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Emancipation In Jamaica, W. I.

Emancipation In Jamaica, W. I. image
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-TheUuy Jiiscelluny tor Jarumry giva a i encouraginjj repdrt of the resulta of Emanci puion by a genile= man [ornaerJy oí Boston, who h;ie reeen üy clurned i'rom a residencc m tin's Island, and whu 30b llie'point of cstablishing hiinself there. Alter long ex perience, alter having had to wrestle wiih prejudices so cuiiimon n New England agaiiiBt the colored race, lie does not hesitate to promiiuicc the iree olucks of Jamaica the best peasen(ry he has ever aecn. Their docihiy, iidelity, orderly habits.:i!id general propriety ofcoaduct are uil tluu could be desired. Price oí labor averages uveniy live ceütsa day and they seeni auxious'to be einplojcd. L'ut ,a very plcnsant feature anon ilicm is the engeinessader knowledgc. the school reporo of Kingston prove the black pupild lo bc nioi'e cnpable or mo;e sjssiduous ihan tho white. Yon can sel a colored boy lo do any fiiinr for yon by óffering him insiruciion. It hns been diflicuit. lo tiiem to leavc the books at night and ga o Ülf res',when lliey iuund thenioeives wbere this unknowu pnviledge could be enj;yed. Thcy enter witli zest into ihe use of religioire opporianities. We wisli a betterclass oi miesionaries could go among tliein. The


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