co. Scio. April IS, 1842. Peters pills. 'Tis iun thcysny to gct wèll witli tliem, ALL mnnkind liirongl'out thcir wide and immense circiilaiion thnt ever try them continue to buy tliem. Peters' Pills nre purcly vet; etable; tluy work no mirados, nor do they proleas tu cure nli disenses, becnuse ilu-y are tlic scieitifi; compound ola regular physician. who has made his professiun the srudy of his life. Dr. Peters is a gradúate of Ynie College, also o!' the .Massachiisetts Medical College, nnd has soinewliat distingmshed bimself 88 a man of sciencc ind genius among the family of the late (r v. Peters; Pètèr' i „xi.ihlc l'ills are simple in their prèaration, mild in their nction. thorough in iheir operaiion. nnd unrivalled in iheir rcsulis. - The lown and country aro alike fillod with their ;raise. The pnlace nnd the poor house (iclio with iheir virtuca. In all clitnntes they will retain ihrir wonderful powera nnd cxert hem unaliered hy age or situation. and this the voiceofa gmielul communiiy proclainied. - retors' Pills prevent - keep cff disenses f titncly used. and have no rival in curing billious fever, lever nnd ngup,dyspepsia, livcr iick headache. jaundice, asihma.dropsy. rheumalisni, eiiliigenient of tlie spken. piles. colicx female o!)strueiion. heart burn. furred tonque, nauen. disrention of the stomncli andbbwels. ineipient dirirrhocn. flatulencc, habitual constiveness. Liss of nppetite. bloched. or salíow complexión, ahdin all cases of torpor of the bowels, where i enthnrtic or aperient is indiented. producing hfeilher nausea, griping nor dehility; and ive reneat all who buy ihern continue to try them. The most triumphiint success bas ever attcnled iheir u?e nnd enough is already known of l.cra to immörtalize nnd hand tliem down to pos ority with the iinprovemenls oTtb'e nge in mcd cal science. Dr. Peters was !red to the liealnir art. anti in 0Tcif;r to supply dem inds, he ha? ■riginatec! nnd cnlfed to hts aid the only steam Iriven machinery in the world for pill woikintr. 'Tis perfec', and its proccs.s impurts to the pill . csscniial vntiie. becansc by icing perfectly wroughr. all the pills' bidden virtue is revealed. whin called into action. and here a!so it is Petcis exccls all the world and tnkes all the premiums, medals nnd diplomas. So olear the tract tor Uk Engine - Peiers' Pills nre coming - a miltion of witnesses can now be herd for ihein - resistlesp - do yon hear thnt! while n host can tesfify ■hat they believc they owe thrir salvation frotn liscaso snd death to Peters' Pill. nnd f calomcl andknivesarc getting partially into disusc wc are only mistaktn. CKimncATEs.- Thi8 pnper could he filled witl, them by residents of Michigan, by your friendf and ncighbors - ask ourngents. It is now well knmvn thnt the prnple will have Peters' Piüs, iind to hinder would Letosrop the rushing wind. Price 2 or 50 cents per box. The resis: ices fo ree o( these tniths - their universal reception, adc'ed to the tostimony of mili ions. ''kep it beiore the pc?ple'' must and will bc heard throuphoiit this vale of tcars.J heir hnppy influonce on joung ladics while s'uflcring undcr the usunl chnngcs of lile as directed by the lawsof notare, iliey impart n bnoyancy of henrt, feeTing anJ nction, on elnstic step. velvet check, lilly and carnation complexión by their action'oa the chylo. &c. and Indica in del icate situaiions always admit their power and inj nocence, and take them two or tlirce at a tint Without in the slightest degree incuiring the haz of an "abortion; vvhich facts are of ihe utm:st importance. Pimples: a young lady sent her love to Dr. Peters, and saysshe feels more grate ru! to him for tlicrcstoraiion ol'lier beauty than ifliehad saved her life. 'Tis fun to get well with Peters Pills.for they cause the blood tocourse aslimpifl and gentle through the veins as a mountain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a common dose, henee the patiënt is not eoinpelled to niake a nieal. TROURLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite nslonished Oè Pluto cnnieto New Ycrk. 'Hearing Peters had got liis Pili Engine at work.) To resign liis commission, hia hour glass and scythe; 'j [ have come to del i ver ihem nll up to you - i Sir. my cailing is over - my business istlrrough; I hnve been for three years in a terrible stetr, And J ïeaiiy don't know what on earth J'am to do: - I Not of your n-ighly sire do I come to complnin. But a tamal New Yorker, one PETEÍtS by name; The disensos my aids. in this war of mf.nkind, Are subdued by this Peters, what help can we find? I would yield him N'. York. sir, if there he would stay; But, sir. Peters will have the whole world for hi& sway. While musingin cogncil what coursc to pursue. Ihat Engine of Peters broke forth into view. The King of terrors looked a whtle. As though his soul was tur1 ed to bile, At tlint unsparing scotirge of í I Is, By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ol Peters' stop the slaughter. And leave the blood as pure na water. Now Peters makes. I've heard him ï.ay, Frve hundred thousand pills a dny; So tliat the chance is very small Of people dying there at all: For soon the cheeks, so marked for doom, Begin lik e any rose to bloom. ' Look lr,rc! all mho try oonlinue to buy them. For sale as follows, by Meisrs. Beach& Abel, G. Grenville. F. J. B. Crane. Maynard. & Co.. G. Ward, S.P. & J. C. Jewett, J. IJ. Lund, 11. Becker. Diclcnson & Cogswell. and S. K. Jones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd & Son. Dexter, Wm. A. L. Show, Lima; J. C. Winans, Sylvan, Hale, &. Smiili, Grass Lake-r W. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. Mcrrimnn, Jaekson; KI. A. Shoemaher. Michigan Centre; Erotherson &Co.. L. B. Kief & Gilhert, Manchester; D. S. Haywood. Ssline; Snow &. Keys. Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymouth: Stone. Babcock & Co., and Julins, Movius&Co., Ypsilanti; Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. & J. Bid well. and Dr. Underwood, Adrion: Hart & Mosher. Springville; Harmen & Cook. Brooklyn: Smiih & Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyce, Chicago - and almost every where else. Oct. 19, 1842 27-lyTO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. THE subscriber has on hand and offers for sale at lmv rntes, a large and general a.s, sortment of Drugs and Medicines, Painis, OilsVa'mish, Dye Stufls. &c. &c, wiMi every article in the Drug and Paint line. Persons wish ing to purchase any anieles in the above line are requested, beforepurchnsinr elsewhere. to cnll at PIERRE TELLER'S, Wholesale and Retail Druggist 139. Jefïerson Avenue, sign of the Gilt AJortar, Detroit. GREAT BARGAINS- R. Banks respectfully informa the farmera and others visiting Detroit, that he still continúes at his old stand on Woodbridge st., adjoining WardelTs block, and keeps on linnd a penernl nssortment of TiKADY MADE CLOTHING, which he is determined to sclL chcaper tkan the rjifiipestfor Cash. R. B. has just received from the East an as-, iortnient of Cloths, Cnssimeres, Satinetts and Vesiings, which will be made up to order in iashionablc style at short noliec. II. BANKS. Detroit. Sept. 5, 1812. 30-6m


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