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A.V Alt KOR STEAM FOUNDRY. (NE AR THE RAIL WAD DEPOT. ) PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. have erccted nnd put in Qperation a Voundry, nnd ai e now prepared lo furnis:i tu order most 'kinds of Cnsttngs lor Mills, or oihcr JVIachiucry. Sngar and Cauldron Kc:t!es, Potnsh Coolcrs. most kinds of Hoihtw Ware. Sleigfa i-hoes. Fire Doge, Was on und Buggy Iiúxcs, Ploujhs nnd Plough Caslingsof ihe various kinds used in thts Siate, ond the most approved pattcrns used in Ohio, a!l of wh;ch they rcspectlully invite the Public to examine. They aro prepnrcd to furnish Farmers and others wiili PLOUGHS as early in the senáon as they may bc wameil for use. and which I wiil bc wirranted good. All Castings made by ihem will be sold CHEAP, and for RE AD Y PAY oiily. JOH WOllK, RON TURXING AXD FiNl8HIN43 dijiie to order, nnd on short notie?, u thq Muchinq Shop. of H. & R. PARTRIDGES & CO., next door to :he Paper Miü. First Arrival Ii 18 43. In conneciion wiih the Foundry and .Machine Shop, IIARR1S. PARTRIÜGES & CO. have :ust opened a wdl selecied stock of NEW GOODSü aucli as Broad Cloths, Sheetings, Merinos, Sntinetis, Shinings, Muslin de Lains Beaver Cloths, Camleta, Sliawls, Kentucky Jeans, Flanncls, Calicóes, AlapncQ, Boots & SIoes, Calt Shin.s. SOLE.1J"D UPPER LEATHER, A good assortment of Hardware nnd Groceries. all of which wül be sold ns low for Cash, as any other store in Ann Arbor. H. P. & Co. will take in exchangefor Goods, Hidcs, Porh, Lard, liiitttr, Flax Sccd, T'vioihj Secd, Tnl'oic, Spe. on as favorable terms a3 anv Store hero or elsewhere. Any qonntity of Wil E AT wanted. and the highest price paid. Jower Town, Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1843. 2-3m TT STA I E of Charles Tozer, late of Webster, Ii in theCcunty of Washtennw, deceascd. - Th e undersigned have been duly appointed by the Hon. Geo. Sedgwick, Judge ol Probate of the county aforesaid, Commlssionora, to receive, examine, ar'jnst, and allow the claitna of the creditors to said estáte, which is represented insolvent, and six months are allowed by snid jiide, to snid cieditora to present and provo their claims, before said comiTiissioners, who will meet for the purpose aforesaid. at the Iiin kept by John Waldo, in the village of Dexter.on t'ie first Monda3 of Mnrch and April, nnd at the dwclling house of Stephen Cügáwoíl in said Webster, on the 22nd day of June next, at 1 o'clock, P. il. on each dny respeciively. MUNNIS KENNY. ) JOHN AL LEY, SCom'rs. JAMES BALL, Jr. ) Webster, Dec. 22, 1842.YPSILANTI ACADEilY AND Teachers Seminary. THE lenth term of this Insiitution will commencc on Monday, Feb. 2-7, and cominue 1 1 weeks. , . Having procured the nssistnnce of two coïifpetent nnd successfut Teachers, the principal is prepared to give a thorough English and Classicol education. He will devote hiswhole atteniion to the English departme-nt as heretofore. From 20 lo 3J minutes is daüy occupied by the principal in lêcturing, with the aid of fho opparatus and minerals. or otherwise. Apparattts. - The Insti:ution is furmsfyed wiih Chemical, Fhilosophical, and Astrononiical apparatns, Surveying Instruments, Geométrica! solids, &c. to the amount of $.300; also, a good Cniiinet oi Minerals wortli $5J. Taitïm in the English branches, from $2.51 to $5,00 per lenn ; Latín and Greek, $3.00; French. fjp.OO; English and Classical studies united, $(,0() oniy; Mczzotinto and Chinese or Theorem paintinr, $3.@Q each for 12 lessons, tauqht by Mrs. Griffin. "The tnition is lo be paid at the middle oi the term. No deductijn fór absence vTlt be niadr, except for pro'rncted siekness, and Ho one will be receivcd for less than five and a half weeks. Board, inclüding room and wasbing. for igsl.50 per week. For further particulars enquire of the principal. II. H. GRIFFIN. Principal. CHAS. VVOODRÜFF. Teacher of' Lntin. Greck nnd Frrnch. M les C A R O LI N E A HA M MON ü, Asjisunt. Ypisiloali, Jan. 2G, 1843. GRAVE STONES, MONUMENTS, 1OM13 TABLES, &C. The subscriher has a Inrpe assortment of R7ar Ac.of the best Qiiality,8uitable for Grate Stonk MoNüiÈVTs. &c. tvhich he wi'l sell cheap (o cas!i, or exchange foí produce, at liis old Btand No. 9Í), Woodward Avenue. Detroit. Persons wïshïng to buy will do well to cr.ll, ns they will be sold much chenper ihan have ever been affordod in this State, and of a Quality that canuot tai i lo picase. W-M". E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842. 29- ly ADM FNISTRATORS SALE. T)URSUANT to an order of the Judgö ofProJL bare, for thccounty of Washieinvir, made on tho twenty ibJrd inst., authorisdiig the sale of real estáte of Ellen Wiliriot. deceasfed. I shallsell at nuction the estáte, hereinafter described at ihe dwclüng house lormerly occupied by the said deccased, in the viïlngö of Sali-ie, on Tlnitsday, the sixteenth dny of Februnry next, at one o'clock in the afiernoon of that day, to v.Ht: omniencinp on the South of Henery street ihrte chninsand iwelvc links enst of the north corner, of ihe Baptist meeting hoilf e krt, f.nd run-niiig south five chains at right angles of sald street, thence east parallel wiih said street one chuin. thence north townrds Henery street. parallel with said lirst line ñve chains. thence west one chain, to the place ofbegirrrting; contaming ono Jinl" ncre of land, being the snm'e premises on vhich the said Ellen Willmot üvcd previons to her decease. ISRAEL WJLLIAMS, Adminiatrnior. Dated Saline, August 29ih, 1842. 3)-4w. DR. BANISTER'S CELEBRATED FEVER AGÜE P1LLS.- Purclij lejctuih, A safe, eptíedy. and sure remedy lor fever and ague, duin ague. chili fever, and the bilious diseases peculiar to new countri&s. These pil Is are designcd for the BudctitfOÈ of the üver and other internal organs which rillend the diseases of the ncw and niiasniatic portionsof our country. Tho proprictor having tried them in a great variety of cases conlidenily belicves that they are superior to any rem?dy that has ever been ofleied to the public for the above diseases. It is pnrely Vcgctallc and pe.fectly harrnless. and can bc taken by any person, malo or femalc wiih perfect safety. The pjlls are prepnred in twó sejwrate hoxne. marked No. l and No. 2. and acecompanied wiih full directions. A great number of cendales might Aie proctired in favor of this medicine, but the proprieter ! hns thought fit notto insert them, in as much as ho depends upon the nierits kj( the earrie for its reputarían. The above pill is kopt constantly on hand by the proprtclcr ond tólj be had nt wholesole and rotail at the store of Beökley & Co. Orders from the conntry prompily attendod to. Aun ArbtT, (íower town) AIay29th Iftlfc 9 L. BJECKLEY,


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