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Letter From Union City: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Umok Citv, Feb. 6th 1843. Mesfrs Editors: - You will dotibiless be glad to hear from the friends of the crushed and bleeding slavo in this seciion of the State; and of the efforts they are making in the good cause of human ity. Although we have not learncd to 'feel for those that are in bonds as bound with them,'' yet the hcart of the people is not turned entirely to stone. There are a large num-. berand that number constantly increasing whondmit practically the simple but great and important idea, the universal brotherhood of all mankind;, who discover in the victim of cruelty and lusf, the sorrow stricken fugitivCj the handy work of the Almighty. Of this we have lately had ampie evidence. The history of which will be sent you. For the encoura?ement of the friends of the cause in other neighborhoods, I propose to give you a short history of our doings. About one year since a propofition was made in a public meeting to form an anti-slavery society. It was received wilh favor byjthose whose'hearts wero touched with pity by a gümpse through slaverys half openedjxloor r at the wrongs and sorrows of its victim. Yet there were some who said, what profit will it be? It is uncalled for. It can do no good. After a (cv meetings, the society will go down fcc. Notwithstmding all thid and the covert opposition of some who stood aloof from the cnterpfisc, the societywas formed &. has 6uccceded through its quarterly and other meetings in awaking on interest throughout the communijy, evincing itself in warm and animated discussion at the publi gathering, in the workshop, and the field.- This feeling is not baseless or evanecent, fau j has been produced by calm, delibérate an powerful exhibí un9 of truth made by 6uc men as J. P. Cleveland, reviewing the con stitution and laws of the country, the natur j of slavery, and the Federal Government ovo it.- - The Reverend Mr. Newberry,with his excellont and convincing argument on the republi canism of the bible. C. Gurney, Esq. with his common law prin! ciples, ehowing slavery to be diametrically opi posed to' nut wal justice, simple equity,. and cternal truth. Reverend Mr. Northrop, with the bible argument, rescuing the Sacred volume from the odium cast upon it by canting hypocrites and" pro-slavery divines, the Reverend Jonathan Davis and Alexander McCain not cxccpted, "Who talk of Heaven and Christ's reward, And bind His image with a cord, And scold, and swing the lash abhor'd, And sell their brother in the Lord, And teach it from the bible." And last, yet not least m the list of causes, should be mentioued the Mass Meeting at Marshall last summer, wiich was attended by about 30 of ourcitizens, where Alvan Stewart, Esq., with his great heart, and gianl intellect, enchained the audience for the better part of two days with the most vivid and aoul 8tirring descriptions of moral desolation,pecuniary losses, commercial distress, and wide 6pread ruin, which has swept like a tornado over the length and hreadth of this elaverycursed land. And to fasten and make sure of all, like a nail in a sure place, is the Signal - a beacon ligut upon the mountains, uttering words of warning and admonition to the cor rupt, the heartless, and servile, of hope en couragement, and counsel to the faithful, am of sympathy, condolence and comfort to out raged and suffering manhood. Go on, sirs, we bid you God speed in you work of faith and labor of love. Let th truth come every week and fall burning ho on the hearts and consciencea of every pro slavery Minister, Deacon, and professor in th land. If they di) not melt let them be seared as with a hot iron.


Signal of Liberty
Old News